I recieved a couple pieces of kyanite from Patrick on the Resistance and the first night i taped it to my forehead because i had read a post about it helping you astral project.

So i had taped it to my forehead and layed down, and kept repeating in my head, "I will astral project tonight and my goal is Saturn" i did that until i had fallen asleep, unfortunatly my conciousness fell asleep with it, but when i woke up the next day, I had these rust colored stains on just my hands, and no where else, the pictures are on my profile.

The stains would not wash off that morning no matter how long i scrubbed them, it faded within the next couple days and returned to normal, but I know if i had stayed concious it would be a much more interesting story but this has not happened to me and was wondering if something similar to this has happened with any of the other resistance members, i will start to keep a journal on here if i have any experiences like this again

-thanks for reading =D


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Comment by Denise La Roche on October 26, 2010 at 5:39pm
wholeness christopher. i purchased a blue kyanite stone. i have been using it at night on my eyebrow chakra. i had a chance 2 use it while i listened 2 the chakra frequencies that sevan provided. i had a strange occurance. it felt like something was actually taping on the stone. unfortunately i was interrupted. i had this experience with another crystal that i had that mysteriously disappeared in my house. have u felt anything like that?
Comment by Marcus Fields on October 21, 2010 at 1:15pm
Wow! Thanks for the tip. I have a lot of Kyanite-blue, green and black. I am assuming it is the blue? The blue works for energizing also. Keep it in my pocket all day. Never needs cleansing. The green Kyanite is good for protection from viral attacks. The black is good for all chakras and protects from viral illness.

I will try taping a couple to my forehead and post the results.


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