Yesterday, I had to go take care of my taxes sine this was due to do. Upon arriving to the tax preparers office. There were two men who were working together at a desk, I guess one was being trained by the other. However, Both of them were older Caucasian men in their mid 60's. Upon sitting down in front of them, the one on my right had a very negative attitude about him,. However his aura was green. It wasn't a deep green it was ore on the electric green color side. The man on his left was very positive and his aura was blue. I knew right off the bat that my time here wasn't going to be good. The guy on the right kept being so negative saying that o" Oh you're not going to get a large refund. Even though prior to me going there i had ran my figures through my older tax program i had on my computer. I had went here to have my taxes done because it was free and I am tired of paying someone to do my taxes only to find out that I could have received more money afterwards due to errors or oversights on the preparers end.

After my taxes were done, the guy on the right offered his hand for me to shake. The other guy did also however, i didn't shake his hand.... I got up and had left. He was soooo negative that i wasn't going to he carrying that back with me OH NO!

I have been taking my Monoatomic Gold and Aulterra for over a month now and i'm seeing people for who they're really are... Also if i feel drained around someone, it's my clue to get the hell outta dodge cause all they want to du is suck your energy... a.k.a Energy Vampires... LOL

Did anyone else experience this recently... I would like to know...


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Comment by MiztikMan on April 16, 2010 at 5:07pm


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