Since knowledge of the highest levels has now made itself readily available I felt it imperative to share this important information. I believe that if I can explain to everyone how they got here than they can most certainly determine were they will go when they depart. I see a great deal of information being passed about but it is still utterly amazing to me that what I will disclose on this show has still not dawned in most part on humanity.


It all started when I was riding along as passenger in a car. I began to think about how I arrived here and my mind immediately drifted to the normal story, that somehow I was a captive of some very malicious force. When pondering this and how it could have come about my Oversoul, which tends to only reveal information exactly when it can have the most impact, began to uncover the entire thing. This is how that conversation went.


It was communicated to me that we were not exactly captured but actually captivated. Captivation is when you see something so beautiful or so amazing that you pause for a moment to absorb the experience. To do this in the Astral Body actually plunges you in to this dimension, which is shape like an eye, and begins a cycle that you would never believe unless I had so much information to prove it.


Show Time: Sunday July 1, 2012 5:00 P.M. GMT 11:00 A.M. CST 1hr 30 Min



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I am now 100% positive that the eyes are portals. This is the secret to the Eye of Ra also known as the Wadjet. The ancients were already aware of this and such knowledge made one Adept on an entirely different level. When knowing these things then you began to naturally know everything.  The eyes are by far the most imperative part of our input output system. Excluding the blind the whole world use their eyes to determine everything. The eyes are actually sending major signals, they can convey when one is happy, sad, attracted, curious, excited, confused, and just about every expression that you can think of.

The story of how you got here is in many ways a love story. We have already uncovered that the entire nature of this world is orgasmic and sexual no matter what dogma or creed may insist on something different. The core fundamentals to our reality is about energy and regeneration which go hand in hand. You will now see the inner workings of a vast system which may be in effect on not just our Planet but possibly multiple Planets in this Solar System. To assit you with innerstanding this I will first tell it from the Male perspective because it is important for all to see that the Male of the species may have just arrived while the female has always been here. This will clear up so much confusion about our apparent differences.

When a man finds himself attracted to a woman it is because he has gazed upon her and found her essence in some way appealing. It could be the adventure, the curiosity, a need, the newness, or even loneliness that may cause this to come about but either way the man and woman enter in to union. This is an "As Below" explanation so in order for you to see it completely I will explain the "As Above So Below" version of all of this.

Your Oversoul state is actually the maximized version of you, it is you before you entered in to the womb so in effect it is you in your ancestral state. You will always remain connected to the Oversoul just as a child remains forever connected to its parent by an invisible field we call a Biorhythm so in this way there is no difference between you and the Oversoul except for awareness. This makes awareness Key. So in essence when you dove in to the first womb you projected a part of yourself in to it or descended in to it. You remain anchored or tethered to your Oversoul very simular to the strap tied around your foot when bungie jumping.

Many people are squirmy about any topic that turns sexual due to the current programming which I will thoroughly dissect during the show but there is almost no other way to explain how you got here while still remaining outside of this without using metaphors based on sexual union. When the male penis enters the vagina the male may eject his seed or a fractal part of himself in to the womb, however, he remains for the most part outside of the womb and has only put a small part of himself or seedling inside of it. So, when you enter Wombs or Matrixes such as Earth the same thing has occurred, a small part of you is here while the larger part of you remains outside of the Matrix.

When you enter the womb this is called Incubation In-Cube-Bation. This word describes in exact detail as to what is occurring, you have entered the Cube. The Cube is an ingenious design never to be underestimated, it is because of its shear complexity many have been lost for so long inside of it. The Matrix itself has the amazing ability of uncompressing a fractal. More simply put it has the ability to nourish a Seed from a Tree back to the state of the original tree that it came from. Of course this does not always happen, many seeds never bud in to what they were designed for but be aware of the intention because in the event that one fails to incubate properly they only find themselves in the void once more, waiting on something else to captivate them so they can enter the portal and regenerate once more. In this way the Universe is like a perpetual machine that you must figure out in order to gain bearing.


The erasing of all this knowledge on this dimension has been done by those who represent themselves under the symbol "P". If you did not notice all words of Power, that carry the Principle behind all Perspectives of this Plane start with "P". Here are a few; Pyramid, Phi, President, Phd, Professor, Principle, Power, Palace, Pope, Phallus, Pride, Prana etc. the list can truly go on and on.


This symbol is the main occult symbol of the Catholic Church, Jesuits and the Papacy it is actually Saturnalian and shows the mastery of the cube or hexagon which has of course 6 sides. Many have chosen to follow the physical story of Christ as a man which is actually the Anti Christ or more correctly the Anti Kundalini. This is because there is nothing in the fabricated altered biblical texts that give a step by step on how to awaken the power within through the procedures necessary to awake the spiritual control centers of the body. It is more of a grimoire designed to encourage people to evoke Spirits in order to receive protection and blessings.

There is a huge difference here as the proper one requires that you work on your Mind, Body, and Soul in conjunction until you reach balance. The other simply teaches the evocation of Spirits such as HA-LE-LU-YAH, JE-SUS, and even MARY to bring favor. Most still have no clue who these Entities actually are and they never ask questions. Haleluyah evokes several entities including Saturn, Venus, and the Moon. Jesus means Fish Lord of the Earth, while Mary who is referred to in the occult as MAG is actually a Dragon Queen with a Hive Mind Womb. Bees are often confined to a Hive Mind Hexagonal Nest which is why the so called Elite always use Bees in their symbolism.

This is the pact or agreement that has been made behind your back but on your behalf in regards to your Soul and its current state. If there are close to 768 known planets why is it that our world only knows about 7 of them? Instead of 7 days a week which are actually dedicated to 6 Planets and a Moon why not 768 Planets and 53 Moons? Since nobody has thought about this question they have yet to break through the Veil. But this Show we most certainly will. Wholeness

James Evans Bomar III

Developer of the Planetary Resistance.

Be sure to check out the new Resistance Tutorial for Pro Resistance Users who take advantage of our full functionality.


Views: 1692


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Comment by Jennevieve on July 1, 2012 at 3:14pm

Really Enjoyed the Show today Sevan.........Thank you For ALL You Do...............WBV

Comment by Gee on June 30, 2012 at 10:51pm

This sounds great.

That eyes are portals this is for sure and I would like to share small story which happened to me and confirms this.

Around 7 years ago me and my girl took some "magic mushrooms". We used to experiment quite often them days for some time. One evening super strange thing happened. Basically after 3-5 hours of taking mm I went to bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Now strange thing started to happen because I have started to see my face change. I kept on staring at my face. It grabbed my attention by changing faces at faster and then super fast speed so after a while I could barely see any face except my eyes. They kept steady till everything become too powerful and face change too fast so everything started to stretch (string). It stringed me all out till I blacked out. After blackout I have arrived in the unknown place. I did not see my body and did not even look because things started to grab my attention. In front of me a massive arch appeared. It looked golden colour but material more similar to fire. Inside arch there were 3 entities. I could see the top half of their bodies and heads. They looked like 3 but when they moved it felt like it is 1 living thing... One in the center was bit higher than 2 from sides but all 3 fit nicely in the arch. They looked very disappointed about something and it felt like with me. They started shouting something like what have I done (not sure about language but understandable messages) and I started to feel fear. Their disappointment was coming up just as my fear. I reached the peak of my fear and everything disappeared. Total blank black. Within the blackness I could hear girls voice calling my name. It felt like I was in some void and voice was coming from super far away but was coming closer and closer. Then I started to see something bit blue, then white till I realised that it was my girlfriends eyes. I could not feel or move my body. Then slowly I have started to feel how my body starts to get life starting from the eyes. I remember in clear detail the feeling of coming back to body. It took around 3-5 minutes for me to get comfortable and be able to feel / move my arms, legs and all. I was after the fear (death) shock so my heart was pumping blood like crazy. I felt like it was the 1st time I move my hands or legs, looked bit like relearning moving myself. Anyways I tried to get up and it took some time, then I almost run to bed to lie down and digest my experience. It was difficult go up the stairs but when I was in my bed I calmed down and then the mushroom came back and finished everything with positie vibes...

My girlfriend explained me that she heard something smashing in the bathroom, so after a minute or 2 she went to check and found me on the floor, all white, black lips and no breathing and started to wake me up till it was successful.

This experience lead me to a lot of knowledge. I did not know who the entities were but I would give them name from my point of view: ARCHONS.

Only after about 5-6 years I came across gnostic material and some information there is very close to what I have experienced.

It all confirms that eyes are portals and mirror can be used as access tool... Mushroom was an ingredient to fast forward things to go straight to the point and it was all sort of an accident...

Sevan I appreciate and am very thankful to you for this super decoding work you do !

You open gates/portals and ALL ! :)

Wholeness and balanced vibrations everyone !!! :)

Comment by Kv_Three_O_Five on June 30, 2012 at 9:59pm

yet again i dont know how you do it !..well actaually i do lol..that video was amazing..It Just So Happens that while i was sun gazing the other day. Something Amazing happened! Well The Sun itself sort of Morphed into an actual Eye! the light was the iris and the colors of the rainbow were actually emitting from the Pupil, it was Beautiful and i Do Beleive i was actually Captivated!..I had a Lucid Dream Where The Same Eye In the Video Appeared As My Third Eye while i was attempting to have an Obe. I gazed into it and then was suddenly thrusted into the Astral Sometime into the Future!(found out it was the future because i was conscious of the event as it manifested itself here in the phsyical) It was a clean Obe! Just Like in the video Going through the visica!...Sevan Once again you some how saw my experince and Knew i had questions And Just Like Clockwork your right On time With the answer!..wholeness cait wait for the Show! #Motivated

Comment by Jennevieve on June 30, 2012 at 6:22pm

Looking forward to this one as well........

Comment by Joshua on June 30, 2012 at 6:05pm

(~*~) looking forward to it


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