The Symbolic Carriers of the Greek Alphabet and its Contribution to Communication
B. Stagiannou B.A. (Business)
By the use of this Code, the Hellenic language proves to be knowledgeable about the universe, science, totally describing all there is.
Hellenic Logos is the Apolonian, the Radiant word of the Sun (Light), which transfers (delivers) knowledge from the Heavens.
Hellin, it means to express every enlightened mind, because the letters -LL- (ΛΛ) show brightness and -N- is the single mind.
The word (LOGOS) is of substance -LO- (ΛO) = Sunlight towards -GO- (TO) = the earth and there for in - ARCHE- (APXH) = beginning. Thus: AR (AP) = first flow of force -primarily light energy, - CHE - (XH) towards earth ground. The expression thus: "in the beginning there the word" Includes a cosmogenic story.
The name (ONOMA) according to the code discloses the -O- defined space where ACTS and EXPRESSES - NOMA - the law -NOMOS- that regulates any natural activity and law NOMO means - NO- the mind, -MOS- in our visible world.
By the Hellenic Logos and the use of the code of the Greek Language makes possible the discovery of knowledge hidden for many centuries.
The expressed meanings of the Hellenic Words firstly uncover the happenings in the
Univers - the Heavens, and after words names or describe the ones on earth.
First the (LOGOS) -WORD - (SKERSIS) -THOUGHT, and then the word spoken
First the (ΗΛΙΟΣ-ELIOS) - SUN, and then the formation of solid matter
First the (IΔEA-IDEA) IDEA (thought), and then the formation of (thing) article.
We will discuss words (LEXIS), that show us LOGOS = thoughts -ideas-knowledge-information.
The code meaning of the word LEXIS -ΛΕΞΙΣ is LE (ΛE) =light all showing, X (Ξ= K-Σ)-(K-S) -BOX- container IS (ΙΣ) =continued feeding of force
The word LEXIS thus, is an enlightened meaningful container, with its expressing
power or a lamp of the mind that lights up our way.
The LEXIS is a -L-(A) luminous
EXIS (EΞΙΣ) = to bring
LEXIS = Enlightment towards us for our understanding.
APHE -AFI (ΑΦΗ) = According to the dictionary means: a) construct b) lighting
something c) touching.
These three meanings of the word AFI are explain precisely by the code.
The codical meaning of the letters is:
A=Original force (ALPHA=sunlight)
F (Φ) =light
I (H) = dual descent of radiance - can be seen.
AFI (AΦH) = Codicaly means original force of light which can be viewed.
The Sunlight as a substance and as the instrument of life, constructs, gives to all the
species on the planet, (ΦΩΣ) FOS=Sunlight.
All that live and exist on earth is the result of sun energies (Φ), descanting on to our planet.
This dispersedness of light justify the second meaning of the word -API- the "Lighting something" given that the concentration of the power of the Sun, by the right instrument lighting (Fire) can be achieved.
Originally this word "LIGHTING" is denoting that the heat existing with in and thru out the living is the instrument that maintains life.
Descenting from the Sun the light touches everything on the planet justifying the third meaning of API = to touch.
By placing the letter P (Π) instead of F (Φ) - (according to the code - fire -sunlight -
heat-energy), the word APTO (AΠΤΩ) =to touch, is formed and it means
A=original force
P (II) =original fire
TO (ΤΩ) =structure of living bodies on earth.
The verb APTO (AΠΤΩ) produces the objective AFI (AΦH) shows that AP (ATI) = by original force of power makes possible the T = to solidify O (Ω) = the planet. APTO and AFI uncover the scientific knowledge that the result of the radiant energy of the sun is our visible and living word.
ECHOS (HXOΣ) = sound, or any noise
The word ECHOS or ICΗΙ or IACHI = sound
Codicaly means: (H) I = Dual descent or rays-apparent (X) CH = Earth or Terra or ground materials
Ο = defined space or ground.
So sound is the continuing flow of the sunrays on to the ground and also on to a specific small area (plant leaves).
The word thus ECHO reveals the scientific knowledge that first sound was produced by the striking of the sunlight (electromagnetic radiation) upon the ground-earth. From the depths of the centuries ago, this Hellenic word ECHOS (HXOΣ-sound) gives us knowledge that only recently man developed the science to explain these phenomena.
The (HXOΣ) becomes E-SY-CHOS (H-ΣY-XOΣ) producing no sound because
S (Σ) = within
Y = concentrating its forces.
The same meaning as ECHOS gives us the word VOE (BOH). Such as: B = Energy (with noise) O = within defined area H = becoming apparent.
ASTRAPI (AΣTPAΠH) = lightning. It is given that the consonant P (Π), according to the Hellenic code is expressing radiance - light rays. The word ASTRAPI uncovers for us the meaning, that from the ASTRA-STARS = is coming P (II) = the fire, H= by the continuing concentration. ASTRAPI = becomes visible.
Although, and for many years, it was accepted that ASTRAPI - lightning was the result of the coming closely of opposite electrical charged clouds. The Hellenic word insisted that the lightning (ASTRAPI) was coming from the Stars (ASTRA). We were recently informed and with a great satisfaction, that artificial satellites photographed the lightning energy incoming to the atmosphere on our planet For centuries knowledge was carefully preserved for us, thru the code of the Hellenic logos.
Let us see what else is unveiled by the word ASTIR (AΣTHP) = Star?
Codically any Star (ASTIR) consists of material substance (Hydrogen), thus AS (AS) =
original force of Sunlight with in and TIR (THP) = bodily force visibly flowing.
From the synthetic TIR (THP) =TER we get TERA (TEPA) = meaning earth-body or atomic particles or gases, liquids, solids.
The word ASTIR (AΣTHP) = Star for any who knows the code, means that the stars have physical bodies. The Star (ASTIR) tells its own HISTORY I-ST-o-(A)-R-y.
EARTHQUAKE (EN-KELATHOS): He is the son of Tartarus and Gaia, one of the giants. The name word is composed -synthesized from, EN = within - on top - in power over, e.g. KELA (D) thos- noise. The word ENG (K) ELA (D) THOS express the meaning EARTHQUAKE.
EN = Emanating or expanding force from within. This dynamic force is naturally
occurring and by physical law.
KE =Earth body in motion, E = designates the force that take part in earthquakes. LA =
Sunlight rays, of the original power. DOS = Force concentrated in defined area.
The word Earthquake describes exactly that the shaking or seismic describes exactly that
the sharing or seismic activity, is the result of physical-laws that regulate the function of
the earth's body.
The scientific information is given by the decoding of the syllables (ΛA-ΔΟΣ) (LA-DOS) from the sun's emanating force.
The word name ENCELADOS (ENKEΛΑΔOS) leads us to explore the activity of the sun, in order to be scientific about earthquakes. Recently came to my attention, the
announcement of a University study that the causes of earthquakes may include, among others and the activities, taking place in the sun.
Further research is at the hand of the experts. Let us admire simply the scientific revelation of the wise Hellenic words.
GEOMETRY (ΓΕΩMETPIA), by definition is the mathematical function that makes possible the measurement of the surface of the earth.
In the first syllable GEO (ΓΕΩ) The E = expresses expansion, or surface, the plane, two dimension and thus, Geometry (ΓΕΩMETPIA) is, as a field of science that deals with the two dimensions.
The term Gaio-me-tr-ia - Stereometria is the appropriate name for the Science to use for measuring solid bodies or spaces e.g. cubes spheres, pyramids, etc.
Stereometria does mean three dimensions, and is called to measure quantity of mass within some place.
The code tells us the word Geometry discloses the meaning, Geo = earth - metria - measure.
The Gea = earth shows; G (Γ) = Earth body - surface
E- Spreads out by the
A - original force - Sunlight.
The metra = meter, shows:
Me - Visible extending nature which is,
TERA - our earth
T = Solid Formation
E - extends and shows
R (P) = Flow by the
A - Original Force,
The GEA'S = Earth's thus, the METRA (meter - measure defines the science of Geometry.
The word Gaia (Γαία), by the - ai - is the an all mother (moThER (a) - TERRA), or giving birth, to an eternal Force [ai (e)] of creation.
This Gaia is total the sum of the physical creation, and Gea is only our planet. Geometria - Gaia measurements is conclusion as a thought Gai might not be easily understood, because is referring to the total. Universal physical creation AI (E) = eternally and for ever EXISTING.
ΠΛΗΡΟ-ΦΟPIA - PLIROFORIA - INFORMATION: This multi syllable word, by its decoding the many different meanings that are enclosed within, come to Light. The dictionary defines: Information = certification - certainty = conviction.
According to the code:
PLI-(IIΛH) = Sun's energy
RO - (PO) = Radiating to certain Space
FO - (ΦO) = Lighting the area
RIA - (PIA) = with continued Flow from original source
The decoding of the letters reveals to us the firstly and originally information, is activated and functions thru the Sunlight.
It is clear that the word information shows within its meaning, the movement of light in order to illuminate and express the NEWS.
The hidden within the word meanings are:
a) Movement
b) Luminating
c) Care
d) Importance etc.
Taking the first synthetic word PLIRO - (FORIA) and the three consonants P - L - R
(Π - A - P) can form words that have relevant meanings.
Pelo (IIEΛΩ) = Coming and going: the information does exactly that.
Pelao (ΠΕΛΑΩ) - coming closer, bring face to face
Paleo (ΠΕΛAO) = Wear out as any information will in time.
Pyli (ΠΥΛH) - Gate - opening, the information travels.
Pelor (ΠΕΛΩP) = All great force, as the information in travels
Pyloros (ΠΥΛΩΡΟΣ) = Gate keeper, information always has one.
Pliris (ΠΛΗΡΗΣ) = Full, sufficient, enough of.
In order for the information to be truthful, it is required that includes all, and only the
facts of the described true events.
The second part of the word - FORIA - (ΦOPIA) is the meaning of the verb - FERO -(ΦEPO) - Light flowing - travels. The light flowing - traveling - brings - has the power to laminate, thru radiation. The Sun is communicating with the minds - intelligence, carrying illuminating information's which are tracing and fulfill the expressed need.
Take under my consideration
The preposition YPO (YΠO) by the code means
Y - Great accumulation (Light energy)
P (Π) - Fire - Heat
O = in a defined area
Thus concentration of great quantity (Light energy) existing as heat energy and acting
in define space.
Everything placed under - YPO - (YΠO), is the resulting concentration of energy, light or
heat which flows from original source of power.
LOGISMOS (ΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΣ) - Thought - reflection, the dictionary explains study -review
- thinking conclusions. The code justifies all the above meanings because the
word logismos includes the meaning logos (word). And SIMA (smos) or SOMA is the body of thought
The logos (ΛΟΓΟΣ - word), by the LO (ΛO)
Luminance on to Gos (ΓΟΣ) of earth or anything on the ground emitting smo - sma a
reflection Logos (word) is a refection of nature.
Every body (SOMA - ΣΩMA) emits (SIMA - ΣHMA) a reflection because it is an S (I) within the force that acts upon the MA = visible nature physical creation.
The logismos (ΛΟΓΙΣΜΟΣ -thought) by the (I) refers that the -Lo- (ΛO) continuing flow of light feeds with out stop the G (Γ) earth body even if the energy If-I- seems to be invisible and minute of force.
Logismos by the code gives the conclusion that first and for most the radiance comes on to earth and makes everything grow by emitting energy.
When the body is in reference to the human being, then the light energy is concentrating.
-Y- as heat -P- (Π), on ground -O-, -YPO-, (YΠO), placed under, so that luminant
achievements of thought, the brilliance of intelligence are made possible. Finally
YPOLOGISMOS - estimation - as the code implies, the logos - word al-though, being
essence of Sunlight, exists only on the face of the earth, is under a higher original force, exists (YP - ARCHT) is -YPO- under - ARCHΙ (APXH -superior beginning) - controlled
or -YPO - ΙSTATE - (YΠO) - (ΙΣΤΑΤΑΙ = stands co - exist - with direction.
Mathematics (MAΘHMATIKA)
The code version If the syllables bring to light the hidden meanings.
Mathe (MAΘH) = Lesson = story Learning e.g. History
Ma = visible nature
Tica (TΙKA) = Solidifying force - that feeds continuing down - to earth and
everything on it.
From the first two syllables the meaning of MYTH (MY0OS) - and MATHΙSIS
(MAΘΗΣΕΩΣ) = Learning is derived. "The science of numbers is only a reflection of the
physical world"
The mathematics (MAΘHMATIKA) is a lesson - (MAΘHMA) - in science - field of knowledge that deals with physical structure or nature's ways. The mathematics with the 9 (nine - ENNEA) real number (and with the help of the code) reveal to us the Rhythm (RETHMON - PYΘMON), of energies as forces of creation.
The ONE (ENA) (1) = express the one (N): Mind, one Law.
The Two (ΔYO - DIO) (2) = denotes the (Δ-D) power creating.
The Three (TPIA- Tria) (3) = Shows the joining of energies that from the TERA
(TEPA) our earth the TE - Solidifying extending force being the result of,
RA (PA) = Flow mainly electromagnetic Radiation.
The four (TEΣΣAPA or TESSARA) (4) is the fourth force or gravity on TERA - earth.
The five (ΠENTE or ΠΕΜΠΕ) (5) - Express the Pe (ΠE) = heat expanding energies
emitted thru out space.
The six (EΞI-EXI) (6) = is the (E) extending or expanding force towards -X-(Ξ) =>
(K+Σ(s)) - KAΣA = BOX - body, earth ground bodie, having KASA = body,
The seven (ΕΠTA-epta) (7) =is the EP (ELI) emanating of heat on to TA, solid formation - earth.
The eight (OKTΩ-okto) (8) =is the region (0) down on the ground (KTO) = (KATO- KATΩ=down).
The nine (ENNEA) (9) = signify that One (EN) is the Mind-Law, and the NEA (NEW)
force which is NEEI-Nei=proceeds or journey's thru out the Universe.
The numbers 1 to 9 make up the substantial force or dynamic of rhythm.
Numbers, as expressing truth is the only reality and shows that (ENA) one is the power
and it commands, and by the (ENNEA) nine signify the completion and the fullness of the visible world.
The nine (9) numbers are expressions embedded in the shape of (0) ZERO-MHΔEN.
This symbolizes the invisible, unexpressed, unmeasured and the one with out a rhythm.
Finally I will refer to number ten (ΔEKA-DEKA) as the code explaines De (ΔE) expanding creation KA=down here on KAIA or GAlA-ΓAIA=earth. Number 10 DEKA=ΔEKA, Law-DΙKEO-DΙΚAION, ΔOKΩ-ΔOKΩ = with consideration.
Prometheus gives the fire to mankind with his point of view.
Prometheus (IIPOMHΘEYΣ) as his name reveals the code explains the proposition Pro (IIPO)
P (Π) = Fire, Head which
R (P) = Flows, into
O = defined area
This force of fire (ΠYP-PIR) as the first element of creation, ahead of time (Pro-IIρo) Knows what will happen after (META) this:
ME = visibly expanding and
TA = Solid Forming by original force.
Fire as radiend energy transfers - delivers all information (PLIRO-FORIA-ΠΛΗΡΟΦOPlAN) and as the pro-metheus (ΠPO-MHΘEYΣ) supplies (Pro-metheuei-ΠΡΟ-MHΘEYEI), the food or nourishment for the physical creation and is Pro (πρo) in advance Matheus (MAΘEYΣ) knowing all or understanding everything.
The name Prometheus codically means Pro (ΠPO) =Fire- Head flowing is defined area
ME (MH) =of visible nature which is THEUS (ΘEYΣ) =view expanding with great
accumulation of energy or good visibility.
Prometheus as ΠPO(MA)ΘEYΣ) Prometheus, having prime knowledge, and as Pro-dotes
(ΠPO-ΔΟΤΗΣ) gives in advance, brought to humanity the precious Fire (ΠYP-PIR) with
teleskopon avge (THΛΕΣΚΟΠΟΝ-AYΓHN)=Tele=Far-seeing, skopos = watcher or
viewer of his own point of view.
The word teleskopos - intent to do from a far, and this is what the code tell us.
Tele + skopos = in advance planning
Tele=means: from far away radiation of sun's matter which is:
TE (TH) =Solid force tangible
LE (ΛE) =emitted from the Sun-energy.
In conclusion, we can safely say that the Sun-Stars Rays Arrive thus on earth from a far (THΛΟΘEN-TELOTHEN) or great distance thee give us light, information, all our life depends upon them.
The consonants of the word tele (THΛE) -T-A-(TL) construct the Telos (TEΛΟΣ -END) which from the code we learn it means the destination of Sun's radiations thus: TE = in ground absorption of Radiation. LO (ΛOΣ) = of the sun defined area.
The second synthetic of the word teleskopos gives us the purpose of the sun's giving's.
By the code the word skopos (ΣΚΟΠΟΣ) purpose or intent we have:
S (Σ) = within view inner sight
KO = Bodies made from earth (living)
POS (ΠOΣ) = Fire, Heat sp. specific bodies (plants-animals).
The intent or purpose was the making of SKO (ΣKO) - Sack (ΣAKOY) - body and it will have shadow (here it means will absorb sunlight). And inside this body - PO -(ΠO) = fire in small defined area will keep it warm and maintains life.
Teleskopon (intent to do from a far) all in all means the work of the sun, which is the building of bodies, that are being fed with his rays of heat, - telothen = from a far.
The word - avge (AYΓH - Down) confirms all the above meanings and explains. Av (AY) - Original concentrating force (Sunlight). Gi (ΓH) = on earth coming into life.
Prometheus, by the code means fire and light being visible, thru out the universe accepts his punishment.
He is tied up onto KAY - KAΣON - Caucasus or he is bounded on:
Cau - KAY = coming onto our materially made planet earth.
CASUS - KAΣON = Body or
KA = in earth ground having
ΣON = With in sight in defined area.
Caucasus here signifies our planet and all living bodies that reside on it, and they are greatly interdependent, by the life force.
Very interesting comments, I thank you both for them.
I want to add about English language, that its first construct was made by priests 500 years ago, it has many truths and many more distortions, it is a neurolinguistic program born for control and IT IS NOT an alive language, rather it is a Lingua Pura ...
Were letter symbols really originated solely to accommodate
varieties in the expression of sounds?
If not, then what is the real meaning
behind the letter shapes we use and
what story do they and their sequence
tell? Could their design and meter
carry an underlying message?
Who was it that designed the English
alphabet and its letters? Who was it
who added and subtracted its letters
and what was the purpose?
Why do virtually all newspapers, the Bible and other major
mechanisms of mass communication and control use the
Roman style and close variations of it?
The alphabet has not always contained the same letters or
followed the same sequence. Until much later in letter
development, the small letters were virtually ignored. Many
styles were tried.
The Esoteric Alphabet by Ellis Taylor
V in roman or 5 is the feminine the phi V or five it even has eve in the name, 5 is the number of the feminine. I found my feminine the realization astounding the depth perplexing and the whole idea frees the pain I had carried in insecurity. On queens birthday weekend a day to celebrated your queen, Sunday was the day of our faith anniversary queens birthday unbeknown to me the auspicious nature of the destined path that was set. The under lying message I did not understand.
In the past the man has believed he owned his lady or 1adi as woman, wo man is an ownership wo or ow in this is a ownership and proven by the word ownership itself, 1 ad I. is the feminine if I ad self or I'am to her eve DNA, new live it formed, the is the misconception of Adam and eve. AD AM as in ad soul ad self, eve is a figurative representation of DNA, together the seed and spark together make body and soul.
This came last weekend on a day of utter pain, and i belive the more important the realisation the more pain you must endure, no pain no gain!!
this is important, iv been disecting Inglish myself im looking at the e and y at the end of our words, sure the chance the vow sound though if you replace them with i it take a hole new form, e and y are both replacments of self i is self so.
I'm hungry.
no self first which is selfish.
Illusions is a great one,
Illusfari is better. illusive far self.
any ideas greatfully recived
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