I've always used prescribed topical treatments to keep my skin nice, even and clear. After learning about negative effects these type of treatments can have on my health, I discontinued use. I discontinued use about 6 months ago and switched to an organic aloe face wash and moisturizer. However, despite all of my efforts I'm still struggling with acne and the dark marks they leave after they have gone. I figured since I had drastically changed my diet my skin would be even and clear naturally.......boy was I wrong. I am a gluten free, dairy free pesci-vegitarian. Does anyone have any information that may help me? This is like an emergency, when you don't feel like you look good, you don't feel good either :-/

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Wholeness. Thank you Myriam for the clay references. I've had success with lerosett clay before. However, the cost was very expensive given the amount of clay distributed. I would run out and need more before my pre-order date came around. Living Clay gives a very generous amount and reasonably priced. Once the company opens on Monday, I'll contact a rep to see if their product is a good fit for me. Thanks again.

For sure.  I had to do my own research on Safi, and this site helped me make my decision.  http://makeupandbeauty.com/safi-the-blood-purifier-review/

Thanks for the tips on the clay, I'll have to check it out.

Hey Dee hope all is well, Dee what usually happens when we drastically change our diets is exactly that the body begins to eliminate the toxins first and one if those channels is the skin Its a sign of your body doing its thing. Ive heard many good things about the clay Myriam has listed below so defintely look into that I brush my teeth with a clay that a friend of mine back home in Miami makes Ill provide the link below she also makes her own skincare and beauty products Ive also recently met these women from Fertile Earth Foundation that regularly have classes on making your own products maybe this is something you can look into. I mention it because I truly feel if you can create your clay for your skin for example with the love and intention that you put into it for your healing purposes the effects are amplified Dee. Well I hope this helps and Ill send you the links below maube this is a good place to begin.


This is a piece of an email I recieve from the Fertile Earth girls so you can see what these classes consist of perhaps you may be able to find something similiar in your area.

Make Your Own Natural Beauty & Cleaning Products Workshop!
November 14th, 6 pm - 9 pm in Aventura


 apothecary jars  

Did you know most kitchen and bathroom cabinets are filled with toxic chemicals? Many common household cleaning products and beauty products contain synthetic chemicals that are known to cause damage to our skin and organs and have been linked to cancer, chronic respiratory illness, asthma, allergic reactions, headaches to birth defects and reproductive damage.


There is good news though: with a little knowledge, time and effort, we can slowly eliminate many of these unnecessary chemicals from our lives. This workshop will teach you the dangers of many common household products; easy homemade substitutes for many of them and safe alternatives for the rest; and introduce you to the wonderful world of essential oils - the original disinfectants and perfumes! You will learn how to make your own facemasks, lotion, deodorant, ALL-purpose disinfecting sprays and more. Plus they make great gifts just in time for the holidays! 


Light dinner, face mask and one pre-made product of your choice is included.  And yes boys, this class is for you too.


Where: Aventura, FL 33180 (Registered participants will be emailed the exact address)

When: 6 pm - 9 pm

Price: $35/person


I hope this helps Dee


Hey there Dee.  Try using the "Safi".  I've cleaned up my diet as well, but still get zits from time to time.  I've found taking two tablespoons of Safi like once a week really cleans up my face in a notable way.  So much so I've gotten compliments.  At first I thought it was from drinking more lemon water (which probably helps), but I'm convinced it's the Safi.  The taste of the stuff... I'm use to it now, the trick is plugging your nose when you take a swig.  ;)

Hi guys, sorry I'm just getting back. Mr. Spirit Matter, Thanks for all the Info and for friending me. Allen, you recommended Safi as well and I'm going to check out that link right now. Thank you all sincerely. Wholeness.

Greetings Allen, I read over some of the reviews for Safi......kinka scary. I have a weak tummy and gag at the thought of something tasting gross. I surely have no idea how I would get it down my throat. Wish it was in pill from...lol...Im a whuss :-D

Also, I'm 32 years old, do you think it will work for me???? being that it may be hormonal????

I ordered my clay from The Living Clay Co. today. I'm so excited, I can't wait to get it and start using it. I'll keep you guys posted. :-D



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