Keep in mind, dear Hearts, that you are energy - and ‘Light Beings’. Everything in
Creation is Light. Your cellular structures and everything around you (the room in
which you are currently sitting or any other part of your reality) is all Light. Light
exists at many different frequencies. There is visible Light, and there is obscure or
hyper-spatial (inter-dimensional) Light. There are many different levels of Light.
Light is all encompassing. All of Creation is made of Light. For this reason, every
area of the body is highly Light sensitive. It is crucial that you understand this point.
We are all Light Beings. Even now, you could say that you are a Light Being having a
human experience.
Let us now move our ship's camera into a better position. From this new vantage
point, we are able to see how the chakras operate. To begin, let us examine the way
your head chakras connect to your now forming twelfth and thirteenth chakras. If you
visualize the area around your head, you can see an energy triangle forming.
Emanating from it are many vibrant, prismatic colours and energy information
packets perceived as sudden blips of Light.
This triangle connects the twelfth (Universal Female), thirteenth (Universal Male) and
eleventh (crown) chakras. Yet another line travels from the eleventh (crown), to the
eighth (Well of Dreams), to the ninth (pituitary), to the tenth (pineal) and, finally,
returns, back up to the eleventh (crown) chakra.
Dear Hearts, visualize two flat circular shapes that connect through the eleventh
(crown) chakra to create a special rotating, scalar wave transducer. Scalar waves are
inter-dimensional waveforms. The rotating, triangular head antenna allows a person to
radiate her/his life and information-energy to others. Through this same device, the
individual receives the energies of others. Both upper and lower brain centres are
there-by able to inter-communicate in ways that are beyond your present capabilities.
In effect, Earth humans will have a first (or 'outer') sight and a complete second (or
'inner') sight. Psychic abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance,
clairaudience, and psychometry will become natural. At this point, we will zoom our
camera focus out just a bit. From this macro perspective, we can clearly see how these
centres interact.
The eleventh (crown) chakra brings in Light (life and information-energy) and
channels it to the eighth (Well of Dreams) and sixth (thymus) chakras. As we have
just seen, the eighth and sixth centres (both Light sensitive) interact. Remember that
Life originates within the divine Light of the Creator. Focused in this way, many of
the frequencies of divine Light produce a Love harmonic. The energy this focus
produces causes the eighth and the sixth centres to resonate with the fifth (heart)
As the eighth, sixth, and fifth centres resonate with each other, they radiate energies
that allow the seventh (throat) centre to receive the incoming prana. (life energies).
These harmonies (songs of Light) move down, to the 'prana' or fourth (diaphragm)
centre, distributing the prana energy and invigorating and cleansing all the cells of the
Let us now zoom in closer with our ship's camera to allow you to observe your
expanded, fully-integrated chakra system in operation. Notice that each centre is
vibrantly multi-coloured with no shade predominating. Depending on its health and
function, each centre’s colours encompass almost the full spectrum.
Light energies emanating from each centre appear as constant fire flashes from a very
bright Light. They are continually exchanging energies and information. This process
creates a natural and self-regulating feed-back or information loop which makes the
many energy systems of your body appear to spin and pulse simultaneously like a
'lighted' toy top.
As the chakras of your body's system glimmer, their Light resonates a glorious
musical harmony. They create an effect similar to a computer-linked synthesizer
which can convert a sequence of colours into a musical composition. Heard more
closely, the sounds of your body resemble a mixed choir performing an exquisite,
classical oratorio. At times, your body echoes a magnificent, angelic chorus. Although
these frequencies are currently too high for your ears to perceive, this is the way in
which your body sings its intentions and constant praises to its Angelic guardian,
councils, body councils, and fellow Light Beings!

Using our ship's camera, dear Hearts, let us now 'zoom' in, yet again, on this multicoloured,
shimmering body. First, observe the solar plexus, the area of your belly
button and abdomen, which connects you with your silver cord. This cord brings in
the Universal Creator energy from your divine source (the realm of the Creator) to
your physical instrument. In a very special manner, it then distributes this energy
throughout your physical body.
The key to this process involves the relationship between the third (solar plexus) and
sixth (thymus) chakras. Observe a special loop (or 'bow' of silvery-white energy)
passing between them. Special life energy enters the back of the shoulders at about
the level of the upper chest. The sixth chakra is the body's special, energy-receiving
centre. The thymus, a centre of high wellness and immunity, absorbs the energy, and
finally the life energy intermingles with the energy of Creation -the Universal Creator
The energy of Universal Creation flows in through the silver cord and the third
chakra. Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other inter-twined
colours rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm. This happens because
your fourth (diaphragm) centre-your prana centre-transmutes the energies into a more
usable form and then distributes them to every cell in your body. The diaphragm
centre also utilizes the energies to transform many negative or limiting thought-forms.
Dear Hearts, as we adjust our camera again, you can, without doubt, distinguish what
is occurring with your body's energy systems. Information-energy descends from the
eleventh to the third chakras while life energy ascends from the first to the third. At
the third chakra, the two energies meet and interconnect, then move back up to the
eleventh chakra, completing the circuit. Thus, they link the energies of the lower
chakras to those of the higher chakras. Look closely at this massive exchange of
multi-coloured and highly vibrant energies. What an incredible kaleidoscope of
colours, flashes, and melodies comprise the "New You'! However, your view of
yourself is not yet complete. Myriad wonders remain for you to see!
As we re-examine the Light show going on in your heads, we observe that these
amazing energies move first through the twelfth and thirteenth chakras (the Universal
Female and the Universal Male, respectively). In this way, the body maintains its
femaleness (left side) and its maleness (right side). The body's nervous, circulation,
and consciousness systems all mirror the dual female/male energies. If we examine
this entity holistically, we can discover how incredible it really is.
As we have duly observed, the new, fully-conscious human Being is able to
rejuvenate, is tapped into the inter-dimensional world, and can see spiritual energies.
This Being is one with what you call the realm of the dead (the Spirit world) and is
capable of producing powerful thought-forms. Such a Being seeks Love and desires to
discover/ascertain what reality is made of and how to plumb the depths of its soul's
purpose. This Being is curious about its past and future lives and reaches out for any
information that can assist it in its search. In short, this desire creates among all
existing physical Beings the basis for a new collective contract, leading to the
construction of an entirely new reality.
In this new reality, an expanded consciousness field is formed. it is the means for your
planetary society to understand itself more profoundly than is presently possible.
Streaming in and around you is the consciousness of others: their thought-forms,
wishes and prayers, their upsets, anxieties, and more. The first prerequisite is to teach
you how to regulate these new energies and show you how to be in oneness and
harmony with this new consciousness. You need to be taught the etiquette of mutual
interaction. Then, you can finally begin to understand the processes that surround you
so that you will be able to mutate into a true planetary guardian or physical Angel.
Once you learn to mentally adapt to your new consciousness, it becomes necessary for
you to understand how to control and use thought-forms, how to communicate
properly with those who have passed on, and how to use the knowledge of Spirit to
aid yourself and others. Counsellors from the Galactic Federation of Light can teach
this to you. As the educational process continues, Mother Earth knows how to
discover the ways in which her humans forever manifest their reality. That process
leads your reality into ever-interlocked and unified fields of consciousness.
Dear Hearts, each of you is a human Light point, interacting with all others, to
produce a global web of focused consciousness. This is a very special communication
web capable of making almost anything in this world possible. To reiterate: you are a
guardian or physical Angel. Bear in mind that you are a corporal and, more than that,
a spiritual Being. Therefore, it is imperative that you need to be prepared for the great
change that is about to occur. Realize that, as a result of your growth in
consciousness, a new reality is about to dawn for all humans on this blessed orb!
Let us review a few of the exciting things we have discovered during our two minitours.
Some of your transformations are due to the expansion of your consciousness.
You possess a Light Body, thought-forms, and the ability to overcome age - to
rejuvenate. You have the ability to communicate telepathically with others, with
plants and animals, and with the Gaia (Earth) force itself. Also, you are able to
communicate with those who have died and with those who might, today, be called
Angels or nature Devas.
You may ask why your local Spiritual Hierarchy is suddenly integrating your physical
and spiritual bodies. For what reason are they at this moment instituting four new
chakras and creating a twelve-strand RNA/ DNA? Simply put, the reason for all of
this is that Mother Earth has decided to change herself most profoundly. The Spiritual
Hierarchies, all the way up to the Creator, have given her full permission to transform
and transmute into her pristine and fully-conscious self.
Imagine being in a room in which the walls, the floors, and even the ceilings suddenly
became electrified. It would be very difficult for you to continue to exist in that room
unless you changed as well. That is why you need to become a fully-conscious Being.
What does being fully conscious mean? Itmeans three things:
[1] You become multi-dimensional in your conscious thinking, in your reality, and in
your capabilities.
[2] Your physical body amalgamates with all other aspects of your new reality; and:
[3] You change your energy systems entirely. In this way, your physical systems
actually integrate your multi-dimensionality as well as your physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual bodies

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Comment by Michael A Brito on March 19, 2010 at 6:06pm
Oh this is fantastic... thank you!


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