"The Fabric of the Cosmos," a four-hour series based on the book by renowned physicist and author Brian Greene, takes us to the frontiers of physics to see how scientists are piecing together the most complete picture yet of space, time, and the universe. With each step, audiences will discover that just beneath the surface of our everyday experience lies a world we’d hardly recognize—a startling world far stranger and more wondrous than anyone expected.
Brian Greene is going to let you in on a secret: We've all been deceived. Our perceptions of time and space have led us astray. Much of what we thought we knew about our universe—that the past has already happened and the future is yet to be, that space is just an empty void, that our universe is the only universe that exists—just might be wrong.
Interweaving provocative theories, experiments, and stories with crystal-clear explanations and imaginative metaphors like those that defined the groundbreaking and highly acclaimed series "The Elegant Universe," "The Fabric of the Cosmos" aims to be the most compelling, visual, and comprehensive picture of modern physics ever seen on television.
Saturn is alchemically connected to Lead a neurotoxin that has been poisoning and killing people for ages!
Plumbing, solder, bullets and leaded gasoline are just a couple examples of how the Saturn-Moon matrix affects us.
Lead poisoning leads to violent crime.
Lead like Saturn is a dark blue, heavy element with a cubic structure.
Saturnism is lead poisoning, anathema to 3rd eye awakening:
Thanks for the article info Neil! Good gawd if it isn't aspartame then they are feeding us hot lead! Even during Roman times in the 3rd century they were minting lead filled gold coins. "Makes one think of 'get the lead out!"
On the www.PESWIKI.com website the author is in Brazil right now checking out the Keppe motor. It's always interesting to visit www.Commutefaster.com for 'Energy' updates and there is the upcoming www.HHOgames.com in February. Take care, Darren
If Saturn is the spacetime "radio station" for our reality and it is often associated with an equilateral triangle, then the information below covering tetrahedral geometry is pertinent.
Great intro to the theory here: https://plus.google.com/106525008644522085755#106525008644522085755...
www.tetryonics.com/ - very interesting website from Australia, the tetrahedron is considered the base unit geometry for consciousness
The Photon is not a particle ...it is a 2D EM wave consisting of 2 charged geometries.
The Photon is not 'massless' as is often claimed..it is better termed Matter-less as it is a 2D EM geometry not a 3D Matter geometry.
Kelvin ABRAHAM 29/7/1965 Logan Australia Electrical Engineer with certificates in Data communications and Telecommunications network infrastructure Design and Standardisation.
https://www.youtube.com/user/Tetryonics?feature=watch - a large number of high quality videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV7PNpeYbgw&feature=player_embedded - Saturn Moon Matrix hacked
The ratios of tangents which involve the Golden Mean are intimately associated with 5-fold geometries.This ties in the trigonometric angles associated with 5-fold geometries, and the relationship Ö5 = F + f.Tangents are also important in ancient and modernof monuments, on and off Earth!See, for example, the connections between Southwest England and the Cydonia region of Mars.
Another interesting revelation involving the trigonometric tangents derives from the relationship defining a particular angle,q, i.e.Ö5 = f + F = 2p tan q, from which we can calculate q to be equal to 19.5897...°.To within an accuracy of 99.39%, this angle is related to the tangent squared of30° by the identities: tan230° = 1/3 = sin j, where j = 19.4712...°.This latter angle turns out to be of critical importance in Hyperdimensional Physics (the latter which may be thought of as a modern day child of Sacred Geometry) 360/12 = 30.
For example, if one inscribes within a sphere, a tetrahedron with one point of the tetrahedron at the pole of the sphere, then the other three points of the tetrahedron will lie at 120° intervals along a latitude of 19.4712...°.
This latitude corresponds, on a planetary scale, to possible sources of immense energy from the internal regions of a planet.For example: 1) Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, 2) Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl volcanoes near Mexico City, 3) the absolutely huge Mare Orientale on the Moon’s far side (but near the edge of the Earth-side/far-side interface), 4) Olympus Mons on the planet Mars, (the solar system’s largest volcano), 5) the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, 6) the Great Blue Spot on Neptune, and so forth, are all located at or very near to 19.5° latitude.In addition, The Great Pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan, Mexico are also located near this latitude, suggesting the ancient architects may have had an inkling of this “energy source”.
The significance of this hypothetical, inscribed tetrahedron is due to the esoteric belief that this geometric shape is connecting with other dimensions (outside of the four dimensional space-time continuum), and therefore “tapping into the Zero-Point Energy” . Anti-gravitational effects (which may be tapping into the ZPE) are created by rotating a disc composed of superconducting material.The more ideal experiment would be to rotate a tetrahedron shaped superconductor -- or better yet a Merkaba (two tetrahedrons interlocked within an inscribed sphere). In either case, if the tetrahedrons were composed of superconducting material, the results could be stunning!
5 symmetry connected to 6 symmetry on Mars connects to the hyperspace 19.5 degree tetrahedral angle:
angle "t" = 19.5 degrees
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