A Conversation with Genesis Sunfire
First off, I want to say that physically, I am brand new to this site and forum. I am not sure how familiar people here are with the life of Genesis Sunfire, but I feel intuitively the need to connect what he says with what I have listened to of Sevan and Dan Winter... This combination is... well feel for yourself if you are called by your soul and body and intuition.
I would like to find the group or create one where there are people who are on this path discussion and supporting one another with the odd challenges that come up with releasing the belief system of need for consumption of another sentient beings body in order to sustain hueman life, aka FOOD.
Hi Roksana
Do you have any personal experience with Breatharanism? If you do please elaborate, it wolud be helpful for others who want to follow this path.
Glad your a member now roxy! Miss you, hope all is well!
Innteresting video... Many of the concepts are in alignment.. with initiations of youth.. Thanks for sharing this thought because the 2012 from the end of August the energy pushed me very extremely hard , beyond discussion... ... i concluded it as a grand metamorphosis in my values about food, my choices and what i could even touch or hold in my hand became overwhelming after doing the complete cleanse offered here at the resistance...
some of this is still ongoing and cannot be truly assimilated at the moment.... i have referred to it as intense... and as soon as 2013 came in i felt a gentle path begin to open decreasing in intensity...... Jucies, vegetables, all foods started to feel strange in my hand, even nuts and grains.. I am keeping a close eye on this because i do not want to limit what is happening at the moment until a true Balance occurs within.... i could not even touch any supplements, other than the baking soda, and black strap molasses, i would get a nervous feeling in breast area, and i would have to put the food down...
He explains the parasitic experience of mans thoughts, which i did learn years ago in like mine explorations of Don Jaun and Carlos castenada's journeys to Xtaltan... and the Shaman's or Nagual's path of old.
one of the main reasons, that i can affirm that the 2012 shift was major on the inner planes of the Awakening.... and it appears that a determination from my youth in declaring that this body can remain forever young...may have started a flowering within the micro cosmic inner planes as we were all here at the resistance agressively pursuing the brut force of cleanse and activation.... As well as this guy Sunfire states a tad better in his vid, Reminding the Body that it is a forever temple.... even as the mind moves thoughts through the collective unconcious/concious agreements of age and death... and finally we connect with the many that are already Doing it... Ageless Deathless. maybe soon without so much pain just a clear face and a smile...
a discussion inner space and the www. when food begins to talk...
"A passage from Moby Dick reads, "In this world, head winds are far more prevalent than winds from astern (that is, if you never violate the Pythagorean maxim)." That Melville, he cracks me up. Or at least he would have if I'd understood this joke when I first read it.
The Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras (circa 580 to circa 500 BC) founded a quasireligious brotherhood that adhered to a strict discipline. Since none of the master's original writings survive, we can't distinguish his contributions from those of his disciples and can only call the whole mess Pythagoreanism.
Some Pythagorean precepts: Not to let swallows share one's roof. Not to sit on a quart measure. Not to walk on highways. When the pot is taken off the fire, not to leave the mark of it in the ashes, but to stir them together. And of course to abstain from beans.
You're probably thinking one of two thoughts: (1) these guys were deep, or (2) these guys were missing a few strings on their ukelele. I incline to the former view. The Pythagorean theorem (hypotenuse squared = sum of squares of other sides) shows these people were into practical knowledge with an eye to the sublime. Given what we know about the magical fruit, doesn't the antibean injunction demonstrate the same?
Cecil, Cecil, Cecil:
You seem to have grabbed the Pythagorean bean issue by the ridiculous end rather than the sublime. Of course it looks like Melville got it wrong, too. Basically the Pythagoreans thought of beans as a taboo plant because beans were associated with reincarnation. Evidently the hollow tubes of the pods (or of the stems) were a conduit between the underworld and southern Italy, at least. The Greeks used tubes both ways — they used to pour liquid offerings via tubes into tombs to feed the dead. You can look at some of the major writers on classical religion like Jane Ellen Harrison, E. R. Dodds, and others for more information on the use of food and sacred plants in rituals and festivals. Sometimes there's more to bodily functions than there seems to be.
And finally the discussion concludes with the book The White Goddess By Robert Graves..quote
The White Goddess by Robert Graves, we would have known that beans were filled with wondrous powers and ought not be mocked. Graves tells us in his book that the Pythagorean mystics were bound by a strong taboo against eating beans. To eat beans was to eat one's parents' heads. This superstition was similar to the views held by the Platonists. They excluded beans on the rationalistic ground that they caused flatulence. Life, they argued, was breath, and to break wind after eating beans was proof one had eaten a living soul.
This post is the product of how deeply food began to resonate... as the 2012 transmutation was completing what the so called ancestor's did to the psyche... is in the discussion above... .
I am posting this because.. this research was gained when I could not even touch food for a while, as 2012 was winding down..
And lastly... if a Bean is a Bean is a Bean... It even comes up today that the World Renowned controversial Star Bucks Coffee and its... Bean is named after one of the characters in Herman Melvilles Mobey Dick...Starbuck, the first mate of the ship Pequod in Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick
So if we listen to this guy Graves in his statement , "To eat beans was to eat one's parents' heads." one can only imagine what the Coffee Bean represents..." and see a connect to this Guy Starfires discussions.
i conclude some where there has to be a great big Cosmic Joke going on...
decided i would, make a choice not eat any more beans, as of the 2013 New Year.... yet i still have to have an occasional black coffee "bean ancestors". cup of java... Mountain grown
In every thing i do i have to remain a an unlimited student and a CHI-LD even as i expand to grow into maturity....
Thank you for your insight Crystal.
Do you think this also means we should abstain from all products containing soy?? (soybeans??)
Gosh, I wish I could live in a cave and grow rice.
I agree with the great big Cosmic Joke. Hahaha.. and guess what? The joke's on you!!! :P
Haha and it's on me too!!! oh how cruel! Jokes come from jokers. This world is surely full of them, and it's a part of all of us. How cruel indeed. :)
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - Terrence McKenna
"Hell yeah" - GenesisSunfire 15:01 from the video posted above
Yep Allen, as you c, one of the ways the quote unquote ancestor's may have conceived of doing things... was to just do it and then sit back and laugh.... Because i am also ancient and at times have so much to share, and at times even get pleasure out of my own sense of humor, or essence of humor... I am contemplating whether or not I should even begin looking at your quote, unquote statement, you jokingly pose as a quest ion to a crystal... :) :) :)
"Do you think this also means we should abstain from all products containing soy?? (soybeans??)
Gosh, I wish I could live in a cave and grow rice.
You know crystals are story tellers and healers... so I will smile and wait for Wholeness to expand your Question on Soy beans, monsanto, and i am writing that name in lower case because his energy is fading as awakening is growing amongst the many and the few... and the last important word that assists with the question of Soybean's new age Tofu. and Dorrito's is probably the missing link.. some where in the archives and that is Raphseed Oil and how destructive it is in consumption.....hope i spelled :) that correctly doing this Short reply from crystal memory... Wholeness day Allen... smile in with WBV great reflections....
Is that the Same Terrance MCkenna from Costner's hit Field of Dream's?
the, If you Build it they will come... movie show...
smiling in and out of the UNi Verse(s).... so many more are showing up now.... might be Freedomes Activation is catching on.... you think.?
There is still non-gmo soy available, or so they say on the packaging. Over-all, if it's a bean then it must be bad I guess. That's news to me, and has opened up a new way for me to look at and think of beans. Bean-less raw foods seem to be the way to go.
I think it might be catching on. If it is, it's going pretty darn slow. I believe the world has many more trials to go through before this pigsty can be left behind. There are many types of programming that have to be dissolved of course and many veils still need to be lifted. However, when I look around I see something more akin to Huxley's dystopian take on the world and the future coming to pass. I also often wonder if this trashing of the planet that is taking place is simply a part of humanity's evolution into greater consciousness expansion or simply the ride we're being taken on. Whatever it is... it just is. Tragic yet true.
Haha I'm not sure if the McKenna you have in mind is the same I mentioned. The one I'm thinking of is the philosopher/ hermeticist/ botanist (among other labels) guy. If you build it they will come...
Thank you for providing me with more to ponder Crystal. Now if only I could get my magic beans to grow a beanstalk into the clouds... that would really keep me from eating the things. ;)
Wholeness Allen, again you are expanding into the great HUMOOR, that is Abundant and at times not expressed openly along the path of “enlightenment” Wholeness, can talk within the lightness of being and not even be considered chatter.. these days… It may even Become a catalyst to ascension at some point, this year, I would like to think that laughter and joy, are KEY to anti gravity or anti matter, It is possible NOW that we have transmuted much of the past beyond the mask 2012 profits..
I will release a bit of my own judgement on Beans, other than what Plato, Melville and Pythagoras put on them already… I am just letting them go for awhile because… i have no more agreement with the beans.. and I am also letting go of the tofu, voices that have held that tofu is so much better than this or that….
On a real side...
I think Exquisite Culinary Arts, is one of the many grand connections to the Divine Creative Principals in life … like music, mathematics, pure tabacco, and the finest and most acient vines of olives and wines…….
And an occassional granny smith apple pie the from any grandmother's sacred apple-tree, a symbol that reminds me always of the abundance of life… …
I admire the wholeness of Sunfire’s level of ascending thoughts on breatharism…it is his path..
With the waters of life and abundance incoming from Wholeness,
may your magic beans grow you one of the strongest beanstalks into the clouds of your ever expanding Wisdom and Beauty..
Thanks for expanding wholeness with eye...
It may be too much of an 'offshoot' to mention that I love the symbolic richness of the classic Jack and the Beanstalk story.
Here are a few links to Rapseed oil, used as a feed for animals.... one can draw their own conclusions about Soy Oil, Soy Beans, Canola, or any food product that the FDA and the EU or any government organization has interest in should be expanded upon...
"In 1979, the Western Canadian Oilseed Crushers Association began calling the edible rapeseed oil canola, in order to distinguish it from the pure form of rapeseed oil."
Read more: What is Rapeseed Oil? | resistance member asked me to add this on Starbucks logo.... entry...
.Starbuck, the first mate of the ship Pequod in Herman Melville's novel Mobey Dick
Dana Scully, a character in the TV series The X-Files, given the nickname "Starbuck" by her father, after the Moby Dick character.
The Starbuck family were a group of whalers based in Nantucket, Massachusetts, United States, from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries. Some members of the family gained wider exposure due to their discovery of various islands in the Pacific Ocean.
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