Wisdom teeth removal: Why and How?
My wisdom teeth are erupting and I am under pain. However removal would require surgery and surgery requires anesthetics.
Are anesthetics bad? Would the undergoing a surgery procedure outweigh the benefits of enduring the pain in the long run?
Why do we get wisdom teeth and why are they called "Wisdom" teeth?
Omar Aguilar
PS. I am new to the website, And I am glad I found it.
Wholeness Omar!
Earlier this year I opted to have one of my wisdom teeth removed as it was housing a filling from a few years back. I figured I didn't need the tooth, and was more concerned about the filling being removed. I did not undergo anesthetics, but a freezing / numbing agent was used.
You said your wisdom teeth are erupting - is there still gum that is extending over the biting surface? How severe is the pain: does it run down your neck?
It must be difficult to get at your wisdom teeth with a toothbrush - but you must use another form of cleaning this area - I'm not sure as to what solution you would use for this. I'm guessing diluted sea-salt or hydrogen-peroxide; but that's just an opinion.
I'm assuming you have seen a dentist regarding this. If there remains an overlapping of gum over parts of the erupting teeth for a lengthy period of time, there stands a chance of you having an infection, leaving extraction of the tooth / teeth to be the only option.
Wisdom teeth are just those that make their appearance later than our other teeth (anywhere from late teens to mid twenties). As far as why we get them; I don't have any scientific explanation; or any for that matter lol; but the reason they are called wisdom teeth is because of their later appearance in our lives, where we are much older, and assume to be much wiser; hence the term 'wisdom teeth.'
I hope someone else weighs in; somehow I feel that you are searching for a more in depth answer!
Hi Omar
I have worked as a dental assistant for over ten years and for 2 years I worked in oral surgery. The third set of molars, were the evolutionary answer to our ancestor’s early diet of coarse, rough food – like leaves, roots, nuts and meats – which required more chewing power and resulted in excessive wear of the teeth. The modern diet with its softer foods, along with technologies such as forks, spoons and knives, has made the need for wisdom teeth nonexistent. Evolutionary biologists now classify wisdom teeth as vestigial organs that have become functionless due to evolution. As with evolution more and more kids are showing in xrays as nonexsistent no third molars ever having. The wisdom teeth do not always grow in straight and thats why they need to be taken out. They usually form under the gum line sideways and grow into the roots of the surrounding teeth which can push and cause major problems so its best to just take them out. And if they are above the gumline cleaning them and keeping them clean can be a real problem and if you can't keep them clean then the decay will spread to the adjacent teeth real fast thats why if your dentist says you have decay and to fix it then fix it because this goes for all teeth the decay spreads to the adjacent teeth quickly so if you don't do anything then you have a whole mouth of problems. You want to keep your natural teeth for as long as possible because it affects your saliva production and fake teeth crowns veneers dentures do not keep your saliva production up and you can suffer from xerostomia or dry mouth. We make 2 to 4 pints a day of saliva. With the wisdom teeth they have no function anymore so I would get them out instead of dealing with the pain or the other problems that could result to the adjacent teeth. I suggest doing a search on dental anesthetics or discuss with your dentist. There are nerves that a dentist could hit with the anesthetic and you would end up with no feeling in that part of the mouth. I have seen it happen. You could ask about the numbing agent freezing to see if that is an option depending on how high your pain tolerance is. If the doctor says he could get it out with one crank then go that route, if he sees major impaction or twisting of roots he will be using a lot of force and pressure on your jaw to get that sucker out and then there is possible breakage.
Hope I helped.
I had my wisdom teeth removed with anesthetics. Before I had them removed I suffered periodic pain and they were getting food stuck in them which I often had to rinse out. I do not think the removal of my wisdom teeth or the use of the anesthetics hindered my spiritual growth.
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