Empowering Quote & Understanding and Keeping the mind moving.

They say the universe is infinately big. Big things are made from smaller simple things. This means that the smaller things are infinately big themselves, which also means the universe is infinately small. Which also explains why the universe is inside-out and outside-in. (Something that occupies both states of duality...the power...)

- Look inside...


Implicit in that picture of the universe is an outside.  However, that outside is defined in terms of space, and all of space should be inside the universe.  When you try to talk about the outside of the universe you find yourself asking questions like “okay, where are you?” or “how far from the universe are you?”, you know, the types of questions that really rely on some notion of position and space.


Both quotes mean one thing, the universe is inside out. But they also have their own meanings. Both meanings could be drawn from someone saying 'The universe is so big that it's inside is on it's outside'. Look at it from all consciousness, perhaps look for the common truth? Automatically, truth is lost or confused. Actual truth seems to be something experienced by your full being, something hard to explain cause you do not have all the forms to express it yet as to how you experienced it.

Views: 52


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Comment by I Am Lov bt mom named me Sophia on August 4, 2011 at 1:26pm
i agree because our body is pretty small, but when we begin to explore our true being we find that within we are limitless, wbv :)
Comment by Raymond Gene Key on July 31, 2011 at 2:04am
this is something to thing about for sure.I have thought some of that in the past


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