Eternal blessings and balance vibrations, I began awakening recently and it all began with me noticing almost every time I checked the time it would be 11:11 this has been happening for over a year and now I also notice the numbers like 222, 333,and so on.I have always been spiritual but does this have spiritual meaning?

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Great question. I have been noticing it more and more lately myself. Here is a link that I found to be interesting on the subject: hopefully this shines some light on the subject. If you click on the link "Solara's 11:11 Doorway" it states; "11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed within our cellular memory banks prior to  our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near." Regardless, I too would like some personal feelings on seeing 11:11 as well.

I've been on that site before, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one, it's definitely a sign. Blessings to you

I usually avoid these as the highest knowledge is - to find out for yourself :), that might sound blunt but its far beyond anything I can give you.

So if you can take this as, my experience, and then still go find your own please do. I'll try to put it in such a fashion that leaves it open for you to answer.

11:11 Matrix, Deepening:

11:22 Gate Out

432 - Ground Level, Pyramid base, in 2d a triangle, in 1d a wavelength (music). A triangle - the only universal shape (building block) that has to be divided from top to bottom (No opposing equal points). Sevan gave me what 1 meant a time ago but i've lost it, so here is my best for now,

0 is the circle complete.

1 is the odd point then, that which is not integrated, what you go to sleep for to process. - Division or the dividing line of the shape, that we are inside to see.

11:11 - is the full of duality in entry and matter, where 11:22 is the matrix (11) plus a door 2-2(reversed) = 8, so its a gate out, whereas 22:11 is the gate in. - Best interpretation, I would gladly have someone better it.

Not written to give you an A-B answer, as I don't have that yet anyway as the distance between A-B can go on for infinity, as can your path. It was written to give you stepping stones for you're research, should you have the courage, and persistence to stick with it - have fun.

I've been reading this site, and it occurs to me you will benefit:

Also, if you have a look on the right there at the shapes, you can build most things in creation using that pattern, or Math.

*22 views made me smile :D

Thank you for sharing your references an helping in my spiritual journey, namaste

I also wonder if there's any significance to noticing the numbers 420 or 666...



It happens to me also, many times, I watch the clock and it's: 11:11

and In my mobile phone clock too.

and sometimes 22:22.


I some websites I read that, this could happen when the spiritual world try to contact us.

I also read something about it, on the books about «Kryon» entity.

some kind of synchronism, and activation of some memory in our cells .

11:11 signal for ascension.

11 it's also a key number, it's an illuminati number.


I don't know if 11:11 is god or Bad, it makes me remember when NEO saw the "cat" in the movie Matrix.

Someone is re-arranging the matrix in that moment.

sorry my bad english




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