"Unfortunately most of so-called "aura cameras" use a photographic trick called photo-montage to create an illusion of the Aura. These cameras have light source(s) inside, which illuminate the film directly. Internal lights are controlled by a simple measurement of skin resistance. Although our skin resistance is related to our emotional state (lie detectors based on skin resistance measurement have been in use for at least 60 years) it has nothing to do with an image of an Aura vibration. Any camera producing overexposed face images and "Auras" is a pure FAKE. Unfortunately, most crooks call it "Kirlian", despite of the fact that such photos have absolutely noting to do with Kirlian effect."....



You can read the full article here: http://thiaoouba.com/kiref.htm


Unlock your ability to see auras: http://thiaoouba.com/seeau.htm


Views: 348


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Comment by Rafael Estrella on August 6, 2011 at 1:29am
I fully agree, no problem Anthony
Comment by Rafael Estrella on July 31, 2011 at 5:13pm

Yes that appears to be the correct technique.  


Heres another link for further info: http://kirlianresearch.com/kirlian_principle.html

Comment by John Shore on July 31, 2011 at 3:38am

I assume these were using the correct technique in the Kirlian photos?



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