"To be humble doesnt mean we are just aware of being only antenas of source, as everything in universe is an antena, a multidimensional antena, so an antena it is not a sign of being humble... but a spiritual friend do not look nor create in you the need of worship... actually a true spirtual friend will break the image you created on him/her, in order to avoid you enter that state of worshiping!"


I remember the story of the humble ego.


To know that there is an ego, and pretend to be humble by puttig ourselves down, doesnt make us humble. by honoring all forces and qualities in us as they are, we shine, then we are humble as we are who we are, we do not pretedn to be less.
The ego becomes more and more important for people in spiritual practices while they intent more and more to transform it control it or educate it.

While, the ego is not that important, unless individuals nourish it with atention.

On the other side, the ego, can be also integrated, to our creation, as we created it, we can give to it a place and a role, when we let go our control and give more power to consciousness and presence.

When we aloud our nature to be, we realize there is a free open space for us.


In truth

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Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 4, 2011 at 12:49am
there are no conditions nor schools nor processes necessary for us to ascende to our true source and natural state of being, all kind of pathways are constructions, so the main point isnt the pathway the method or the rules nor the levels or amounts of knowledge nor the higher beings in contact with us, but ourselves!   by doing and being who we are, we become one with our self, tottally, then the doors of all universes open to us!
Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 4, 2011 at 12:41am

somebody told me last night : " we are just messengers, there is a message and there is a messenger and there is the source of the message".


I will say: "probably was a god creator the one that told you this... while the source is always our inner core and prime source, there is necessary to remember there are no hierarquies, nor above nor below, over our inner individuals holographic multidimensional multiverse, we are the source, the message and the messanger!  "


Many useful statements that this one used by religious and most part of teh time dogmatic  people, have been used to blind humans of the truth of own origen and possibilities. Why? becouse the ones that know the truth like to be few and have pyramids under themselves, that follows them. The god creatores create hierarquies, not based on love but on power. While all Chords and superchords of this universe start and end in prime source. There is so much freedom available to each individual and collective to become free of any hierarquy by free will, love and consciousness.


It is a sad story behind this truth, as the ones at the top of the pyramyd do not want to let go...


so the way, as seen by the free ones, is individual, in few cases collective: become your true self, and the truth will make you free!




Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 3, 2011 at 1:47pm

In english means: Follow your nature!



Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 3, 2011 at 1:43pm

@ Jesse:  " there is a difference between ego, pride and confidence. i don't say this as to be right or wrong but i feel with all my being that the ego is a negative state of mind nurtured by other ego or resistance to change"


yes, i agree, there are alot more state of being we experience and express that are autentica nd pure, and natural, and have nothing to do with our ego.


lets spell the ego...


or maybe we can do something with it too!..


we are like sheeps, walking on the hill, unaware of the wolve that suddenly will jump of us and eat us!

but when we become the wolve, we know its nature and realize, it was the wild qualitie sof ourselves wanting to express without judgement a judgement placed by our society telling us what is good or wrong about us...


we are not that beings described by a socilized culture...we are cosmic beings and have alot more ways to express ourselves than just ding " the right thing"... and any way, be expressions of love!



Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 3, 2011 at 1:39pm

@ Charley  "We are game-players created in the image of the Gods."


we are gods in our inner multidiumensional holographic multiverse, in all its times and dimensions, doors and worlds!  we are gods :)


i am not sure if: "All is right as should be"  or " the best we can do with the situation as it is is taking it as it is"...  i feel teh first statement suggest a positive judegment


judgement can be positive or negative or even neutral...just an observation description or apreciate integrates an individual experience, according to our inner universe consciousness... there is always a level of " i see it that way", there for limis, there for judgment!


personally, even all spirtual realms in our multiverse are now in a relative trouble, and so much effort for all of them as for us, it is not becouse all is ok!.


any way..  what ever situation it is, who we are, what we are... this reactivation of our true nature and complete dna, that will make it feel like "have been always ok"... as we then will conduce our true consciousness to our organic multidimensional experience again!


this is my sensory experience! :)

Comment by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken on June 3, 2011 at 7:12am



according to my own sources, awareness and experience, ego have not been created by advertising or brain washing, for sure brain washing cnditioning reinforcethat ilussion. Ego, the ilussion of separation si like a handicap in our DNA, as only some of our DNA strands are active, it is not easy for us to remember the experience of conducing cosmic consciousness... the DNA deactivation or damage have been reinforced by conditioning, but it is not ony a 3D story, that took place in our life time with modern culture...the source of ego and conditioining has interdimensional origens...our brain body emotional capacity have been damaged, we live with a multidimensional time-body operating at 5% of its 3D capacity.


EGO is just an expression of a dual way of perceiving our experiences, what we call reality.


To enter a state of union, multidimensional oneness with ourselves and inner core, source, heart, is the way to release the ilussion of ego...


but atention,  individuality and care for own self have been associated to ego, too...and are not the same...


as to sacrifice ourselves is also not a sign of not having ego, or to dont show your self your qualities and emotions and passion, isnt also a way to show you are humble...


Ego, duality, is a state of mind, also the result of an organic and cosmic state of our DNA activation(reactivation-selfhealing)...


when we do not give atention to ego, we dont nourish the DNA and perception models that are associated, but then we need to nourish and give atention action organic tangible experience to other ways...that is actually the work, to be who we are, in a state of oneness...


people have been losting missing the point, while rounding in circles fighting against the ego! while what they needed was to give their energy and substance and presence to what they are... there is no need to fight against anything!


as usual, i will request form you to take what resonates with you :) right?


in love and truth



Comment by Chava on June 2, 2011 at 10:37am
Thank you.


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