Nice post! Yes we must take responsibility for ourselves and balance ourselves before we can adequately assist others to do so--- if we are compelled to assist.
Be careful of playing the fool too long :-) And yes we can observe the actors in the play without getting too involved, yet the stern mother seems to whisper 'I have given you so much, even increased a ware ness. Now remember you are still in physical form and 'time' assisting another as you have been assisted may be time well spent.'
Wery well put Mahakali, much love and wholeness.
Nope not jumping to conclusions. Maybe our separate perceptions of the fool are different? Or maybe it is just semantics, but I don't think that emptying our cups is a foolish maneuver at all, or something that makes one 'the fool.'
@ Mahakali: The fool is the one who gets walked over. Playing the fool and being a fool are two different takes on one idea. There are far better things in life to be than a fool. :)
I appreciate your first post on this thread jana. I strive to spend more of my time in charity/ giving.
We will always find limitations in words such as dark versus light, smart versus ignorant, sin versus sainthood as we are using very base words to define things that are much more vast. This is why languages such as Sanskrit have many words to describe what we have often given one or two words to. Language is another deep intimacy long debased. The darkness of a womb cannot be compared to the darkness of the mind of an abuser. Many Beings are far beyond not knowing and feed off the mishaps of children, to ignore them would be in fact ignorant as the words say so.
Let us not make judgements about society and its various inhabitants position just because we feel a great deal of love or hate. Many of these Beings its highly possible you cannot see but they are not invisible to all of us and their deeds they are now reaping in full measure. All of this often challenges Beings who may find themselves wholly based on emotion. After all the forces of nature which make it hot and cold, fertile or barren act out on all biological life. It is for those who have reached reason thus going beyond instinctual actions to learn to steer themselves and govern these forces within. When one finds themselves in the extreme poles away from harmony the correction will come anyway, this goes for humans, djinn, aliens and who or whatever else.
In addition each entity cannot be surprised if the same Beings they have transgressed against are the ones bringing light to their injustices serving as mentors to future species as to what one may be better off to avoid. If one feels this is not their place to teach such things then that is fine, but surely fire will teach a human not to touch it with a bare hand. What you witness at the Resistance is no different. At times we find more turbulence in standing for ourselves than just laying down and letting this entire infrastructure run over us, but such is the way to Self Substantiation. In the Know?
This will give you as great level of insight, especially in regards to the raw unhindered feminine force known as Shakti as the created world is Shakti tamed and even that becomes too much for the average human.
Also just to be clear so there is no confusion here is your response about animal shelters...
"No look, so many of these pets are killed and if you knew you would just cry your eyes out, try volunteering at a shelter if u dare! You will fall to your knees and ask why?! And what can we do to stop this massacre, you would do anything to stop it…"
Now crying and falling to our knees is the emotional act, starting a coalition, inciting others to speak out against it, and finding solutions to make it end is the force of action in activation. We all have our causes Sister and many of us feel that whether its the so called all powerful "god dog" itself or the dog shelter, injustices will not be tolerated by those who do not fear death as it does not exist.
Actually I think its a great post and can be shaped to be very informative as we all heading in the direction of our oversoul should be going in the right direction. I have a great deal of information on the Divine Feminine and its vast abilities and applications across this universe. Since that was the original title of this post lets build on that. What do you think?
I agree with that Maha, Definitely. As evidenced by my name An-eL. An (goddess) eL (god) or earth-heaven. Masculine feminine or yin-yang. Being a gemini perhaps i'm more in tune than others with this aspect. XX That is why i like this symbol so much symbolizing both in balance. =)
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