What if it was humanity, as the creator, that was birthed when the power language was read out instead, and that is the situation we have now?

This is the question I had when I woke up this morning.

Were humans the ones that were birthed, when the manifestation language was spoken to manifest the creator? It was a shadow, an incomplete representation that came forth. So we get our shadows here, reflections and need to integrate ourselves, to build ourselves back up.

So you have a few billion mini universes running around, and constantly being born, not knowing what is going on, the creator constantly creating itself as it was instructed to at its creation.

Humans are all things, they are everything, what is it that makes them everything? Is it the recognition of that, or the experience of that? Using the above line, their reptilian counterparts - are they everything as well? Reptilian is the only one i've seen personally, though I am aware there are others, or is that entire story a bit off the point?

I had to ask as constantly the victim mentality is put out, so in these stories a large scary being is represented, but what if it was humanity, as the creator, that was birthed when the power language was read out instead, and that is the situation we have now?

Humanity is a large scary being compared to say a fish or wolf or dog, look at what they've done both evil (ignorant) and great (expansive). 

Thanks for reading :), gratitude for any insights into the above.

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I love you

I would like to think thought as the ultimate manifestor lf the reality as it is more efficient and interconnected to the field of energy around us than words which are subject to deceit.
In addition the ultimate translator of emotions than words can ever create

We are always in a thought and always in an emotional state of some type, once bounces or runs the other continuously. Identifying them is the key, especially the subtle ones we live in day to day.



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