(sorry for the chunks of text, but please read)
I believe one of the main reasons all this mess started is from beings/things trying to be better than eachother. Cause there was still hierachy even in the early early times, easiest way to become better than someone was to not tell the truth, to lie, and even on to creating fake limits blocks etc...(random start but i came back to this after i wrote the rest, it should all link up)
My way is about being in the moment, just being - my truth, my reality. everything in my life has pointed towards just being and existing. They say in the womb you learn everything, or to at which point you know everything i don't know even if there is a point. But what I know is i chose my birthday, my 'situation', my name all for a reason, as markers to remember myself/remember what I know. I followed this, my true feelings, and kept digging inside to find my truths - again simply Being. Here's and example, my birthday is the 24th of august, there is a lot of confusion around that date as to which star sign a person is. Aspects of the body, and maybe some aspects of the soul can be predicted and predtermined by the universe, the greater/original forces. Maybe these could be basic stats you choose to start off with as if jumping into a new game. But as i was saying, theres confusion to what star sign i am and the best way to combat confusion? is to be ready for change - to BE (the moment). For me, just being in the moment simply existing, has been the best way for me to 'live'. Which is why i see me choosing my actual birthday as not a marker to remind me, but to also make sure my body is already used to change and being in the moment (this also forces the moment to come out, a strategic choice maybe?), it is an automatic fuck up if ya get me. 'Oh dear...what star sign am I? Sometimes i'm this, sometimes i'm that, i'd better just go with my feeling and BE. However, this leads me to think you'll end up going beyond soul, conciousness, everything known now until you are that one thing. You out yourself of all the complications until you are that simple thing. And it's true, it's true that as soon as you leave the womb, you immediately begin to look outside, simply because its there. Everything is real, but what we see is the collective like/hive mind, the world is the result of the collective. This means that you can do 'extraordinary' things (BUT IT'S NOT EXTRA ORDINARY THOUGH FFS) you can do everything and anything. True difference, uniqueness comes from looking inside, TRUTH comes from looking inside, now i understand the importance of innerstanding. But this isn't to say don't look outside? if you look out side and balance looking in and outside properly it only speeds the rate at which you're growing - up (looking outside can be seen as 'cheating' but if a person does not know how to use cheats properly it fucks up, people can become addicted to cheats and then it fucks up, and then people can't ssuuurrviivveee without cheats and it goes on... but you know all the downfalls). (where'm I going with this again lol?) Yeah, the true meaning of balance is to use everything as one, combine it as one, if ya get me? Therefore when you be in the moment, this happens automatically, when you BE (keep mentioning 'be' innit - b).
This is another thing, people say egyptians got help from aliens. Maybe the egyptians were just aware, times were earlier, less messy, they were more open - So they just accepted things, so obviously there were a lot less limits put on the different bodies. But look at the 'help form aliens' thing this way - being more open, everyone accepted different states - example, dreaming. Of course no one knew what this was, there was no need, or they did know what it was - but they just accepted it. Whatever knowledge or new things they found when they 'woke' up they just felt like sharing it and doing what they've learnt, thats why they were so smart, they used everything withouth challenging it. Many experienced beings came to them, they went to other realities all of that. And why many experienced beings came to them or spoke to them while they were in the different reality is because they were open, not afraid not judging, and you start to only tell people what you know when, you know its gonna benefit them - but youeven get past that point. (starting to get confusing innit, im just flooding the page as it comes.) Onto their technology 'Oh its amazing' no...no it's not. It's that they could do everything without having to make intricate boxes/squares. For example, they probs ahd things like stone CD's, thats technology from nature, how simpler does it get than that? don't have to combine anything. Imagine that, 'Yo guys, we need some music, liven this shiiit up' Quickly punch up the earth with you true abilities, mould it, play it, if ya get me (part of this comes form me coming across information about 'alien' stone CD's). HHMMMM but if everything was just accepted, that means that there's a state where you are simply feeling as random shit just goes on.I'll end it here, starting to overload, But what im really saying is to BE. I know that is my truth, but i do not know if it is anyone elses, im going with the feeling and ill find out the answer to that as soon as. But it feels like such a true thing ima say it anyway, can't miss this dawwwgggsss...
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