Where to go and what to do after your soul leaves the earth body?

Hi everyone and  _wholeness and vibration_. This is my very first post in here and I m Norwegian so exuse me if there is any typoes or weird put togheter scentences lol

This answer is most likely out there somewhere in Sevans radio shows and videos, but I cant seem to find more deep details about this topic atm. So Ill give it a shot in here. Maybe someone knows and can help.

I allready know when the earth body dies. The soul rise up towards the sun and its like oposite gravety (your pulled away from earth) I allready know the Sun is a portal and that where we are suppost to travel in there. BUT......

My question here is. What are you suppost to do when you hit this glass thats around the earth and prevents you from reaching the sun and getting away and being free?
It may be a stupid question cause the Resistance is here to assist and activate us superhumans so we can break free. But still I just wonder... what if you all of a sudden die without being done with the activation of Self? And your floating around right there by the glass? Is there any other way? This have bothered me for a long time now. Cause I DONT wanna reincarnate ever again on this planet. I dont wanna be stuck in that neverending weel. I wanna break free just like the rest of you!

So I really hope someone out there have the answer Im looking for :)

Thank you

Malin from Norway

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Isnt the universe one big grid of consciousness experiencing itself from different angles? What you preceive as yourself dies and you get absorbed into the wast infinite consciousness. what we preceive as ourselves right now is just an illusion.

And to Malin ..when you die you just consciousness you not a human anymore so how can you get trapped? Personally i would only care if i had a self..but i know the self is just an illusion created by the universe to experience itself! ....maan the universe is playiin with "us"

I think that was a great question, but there's only one problem. If someone tells you, you wouldn't know if they were wrong until it was to late. lol But on a more serious note I've been hearing alot about this glass and I've even watched its fractized  glimmering crystalline surface inches from my face but I didn't break through unfortunately. Is that really my prisons wall or the cube I gained my earth ring from within. I guess that's why were here trying to weed through whats being disclosed for specifics. I do think its important to innerstand these obvious no brainers when looking into this matter, realm dynamics, how to speak in light, how to determine the energetic signatures of higher frequency beings, how to move in soul form, how to determine which light is artificial, how to dispel or move away from beings intending to put you in a fear state, how to radiate bliss, how to visualize the coordinates of your desires and quantum teleport with will power. You can read a million books but some things have to be experienced for you to gain this type of experience. Hopefully one of our brothers or sisters on this site will activate and make it easy for all of us. lol          

Helo Malin

I to live in Scandinavia (Sweden) here with the Trend far from Romania.

I think the power of our soul can overcome absolute everything.

There why we come back ?

What i think is happening You going outside of body and being One with The Universe start to understand Everything.

So how can you allow this to go on in The Universe,some call it Compassion.

Hello, maybe you already did find good answers but i wanted you to try out considering a few things...

First of all, i'll have to warn you that i'll only use your original post as a material, second, what i will try to expose can't be considered like a truth unless spending some time thinking on it, and third: in this present case you'll be righteous to shoot the mailmen and keep the mail, i won't be mad for it :)

So if i understand right you just want to stop the process of reincarnation. I guess you considered well this request and your decision is now done.

So for the way out i'll have to quote you: 

" I allready know the Sun is a portal and that where we are suppost to travel in there. BUT......"

No, our "regular sun" isn't and will never be a portal for this purpose. Getting into it would be the best known way to reincarnate in the place you just did leave. I wrote "regular sun" because there is another known (but never well or fully understood) kind of Sun, it is "black holes".

While our Sun isn't more than the Fundamental note in our solar system (try to see it as a musical Scale), Black holes are our only "real" Suns. Acting like a reincoding point once you "jumped" in it.

But you'll have to act carefully if you decide to get out of the grid because you'll most probably end up begining a new circle of reincarnation from another encoding point.

"What are you suppost to do when you hit this glass thats around the earth and prevents you from reaching the sun and getting away and being free?"

This question is complex and you wrote a part of answer above in another question:

"And your floating around right there by the glass? Is there any other way?"

So basically what you described as a glass surrounding Earth is something quite analog to an EM field, in fact after death you won't be wandering in the space between Earth and the "glass" you'll be literally wandering IN the "structure of the glass".

So yes it's possible to end the loop of reincarnation process, it's up to you, if you want it, you'll actualize it in the right time.

But anything you'll decide, you'll have to do it very carefully.

I'm sure you'll make the good choice when the time will come, unless you'll have to wait till the next "switch point".

Be yourself.



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