No one here will tell you what to believe, think, or feel, but we do give choices and present opportunity.

The time is now to be aware of your greatness your ability to create without limitations from the inside out. Let go of the fear!

What are we leaving the children? The mishap that has been done to us should never be duplicated. We have the ability to change that dark presence even if it’s just changing the way we perceive it.  The universe has been teaching many of us that the pain of our experiences enables us to stand up in the face of a storm. To be glad she blows, to laugh, hear our voices yelling in the strong winds, and feel the weather on our faces.  Experience it all! Don’t run or play dead, because even in the face of the destruction that a storm can bring a place to build.  It brings with it a new place for life, for new growth, opportunity and a place for love, light and creativity.

All that we have been unpacking and learning all that we have experienced, even if only for the sake of empathizing with what we no longer want to be.  All that we see in others is and in ourselves is part of the experience of creating and functioning as a higher being in the now. We come to realize all is self….

Some of us wonder if what we feel is real, If what we know is useful, we even wonder at times, if we are on the right path. Yes, we are.

Remember when you first received consciousness….

Remember when you first realized you had a higher purpose outside of the Matrix. We can continue to use our inner light to guide us down the right paths.


If that doesn’t work go back and remember when you were a child and you were already and outsider in the system around you. The child who questioned a system they weren’t even able to articulate about yet. Whether it was asking too many questions in Sunday school, or realizing the things being taught in school was somehow aloof, watered down or just plain untruths. You somehow knew something was off-key something was not quite right so you questioned it. Question the half-truths and mixed signals now as we did as a child before we became programed to fear.

Eventually we were told the problem was us, and it was not the things around us. They told us we had the issues. Over time many of us where attacked in different ways, by the very same system of things we naturally rejected maybe as an innocent child we were abused in some way. As we grew they told many of us that we were crazy. We were placed in mental health facilities, or put on some type or medication. Perhaps we turned, to drugs or some other escape. There’s times we just assimilated and conformed under the pressure because we had no validation.

Whatever the experience we had of the past it will help us to realize no one can implant or duplicate these authentic experiences, or memories that connected us to our consciousness.

Before we had access to in information we were off balance

After our hearts and minds guided us through mass amounts of information we eventually put it together along with our personal experiences.  We showed up here at the Resistance we begin to be in the know, see we were not alone, and see we are special.


Now the people that have been in power want to confuse us.  They need to keep us slaves to the system of things by getting us to continue letting them design how we think. They want to indoctrinate us with fear, and doubt, but we can say no, no, no. Not anymore….  

We are important and for that reason we have been set on this journey.  Many of us are unaware that our choice to be conscious is actually turning the balance of the war being fought in the astral.  Our energy sways things in our direction. let nothing detour us, by filling us with doubt and fear. Fear and doubt are their only weapons against us and they can easily be dismantled by our own will to believeand see things our own particular way.

It’s our right to choice our own reality. Reality is how we chose to perceive things through our own objectivity. We shouldn’t let people pick for us how to perceive our lives, and our individual experiences.  

We are being told by some there is only one reality and we are to choose the right one. People are telling us things and promoting fear in one form or another all over the world. We have people telling us what our choices should be and what they look like.  We have people giving us deadlines for choosing their realties and not our own. We are here to show those clowns how silly they really are, and how not so funny, because the jokes on them. We are about to change the world!

Brothers and sisters isn’t that the way things in the matrix have always been presented to us? Sometimes our night mares are real, but this is the time our dreams can be real they can be manifested into reality. Right now! The time is now, but it’s totally our choice whether to choose a reality based on fear, the reality where we continue to look for a savior, or the one where we shine our own light and sing our own song.

In the past is what we have done is look for someone else to carry our torches. We didn’t want to deal with the burden of responsibility Its difficult having to do self-maintenance or order to balance our own inner-light. Some of us didn’t know we even had the ability to carry our torch, because it wasn’t encouraged. We either gave them away, or threw our torches away. 


Something else picked them up and distorted our light with the very power we gave them.  This is how we have blindly co-signed for whatever reality they made for us and whatever truth they deemed acceptable to feed us and we exsepted it like clones ….

The time is now to say no, I’m not doing that any longer

No you don’t have the right to indoctrinate me with fear

You don’t have the right to choose how I see my world or experience it

You don’t have the right to use my inner light for dysfunction

You don’t have the right to tell me I can not create beauty, or love in this place in any place

I except my torch and I carry it willingly it’s represents me


I found myself while writing this wondering about what does this all come down to. For many of us it’s things that fuel our fear?  There are things people in the matrix tell us in order to keep us programed. 3D tells us not to speak of the shadow self. We are left wondering and asking questions like what about the darkness that lurks inside of us? 

What about those parts of self that are not love and light and the parts we deem not beautiful? There is a part that trembles in the face of its own shadow, its own darkness.  Until we’ve realize our shadow is telling us is it our friend, and it’s an extension of  the self we aspire to be, we will remain afraid. The reason for that is if we can’t face ourselves we cannot truly face anything else.  Like the Indian proverb says “it’s easy to be brave from a distance.”  We need to face ourselves.  We need to face our own shadows. The movie dune has a line that really works it’s “fear is the mind killer, I must not fear."

As much darkness as we are capable of producing that’s how much light we can produce also, and more.  When the light is on its mass takes up more space than our shadows do, the bigger the darkness even bigger the light. We can’t carry a torch without it casting a shadow, thus is the stat of duality.

However, it’s a choice we can decide when and what we to manifest outside or inside of ourselves.  To know that as big as our shadows can be is as big as the potential for the light we can shine on others.

It’s about the experience, and that can bring us inner peace. The inner peace that we give ourselves. Not the inner peace some organization tells us we are entitled to, but the one we earned by managing, and maintaining our own inner verses.

We can choose to have no more co-signing the use of boxes like, categories, labels, tittles, social classes, races, creeds or religions. We can choose to live in a reality where we pick up our torches and allow our love and light to shine. Though the present darkness we can light the way for others. The image is only a hologram in3D. People only see what they perceive others want them to see, it’s not who we really are, and  it’s certainly not all we are. 

It is time to gather our inner-song to push past obstacles that are a part of an illusion. I say this because many things only manifest themselves because we say they can. We make an agreement to co-sign obstacles that need not be considered as such.


Join the rest of us now outside of the fear being spread:

Pick up our crystals

Ring our bells

Clean our auras

Give our self a big hug

Activate and unclog our chakras

Light our candels

Tame our snake energy

Manage our manta chia

Project out inner chi

Shine our inner light

Activate our pyramid

Tap into our ancient wisdom

And listen to our higher selves

Or whatever else you want or need to do to make it happen. The time is now, and I’m not saying we don’t have tomorrow, I’m just saying if not now when? It’s a perfect opportunity. Let’s pick up our touches, love our selves, and create a new world with our wills and the power of our minds on this day. and all the rest.




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thanks for this beautiful post reg,

it's an honor to be your friend,

i can't forget the stuff we've shared (:

we are still sharing Sam and I'm happy to know you brother : )


Thanks David, hope all is well

Good work! I agree, let us join the family in reclaiming our true identity as starseeds! While listening to our higher self, let's act upon what we are telling ourselves, whatever good things that is. The higher self will never steer inproperly, it always seeks truth, always protects and always connects us with those on the same frequency. 

Stay whole beautiful, you are and always will be EVERYTHING!

And thank YOU for SharingINAll



Love you sis, thanks for your support and the crystal jewelry you made me and the hubby. We  wear them whenever we leave our home  : )

OUR beautiful Reg. Thankyou. So well put what you ar saying.......doing....being...

Shine on! xx

Thank you Janet, much love to you

Absolutely beautiful!!!!! Couldn't have expressed these things better or in a better forum. Brilliant Regina, BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!

If we as beings are aware we have choices why let someone else tell us what choices we have why not choose to choose ourselves and rebuild from within peace and love powers to all

 Thanks exactly  :)

Thank you I needed to read this :) I am back out there now. We'll see how they fair up.



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