  • Female
  • Detroit, MI
  • United States
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अहं ब्रम्हास्मि

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Le-ul's Blog

Forget what You've been Told

Focus on what you know...YOUR Undeniable Truth! I have conversations with people all day. I had become so frustrated because these "conversations" seem to always end up becoming a debate. I now find myself going out of my way not to have a so called conversation that really isn't. I get into a cab and low and behold it's the same cab driver I had a week ago. A week ago he wanted to debate and I told him that I do not like to debate, but if he wanted to know my opinion I would be happy to… Continue

Posted on January 9, 2010 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

It's ALL an Illusion

Life.....here on the earth is not the vision I wished to create. I step into the Matrix each morning armored up. I find myself in the midst of hostility and mass confusion. Everyone has some faction that they belong to,even if that faction is their own opinion, which purposefully separates them from the whole!

As Morpheus said in the Matrix,

"These very same people that we are trying to free, are all still plugged in and therefore are potential agents." These people will kill for a… Continue

Posted on January 5, 2010 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

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At 6:35am on January 4, 2010, Ryan Chapple said…
I will check your page out. I grew up in Tucson AZ. Arizona weather will be a major change from the D. Talk to you soon :-)
At 6:15am on January 4, 2010, Ryan Chapple said…
Hotep Beloved, how are you this morning? Are you an early bird, I just got home from work glad it's over. About to curl up with a book an unwind. I hope your warm where you at. I have a good friend down in Flint he said yesterday with the chill factor it was -5 degrees. I don't know how yall do it. Nice to meet you I would be thankful for any information you have to share with me, I'm trying to become spiritualy diciplined and powerful this year. I feel that I am connecting with wonderful people on the same journey. Have a wonderful day! ONE
At 9:03am on December 12, 2009, Le-ul said…
Wow sounds familiar. I bounced @ 25, went to Jamaica. I came back for ailing family members, stayed longer than originally anticipated. Two months turned into 6 yrs. Now I'm so done I don't think I'll be coming back to visit! If I weren't a month away from being done with school I would not be here right now. How was your experience in the Army? Hmm, we just had two Army recruiters @ school Thurs. speaking of opps. in our field with them.
At 11:43pm on December 10, 2009, Sevan Bomar said…

I wanted to Welcome you personally to the Resistance, it is great to have you. Detroit, its just something about the leyline.


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