Hello Family,

Lately I have been dreaming of spaceships and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same type of dreams. One ship was entering a body of water and I dreamed I was over a friends house and a spaceship was passing by in the clouds and turned around and picked the family up. I had another a little weird, but a cat was flying a small spaceship (LOL) I know.

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Comment by Denise La Roche on July 12, 2010 at 5:56pm
blessings big oz. i haven't had any dreams since then and it is weird because i was not living here when the dreams occured, but now i am. it felt more like not something i was remembering but like something that was to come. what was also very clear in the dreams was that people were not running in fear, just standing outside, looking up in awe.
Comment by Osric on July 12, 2010 at 3:24am
WoW! Denise that was a good one and you haven't dreamed of them since then? I wonder the meaning behind the dream or are we just remembering.
Comment by Denise La Roche on July 11, 2010 at 9:09pm
blessings 2 u big oz. a very long time ago i had a dream that i was at the house i grew up in (in which now i reside) and the sky turned a very strange gray color. it had a static energy in the air. then there appeared very large (very, very large) space ships that parted the clouds and just hovered. around the same time i dreamed of very large angelic beings (giant size) that decended from the sky. everyone went outside and stood in awe but was not afraid.


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