Interesting ...




"The human soul weighs 1/3,000th of an ounce!

That’s the astonishing claim of East German researchers who recently weighed more than 200 terminally ill patients just before, and immediately after, their deaths.

In each case the weight loss was exactly the same–1/3,000th of an ounce.

“The inescapable conclusion is that we have now confirmed the existence of the human soul and determined its weight,” Dr. Becker Mertens of Dresden said in a letter printed in the German science journal Horizon.

“The challenge before us now is to figure out exactly what the soul is composed of”, he continued. “We are inclined to believe that it is a form of energy. “But our attempts to identify this energy have been unsuccessful to date.” ....

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Comment by Rafael Estrella on August 6, 2011 at 1:38am
Thanks for the input Spirit, clears a lot up ( :
Comment by Mr. Spirit Matter on August 5, 2011 at 3:57pm
Estelle I believe you would zero point out of time space and into space time through your pineal and if your soul/ consciousness is not strong aware and you couldnt manuever yourself to the reality of your choosing then you may get sucked backed in the vortex and thrown into a new body with a no memory of what happened.
Comment by Gene Green on August 1, 2011 at 9:02pm

physical proof for those that doubt the existence of a soul, and its what i presented to someone a while back whem they claimed souls dont even exist.  found out about this while reading the lost symbol by dan brown, which captivated me like no other book i had read at the time. decided to read that book on a whim, and it really opened the doors to my spiritual path.


Comment by Rafael Estrella on July 29, 2011 at 4:20pm

I recommend listening to this talk that Sevan did a few weeks ago...



Comment by Estelle Lightbourne on July 29, 2011 at 3:47pm
The question I would have is if there is a soul that leaves the body after physical death, where does it go or does it just dissipate? I have never had any one I loved return to tell me the answer.


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