Here is a program that is very useful to putting pieces together in regards to who you are. Simply type your full name in the box then click the "word" button and it will show you all the possible words that can be spelled with your name.

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William Charles Ressler
csibi imre
Do I type in my entire thats on my birth paper or just my first and last name?
I have a Question My birth name Was Michael Heath Noble but i was adopted at a young age and the name on my Birth Cirtificate says Michael Garcia. Witch name would i use in my case?
Did u have issues installing and running this app?
Roberta Lynn Smith-

"Labyrinth monster."
"Internal myth robs."
"No labyrinth terms."
"I'm northern salt by."
"Labyrinth on terms."
"In myth barrels not."
"Myth or inner blast."
"Thinly stream born."

Just some of the words produced, very interesting.
You really want to know yourself - LOOK WITHIN! Who looks outside dreams - Who looks within Awakens. Send urine saliva for mathematical, biochemical, analysis based on physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology. Returned decoding of your DNA, the Signature of the Soul... It is written.  All that is, that was and that shall ever be is written within your DNA.  It is written in the universal language of mathematics.  Every experience you have ever had, are having or will have is coded into your DNA.  If you can access this coding, you can change it, but you can't change it if you don't understand the language.  Scientific method mathematically analyzes urine/saliva to see the programming of your soul, the signature of the soul, the blueprint for your life as written from the beginning of time.  

As it is written so shall it be.  How would you re-write your past, present or future.  It is now
Thank You Sevan!

Aha! Not panic.

Hi, my computer said 'this programme can not be run in Dos.'  I found that interensting.



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