on the earth is not the vision I wished to create. I step into the Matrix each morning armored up. I find myself in the midst of hostility and mass confusion. Everyone has some faction that they belong to,even if that faction is their own opinion, which purposefully separates them from the whole!
As Morpheus said in the Matrix,
"These very same people that we are trying to free, are all still plugged in and therefore are potential agents." These people will kill for a lie! Why do most put so much energy into maintaining this madness. Is it not clear that there are forces at work here. Beyond the conspiracy there lies the truth. Does it really matter who came first? Isn't the more important point, the message. It seems we now live by whorshipping messengers and disregarding the messages. Hmm, Me-sages! Have we not learned anything from our predecessors. The simple term 1st, has ignited such futility as to cause the state of existence today. I have cried so many tears for my grandmothers, grandfathers, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, animals, vegetation, planet,solar sytem, universe, and galaxy, that it seems I have no tears left.
Where is the Love of the Divine SELF which encompasses ALL that is?
I wish to dissolve the Barriers...ALL BARRIERS that separate us. We are ALL equally DIVINE! We've become so intent on proving points that we've missed the ENTIRE point! WE can create any state of being. Hell this state we currently exist in is pure consciousness...Thought! A pattern...or VIBRATION! What vibe are your giving off?
Do you know the tone of your vibration. Have you listened to that ever so consistent tone that continually sings your song under, over and through the cosmos producing you? Oh it's there, it has always been there! You just probably never looked for it or completely forgot it exists all together. Either way, ITS TIME TO WAKE UP,
ITS TIME TO REMEMBER, Hear,See, KNOW! I speak out of unconditional LOVE. I LOVE U....U R ME!
Together we can.......Words just do not seem suitable so I'll give off the Vibration

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