(This is an extraction from one of my books. I thought someone might enjoy this part).

(For out-of-the-box-thinkers).

Opening up the Present!

Living in the present moment is one of the most important things that a person may discover. Most people have no idea just how powerful this one simple secret can be for well-being. I like to use the gift analogy for the scenario because when a reader understands it everything starts falling into place.

“When you open up the present, you will receive a gift,”

“An unexpected surprise! That’s why it’s always called, “the present moment.”

People will rarely find a lot of negativity while staying focused on the present. Everything is happening right now and not in another time frame. Everything in the present is also a gift. Happiness and joy can also be found in the present. We can usually get divided and cease function as a “whole person” when our thoughts of the past and future keep distracting us and making us distant to what’s really happening in the NOW.

One of the biggest secrets is indeed to dwell in the present at all times. The present is the infinite. There is no ending. It provides endless positive experiences. Once it has been done for a while, it can be amazing just how quickly things will improve and how fast fortune arrives. Our awareness and concentration, not to mention every other health aspect, improves dramatically. It is very good medicine.

Imagine someone telling you to go out and enjoy life, but then tying ropes around your body and pulling you in opposite directions until you finally give up. This is what happens when we constantly attempt to live (i.e. think and act, respond) in the past and the future. Our “real lives” and experiences for every single moment becomes something that we can rather resent or do not even desire. Think about all of the problems, drains, tensions, anxieties and stresses caused from mentally bouncing around from the past to future and then back again.

So, how does one solve this problem? Very easy. Stop looking at your existence in a linear timeline view, such as in a line with the past, the present and future- and you stuck in the middle. Being stuck in the middle of a shifting viewpoint is what causes us to feel as if we are always a victim of circumstance. Being in the middle of all of it is what causes many problems and conflicts. Consider that this linear time-line doesn’t even exist.

Thinking of time not existing in a linear way may seem bizarre at first. But, it can have a major change on every perspective. One can then start truly experiencing every single moment and being whole, as the person they were meant to be. One can then focus on “being” from one experience to the next- all becoming more natural and fulfilling. We usually destroy and scatter every part of our self and being when we choose to always live in the past and future- when we attempt to always think and act in a shifting linear time-line modality.

There is no expert that ever arrives to put all of those thoughts of the past and the future together to become a wholly integrated perspective. Ironically, we become like Humpty Dumpty and all of the kings men cannot put us back together again. Everything will just remain fragmented and scattered- leaving little pieces of us all over the place- disconnected as a whole and un-integrated. That is why someone cannot really expect to enjoy life in fullness unless living solely in the present. We can come back to the present anytime. Just be aware of each present moment. It equals human values, which will compound upon itself for a larger than life experience.

Living in the present is also a secret regarding emotional and spiritual well-being- like in meditation. Linear time can become an illusion and may be handy for a robot. The very concept of living in some linear time line reality causes major problems because it is disconnected from values- in all aspects of a "conscious" experience.

Once one understands this part, they will never look at their own existence in the same way again. Living in the present moment, on every level, leads to effortless growth and abundance. NOTE* This has nothing to do with thinking ahead or planning things in life. Remember, when we open up “the present” we will receive a gift. The past and the future (the old linear time line view) is only the wrapping paper that the gift has came in… nothing more… and that there holo-gift or connection is still in front waiting to be experienced.

Something to think about, “Living only in the present moment, in the now, is our natural relationship and synchronicity with the World. It produces a natural connection with the Universe or the divine to create a path of abundance. If you want to experience never-ending spiritual growth, emotional growth and abundance then you must discard or at least shrink the older linear view concept and experience every present moment as the only moment that really exists. This will eventually put you right into an abundant reality and condition.

We are not "time-line-integrators." For, instance, think about how much mental activity someone spends thinking about the future and the past. Then realize that none of it is ever integrated into a complete picture. We are integrators of present or NOW moments. The present is what’s real. And, that is where many people should be at times instead of lost somewhere in their imaginary time-line maze and jigsaw puzzle, which means that their own experiences of “the present or a full or whole reality” is usually distorted.

Life has a funny way of bringing to us what we truly need or desire or us towards it. Living in the present causes major synchronistic events to occur. One's intuition increases and they learn to just accept and go with things. Those who study the law of attraction will understand this part. You see, when a person chooses to always live in the present moment, they eventually develop a calm, posative, content balance and pose. After a while, it gets easier to enjoy things and act in passion. That type of orientation also creates patterns of abundance, enjoyment and good things to re-occur more often. And, so the pattern expands itself to be experienced more-by fundamental laws and natural laws of the Universe.

There is nothing complicated about the concept of a linear time line not existing. Getting rid of the illusion of a linear time-line and considering that time itself does not really exist at all- that everything is happening now and at present point, the moment becomes infinite and the roses bloom, putting one exactly where they want to be on the path of personal discovery, development and growth.

When one experiences and realize each present point, each point becomes a present. Instead of looking at a clock as something that measures an increment of time, it can always be regarded as something that records your experiences of the NOW- moment-to-moment- each second or minute- one experience of the present moment after the next. One's intuition can also increase dramatically and good fortune can come in a natural, unfolding manner. A person can more naturally be who they were meant to be- along with all of the experiences that they were meant to have- in abundance, wholly and fully- infinitely- continually compounding upon itself.

Do you think that our natural relationship with the World is constantly bouncing back-n-forth and scanning the past, the present and the future in our mind, though attempting to make some sort of linear based puzzle that by chance will fit together? The moment of abundence and connection to more abundence can be found in the present moment of endless gifts(Written by Nathan L. Earney. Please mention my name if sharing. Thanks).


Enjoy the present moment!

Please remember to throw away the “wrappings.

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Comment by Nathan L. Earney on November 23, 2010 at 10:02pm
truth seeker, Syncing both sides of the brain is a topic I've always been interested in, but I have not progressed far in that mystery [M], most likely because I haven't understood enough of the science. Listening to good classical music can help to an extent from my personal experience.

About a decade ago, I was a fan of The Centerpoint Institute and on their "Awaking Set" there is a program called "Oasis" (theta wave). I don't think I have ever listened to anything else quite as effective while in meditation. But, I am not sure if that is the same tech. as Monroe's stuff.

Like you mentioned, I think quieting the mind may lead to a sythesis or middle ground for both hemispheres, where better perspectives of things can surface into our awareness. From my observation, if one doesn't detatch and dissolve what is useless in their current pattern of thinking or program, then additional truth and insight has problems getting through.
Comment by Nathan L. Earney on November 23, 2010 at 4:55pm
nima, you are quite right. Duality and not observing enough to reckognize aspects of polarity has become a growing issue I see all the time. I've been learning to step over it for a while. People should try reading The Hermetic Kabalion and 7 principles sometime to open their eyes a little bit more. Thanks for sharing.
Comment by Nathan L. Earney on November 23, 2010 at 4:48pm
Thanks, truth seeker. I would have to review your work sometime and give you feedback. In corrispondence to your topic, I've basically learned how to uproot and dissolve most of the program (i.e. illusion). Emptying the golden cup within the mind and letting truth, insight and outer synronicities take place in my Life. I just do it all by meditation, a hybrid technique in which my next published book will be about and is almost completed, which also delves into undeniable aspects of the third eye and chi energy (i.e. prana, life force, orgone, cosmic or whatever else people want to call it, lol). I've been living this way for years and have achieved levels I'd rather not even mention anymore towards the uninformed.

You may find my first eBook if googling my full name above or title,"Resolution M.T.F." It is a way underlooked discovery and invention by yours truly that now lets people think symbolically and eliminate obstacles, confusions and thinking blocks. Since most languages are so slow... well, atleast too slow and unefficient for me... I was going to put it in this sites library for others, but it will mess with my marketer's position rank on google. If you ever have any questions, even as in partnering up in business let me know... I expect it will gain popularity soon.
Comment by nima on November 23, 2010 at 2:47am
A "dual' mind will create a duel. This is a type of prison (density/and duality..relation etc). The whole reason we are in a prison is because of the dual. In a prison you have to be present because there is nothing else to be. Your mind may wander, but you have to be there. I think as we are able to be here (and there are different levels at times in what that even is) the prison gates open. Now this sounds a bit "quasi", but we have tremendous choice...almost like the gates are really open and there are people relearning how to live (like they just got out of a prison). There are people appearing to facilitate this (on both "sides", and even in the middle). There are people that will go back to living the way they were living before they "got out". There are bandits, recovery groups, you name it. It's going on and it really is more of a feeling first. We are using the "illusion" to know ourselves. Now, some don't need this anymore, some do (and that illusion can go infinite).
Comment by Nathan L. Earney on November 20, 2010 at 1:48pm
Thanks for comments. It's rare to find class websites with similiar views. I have been on a meditation state for a few years and have just recently "came back to Earth." Neil, On this subject, I certainly didn't imply to become oblivious to the past or future, but upon venturing in those directions there must be a purpose involved to connect to values and integrate it into the present for growth. If there is no benefit then it is just a distracting habbit in my opinion. I've simply noticed that many people have developed a default mode, which seems to always keep them out of being fully present in the present... it just doesn't seem like the natural way or perhaps the holistic way to exist. So, the previous insight is what I discovered to help, usually dramatically. Readers will interpret it according to there own sense of understanding. The program and individuals you mentioned I have never heard of, but I will have to check.
Comment by aurora on November 20, 2010 at 4:50am
Thanks, this is great, we all speak the same language...


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