I've had an amazing journey and it led me to this door...finally,I rest my feet here,I feel safe..thankyou.
I only hope to add and inspire to assist,as you are to me in wholeness.

Simplicity keeps coming to me,after my meditation,I'm often giving insight as I'm sure most of you are,
Giving some guidance on how we are to connect with the Most High and that we must look at our breathing

In a single breath,there is the simplicity of surrender and trusting that your breath will return.
In that breath we find the Most High,just as all the negative and soul destroying things are hidden in plain
Sight,so is our Most High ,not too far or too hidden,but with us,as within this breath we
Will hear that voice...greatful we should be that we are now aware of these structures that harm us,
We are halfway there. The Spiral is the cycle of breath,inner and outer rim of the
I also believe that we are already whole we have just not alowed ourselves to see or feel it,
Some expect to work hard and walk trough fire to see what is already there just like the
Fallen angels so visibly taunting and harrassing us in so many ways..

The knowingness of being one with the Most High is the key...
Still on a darker level all things that do not serve our souls anymore will fall away..

Views: 83


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Comment by Bert Ward on October 13, 2011 at 6:39am

Well put!

It's so delicately difficult to put these kind of experiences into words but I feel like I know exactly what you are talking about. It's so soothing to reach out and find you are not the only one who is perceiving the construct like it IS.

In my mind SCIENCE and SPIRIT are finally starting to become friends again! I'm glad to see some respected scientists have recently been discovering new clues to as the TRUE nature of our existence....these new globally announced discoveries plant the seeds of divine evolution in the minds and souls of all who listen.

The growth process is so slow that those still shackled to 'the machine' are going to need time, more pain.......and more 'proof' to awaken the Buddha inside. 

Spirit simply IS - and Scientific Reasoning (at all levels of human development) is the anchor which keeps individual consciousness on the planet so we can remain aware of our breathing and purpose. There are many, many distractions (enticements, false promises of shortcuts) along the way but I believe if enough of us stay focused for long enough - and on the right things we can re-make this world into a PARADISE. 

But we have to break it off - our long standing romance with the seductions of the material, in order to do this. A VERY tall order.

I've had a LOT of trouble with that......so easy to confuse true physical needs and wants with each other. Its a Labyrinth - I tell ya!

Just my angle.........gotta tangle with the MATRIX


Comment by Ryan McShane on November 18, 2010 at 3:56am
Welcome to the resistance. This site contains the highest levels of knowledge only topped by the secret societies themselves.
Comment by patrick cassidy on November 17, 2010 at 10:57pm
thank you for posting this aurora..im so happy you are here with us at the resistance..
Comment by Denise La Roche on November 17, 2010 at 9:18pm


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