Chapter 4




  Names, numbers and symbols were used to indicate astronomical facts. These facts were
put in relation to each other through names of personae in a mythological story. The
numbers would have been lost without the story that put the facts all together in the
myths. The method or key to unlock the mysteries in the myth was gematria. Initiates
teach students separately the use of gematria as found in the Quaballah. The facts,
concealed within myth through number, became the canon for the measurements of
ancient sacral architecture. The measurements that were used in building temples
corresponded to the energy or deity that was invoked at the specific sacred site.
Astronomical facts were thus laid down in architecture. This explains maybe why
astronomy is called the 'Royal Science' by Freemasons. Actions were taken to create as
many correspondences as possible to devote a sacred site to a deity. Temple measures
were based on facts of astronomy. The moon temple is dedicated to the moon deity, for
example. The more correspondences that are created, the more sympathetic links are
available to invoke the energy of the specific deity, and to use it for the chosen purpose.

read more...  
Mysteries Unveiliing The Knowledge of Sublte Energy by Bernard Heuval

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Comment by Carol abernethy on August 24, 2011 at 7:09pm
Which is why some believe passage from earth is possible via pyramidical manipulation using stars as reference.  Very good stuff.


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