The following was posted to the (Zula Shaman) Credo Mutwa's listserv by Warrior Olatunde ( I'm not sure what to make of it, but it IS intriguing.  Any thoughts?


Carlos Castaneda was researching his thesis in the Native American use of medicinal plants, out of UCLA, when he was introduced to a supposed herbalist, Don Juan Matus.

Don Juan Matus saw him a a perfect candidate to replace him, and taught him everything he knew. He was hindered by Carlos Castaneda's educated White man arrogance, believing everything he was shown was some sort of trick. After he had been taught by Don Juan, he would go back to his doctors and therapists to treat him for the "harmful effects" of the "hallucinogenic plants" he had ingested, rather than let them do their work.

He was not only permitted, but was encouraged to write down everything he learned. When he asked Don Juan's blessing, when he began to publish his notes and observations, beginning eight years after he began the apprenticeship, Don Juan told him that it was none of his business to tell him what he could or could not do with what he taught him. he taught him that sorcerers had no right to keep secrets, and in any case, couldn't.

He did, however warn him, as part of the teaching, that being accessible to many people would reduce his energy. Carlos Castaneda ignored that warning, though, "multiplying followers to himself."
The ultimate end of this was that he died, failing to translate his body, as Don Juan had shown him.

What is most important about Dr. Carlos Castaneda's failure is that it also caused the loss of the one man who surely knew as much, if not much more, about the Reptilian Invasion than even the *sanusi's,* BECAUSE HE WAS THERE. He was over two thousand years old- but did not spend all of it on Earth. he came from the era of the Toltec super-sorcerers, who could cross universes, and hop planets- with their physical bodies.

Since 1723, when he escaped confinement in "Heaven," he had sustained himself by receiving a modicum of Life Force from Don Juan's predecessors, in exchange for his unique knowledge of his colleague's achievements. Such as the coordinates of 600 Worlds that can sustain Human life.

Naturally, the White mental science authorities poo-poo all Carlos Castaneda's claims and teachings. (while of course, their Black research facilities try to adapt them to their own agenda.)

One of his most important findings is that there is a special refinement of ESP that cannot be deceived by false visions and holographic shields, because it reads life energies at the fundamental level. One of the first things he reported (in his second book) was that there are people roaming our streets with us who are not Human, but rather look like mummified serpents, who wear holograms, so that they pass for Humans. One of the exercises Don Juan put him through was to see them as the fakes they were, because they didn't have the living energy of real Humans.

I wish I had known all this thirty-five years ago. I could have made a lot of fortuitous career-decisions. The doctrines of Don Juan's colleagues, who call themselves LOS NUEVOS VIDENTES (The New Seers) are based on ESP viewing of what happens to a person's soul when certain courses of action are followed or not. They know what makes a person powerful and what does not. Therefore they could make sure that their techniques work for anyone. The weakest person spiritually can become the most powerful.

Carlos Castaneda is quoted as saying, "The New Seers don't like talent- they like discipline." That is, the problem with many spiritual schools is that they like to attract talented freaks and prodigies, who are naturally spiritually gifted. These people form a little world of their own, that can make no sense to ordinary people, and may be totally worthless to them. Look what happened with Jesus of Nazareth. Pentecostalism loves talented freaks, whose act no one can follow (e.g. William Branham, Kenneth E. Hagin and others). But let someone emerge who says, "I am going to teach you how to develop Holy Ghost Powers!" and they say, "You must be sent by Satan!"

They want to emulate the freaks of The Bible, who obtained great powers, without working for them. Who solved the problems of their era, but their prowess became useless to people of subsequent generations. (Do you think Samuel or Elisha wouldn't know where every suicide-bomber was going to strike? Of course they would. But will Israel try to develop prophets who can do that? No.)

I would like to upload Carlos Castaneda materials to the files archive. He is dead and surely won't mind- will you?


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Me too. I've written many of his books, but this information was just stunning. (More so than the many things in the books.)



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