This one of my old post from another site.
maybe also interesting for you NOW,
I will post meer, In time I have post more or less 40 blog's and I will make a selection to share with you.
In the next stage of your physical body's shifting reality a realm of many vibrant
prismatic colors and dancing energy patterns. Your body's chakra system can be
viewed as an energy pattern of beautiful colors, circling each of its thirteen major
energy centers. Imagine glorious combinations of reds, coral-pinks and vibrant lightblues,
red-oranges and pale and day-glow greens, dancing together in marvelous
ways. Picture each energy center working with every other as one. Before we
immerse ourselves in the observation of our chakras, let me briefly describe why this
is happening to you.
Chakras (or your major energy centers) allow your transforming physical body to
integrate its spiritual body and to function properly. To accomplish these complex
procedures, your local Spiritual Hierarchy intends to bring four additional chakras
online as soon as possible. These four new centers will permit you to manage the
immensity of multi-dimensional information inherent in your new physicality. In
addition, they will transform the other seven chakras, thereby allowing them to take
on many new 'responsibilities'. Let us now engage our ship's unique 'miniature' drive
and enter this changing life-energy system of your chakras.
To assist us in explaining your new chakra system in great detail, we have brought a
special magnifying system online.

The first extra centre is at the diaphragm where your body's emotional memory system is currently located.
The second new centre is situated at the thymus where your body's immune system is
presently regulated. (Fully-conscious humans possess a complete and very healthy
immune system.).
The two other new centres are in the head. One (called the 'Well of Dreams') is found
in the back of the head just above your medulla oblongata. It regulates the connection
your consciousness has with information from higher dimensions. The other new
chakra is located near the pituitary and is named after the master endocrine gland in
the body.
Instead of the previous seven physical body centres, your transformed body now has
eleven. This eleven-canter network has two additional inter-dimensional (etheric)
centres located above the head. They are called the 'Universal Female' and the
'Universal Male'. In total, you will have thirteen primary or main chakras -two purely
etheric and eleven that are part of your physical selves (see above chart). Let us begin
the following portion of our mini-tour by describing these new and currently
transforming chakras.
[1] The first chakra (root centre) is located at the base of the abdominal cavity. Its
main purpose, however, is changing. This energy centre allows Mother Earth to attune
your life force vibrations to hers. In effect, Mother Earth depends upon the resonance
of her physical Angels to maintain maximum efficiency of her magnetic and
gravitational fields.
[2] The second chakra (sex centre) is located near the sexual organs and is tied to the
first chakra. Its primary purpose is to help vivify the body through the use of special
sexual practices or disciplines such as highly ritualized, fully-conscious tantra. This
process permits the vibrating energy (internal sexual tuning crystal) to tune the entirebody and, especially, the first chakra.
[3] The third chakra (solar plexus centre) is located just above your belly button and is
the seat of the second connection point for your Full Self. Life energy enters through
the crown centre at the top of the head (the golden cord) and through the solar plexus
(the silver cord) or seat of your Will. The heart centre regulates this energy.
[4] The newly formed fourth chakra (diaphragm centre), found at the base of the
thoracic cavity, is now the centre for storing negative emotions. In the near future, it
will be able to alleviate stress and empower Will energies stored in the solar plexus
centre. This chakra is the centre of a rejuvenated 'prana' (breath energy). And, as
students of yoga know, prana acts to revitalize and purify the body.
[5] The fifth chakra (heart centre) is found at the heart. It is a vital link to the Angelic
energies of pure thought and to the holy energy of complete Love, devoid of all
possession, sentimentality, etc. This complete or pure love enables your body to
operate at peak efficiency.
[6] The sixth chakra (thymus centre), also newly formed, is where the thymus gland is
situated. In your coming reality, the body is pure thought-form. Its immune system is
tremendously strong and viable. In the transformed human, the thymus retains its
initial size which is about one-third the size of an adult heart.
This means that the thymus centre remains sound throughout your lifetime. The
human body easily attains the ability to transmute any potential illness or disease. Due
to Earth's present high levels of background radiation and to the many long-forgotten
wars that have ripped your atmosphere asunder, your thymus centre begins its gradual
deterioration immediately following birth. By adulthood, it has shrivelled from the
size of a human baby's heart to that of a small pea.
[7] The seventh chakra is located in the throat and helps to collect prana energy that
invigorates and purifies the body. It also acts as the communicator for your
consciousness and co-ordinates the energies of the body, with the regulatory
consciousness energies of the head.
[8] The eighth chakra (Well of Dreams' centre) is currently vestigial and is found in
the area of the occipital lobe (at the base and back of the head) directly above the
neck. Individuals, particularly those with psychic abilities, commonly get headaches
from information 'bottlenecking' that create discomfort in this region. This chakra's
inactivity mirrors your present state as a dormant, limited conscious Being.
In the present reality, humans with expanded psychic abilities can use connections
critical to the brain's limbic system provided by the "Well of Dreams' to mentally
control others. It is important to realize this and to surround this centre with great
spiritual protection. In the new fully conscious system, this particular centre
regulating psychic energies and preventing you from ever being controlled, becomes
very important.
[9] The ninth (pituitary chakra) is newly located in the area of the pituitary gland.
Near the centre of your head, it permits the body to respond to Light and radiation
and, by utilizing this response, eventually will rejuvenate your body. In the new body,
the sixth, eighth, and ninth centres interact quite extensively with the others, allowing
you to use any vital, inter-dimensional information-energy immediately.
[10] The tenth chakra (pineal centre) is located in the centre of the forehead above the
nose and near the pineal gland. It brings in higher Light frequencies and is known as
the vision centre or the 'third eye'. Together, the eighth and tenth chakras permit you
to receive and interpret visions and other key messages from higher vibratory states.
[11] The eleventh chakra (crown centre) is located at the back half of the top of the
head. It is here that the Full Self energies from the universal source and the two new
etheric chakras connect into the head.
[12] The twelfth chakra (Universal Female) is situated just above the head. It controls
the left side of your body and regulates your many creative gifts and talents. It is also
where the desire for internal self-love and for external love or compassion originates.
[13] The thirteenth chakra (Universal Male) is found above the head and regulates the
right side of the body. It also has authority over your perceptions of reality and your
ability to carry out a designated plan with practicality. This chakra is the source of
your desire for inner and outer harmony.
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