Elements Management Holistic Sustainability Companies
Online Company, Headquarters in Germany,
Owner: Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
Our companies offer services:
Online, in Europe and in Region Hessen (Germany).
Who is welcome to apply? What kind of job? Company Culture?
We expect you to apply becouse you are interested in the company concepts we develop and know how we do apply (elements Management and Holistic sustainability), as well as becouse of the benefits for mankind our companies create.
According to your skills and experience, fter the application process, we will suggest you one or few responsibilities we consider you will be suitable for.
Notice that the elements management companies welcome any individual interested in our company know how, culture and field of work.
It is important for you to know that the job positions are suitable for individuals with traits and skills labeled as: indigos, crystals, star seeds, and individuals in a consciousness shift transition process.
The company culture and business process have been designed to facilitate conditions for your natural development, and will requiere from you multidimensional skills and awareness.
Please read more about our company at the end of this page.
Open job Positions:
Team members for the elements management companies.
General responsibilities: to colaborate for the development and/or management of elements management companies.
Responsibilities: might vary according to your skills and experience: management, project management, marketing, sales, product management, online marketing, promotion, emisaries, facilitatores, management assistant, organization and other.
Elements Management Holistic Sustainability Training:
A foundation training and certification in elements management know how will be facilitated to you, while you are working for our company. This training is mandatory as all our companies run based on elements management know how, as well as teh design of producst and services is elements management based.
Experience in your field of work, profession or interests.
Ability to utilize online communication and colaboration tools
Travel experience, have been living or traveling abroad.
Kin to personal development.
Kin to holistic and sustainable management.
Ready to advance professional skills and ready to learn new methodology and work by following our quality standard: EM900 and by applying elements management know how.
Languages you need to speak
Our company language is english, you need to be fluent in english.
As we operate online you need to be skilful to work online and communicate in english.
If you wish to work online or at location, for customers or projects developed in germany, Austria or Switzerland, you need to speak fluent german.
Special qualifications, optional
Empaths, intuitive, creative, multidimensional natural awareness.
Optional Qualifications:
Professional experience and/or studies in any of following fields: social sciences, arts, health, business, marketing, sales, communication, human science, natural science, sustainability, culture management, cultural antropology, education, languages, travel and tourism, farming, communitary living, resilance, transitions towns, media, love and relationships, family, Events, I.T., Personal development, Social Network, and others.
Evaluation Process
The evaluation of your profile will be done according to the EM900 Standard and Elements Management Know How.
After an evaluation process in no more than 4 steps, if your application is accepted, you will be assigned to a team and elements management company, for a practical evaluation process at the field of work.
Conditions after evaluation Process:
After the first 3 stages of the evaluation process you will be asigned to a "Testing Task". The testing task will be mandatory and we will decide according to results if we will integrate you in the company.
As soon as you start with the company, you will start a foundation training in the elements management know how and quality indicatores applied by our company too, 81 units of practical aplication will be considered as "testing" time, we expect you to complete in 3-6-9 months. This training is necessary for all our team members in order manage and develop our products and services according to our company culture.
Professional Carrier.
Start as Free lancer, Individual Project Management, Business Line Team member, Management of own team, to business line management.
How to apply:
Send in a PDF your profile, a brief introduction of yourself.
Contact: Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken
E-mail: ld.maldonadofonken@elements-management.com
We will contact you in 1 to 9 days.
Review your profile and give you a date for the first stage of the evaluation.
You are welcome to apply from 27 may until until 18 September 2011. Every month a new group of canditates will be evaluated until we complete our team.
Information about our company
Elements Management Holistic Sustainability Companies
We are dedicated to the creation of a network of holosustainable organizations, holosustainable businesses, holosustainable communities.
We provide support to holentrepreneuers, spiritual development facilitatores and holosustainable Communities, by the transfer of know how and abilities for the application of elements management know how: Human Heart Based Technology.
What is EM Know How?
Elements Management (E.M.) Know How, an holistic multidisciplinary system of nature-intelligent and multidimensional-sistemic tools, methods, skills, principles, perception models, designed to enhance organization and individuals performance directed to empower and embody a collective and individual consciousness shift.
Elements Management Know How applies nature principles, organic life models, human natural self development capacity, multidimensional collective awareness and oneness, in order to enhance the sustainability of human colaboration processes in an organic and co-creative way.
Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken is also the creator of the EM Standard & Multidimensional Training Field (EM900) in which are described 9 Multidimensional fields of human experience where holistic sustainability is necessary: Personal development, colaboration, organization, management, network, culture, multilocation, global development, collective shift of consciousness.
The EM900 is also a multidimensional training field where multidimensional abilities are developed and methods practiced.
Why Elements Management Holistic Sustainability Know How?
Through the application of EMHS is possible the co-creation of holosustainable organizations and businesses, communities and training courses that provide holistic multidimensional sustainable processes.
As an EMHS know how expert you will be able to provide support to holentrepreneuers and Holosustainable Communities, also to design and create own organization, by the transfer of know how and abilities for the application of elements management: Human Heart Based Technology.
It is about changing the organic morphic field of the old ways based on money, first to an hybrid systhem able to work with and with no money, and later cocreate conditions for no use of money at all. The process will be leaded by following nature principles and human heart based tech. so it will be also sustainable.
An Holosustainable business is perceived as the creation that belongs to a community of individuals that decide to colaborate in order to cocreate conditions for multidimensional holistic sustainable living and consciousness shift transition, by applying human heart based technology, nature principles and models, organic life, consciousness and oneness.
An Holoentrepreneur or Holosustainable Business Manager, is a professional who has the ability to integrate in own management knowledge and ability of a variety of disciplines, which gives to own business the potential to be multidimensionally holistic and sustainable.
An Holoentrepreneur is also aware and able to enter a state of oneness and collective awareness, in order to cocreate with own team, conditions for holistic sustainable living.
An holoentrepreneur is able to take total responsibility of own emotional and spirtual self-management, in a multidimensional and holistic way, and is skillful by applying human-heart based technology for the development of own endevours and support of own holosustainable community.
The word business means here "something we are dedicated to" where our "focus and energy is", where "our creativity and organic development dwells", what ever we do.
"Holosustainable business", "Holosustainable communities" and "Holoentrepreneuer" are new words created by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken, lso creator of Elements Management Know How.
contact: luis daniel maldonado fonken www.elements-management.tel
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