The below message was relayed to David Icke in his Official Forums:
And was censored and disappeared in half hour after its publication. Seems Icke cannot stand the massive revelations and the mental battle with G.H.REES
The last days several Greek treasonous ape-behaving webpages published documents concerning the new book “LUNAR MATRIX” (With English title: “Human Race Get off Your Knees” of the Judean Rabbi and thus White-yellow Mongol and writer David Icke – Isaac, into which is contained a devious mix of true evidence that have being stolen from the G.H.REES documents, and of conscious false data about the Moon, with purpose the distortion and denial of the G.H.REES ( Group of Hellenic Re-Establishment) Documents – which refer about:
“The Draconian Chinese Moon which methodizes the genocide of the White Race, of the Black Race, and of the Mongolian races (Hebrews, Saxons, Tatars, etc.) from the pure Yellow Race of China and Korea, in the Chinese “Armageddon” until 2012.”
About: “The Draconian Chinese Moon as a Flagship of the Draconian Star fleet of the Draconian Invader Sin – Sion – Sina – Jedi – Sedi – Jude – Judas – PseudoYahweh or PseudoBeing, which Invades – Steals and Destructs Suns and Solar Systems and Genocides other-races Planetary Civilizations in order to Gain Energy and Raw – Valuable Materials for his criminal Star fleet ”, and about: “The Draconian Chinese Moon which plans to abandon our Solar System (Read in the Draconian “Holy Scriptures” about the “Departure of the Moon”, and in order to invade to the Solar System of “Sirius A” as an area of “coccygeal Maximum Densities” as a Negative Electronic Pole of the Universe or Universal Organism or Panas (from the Hellenic Orphic word Sym-pan meaning “The sum of all”), in order to blackmail with electromagnetic death all the civilizations of the Universe.”
Indeed, to his above mentioned book “LUNAR MATRIX” the Rabbi-kid David Icke – Isaac, due to the massive records and evidence of the G.H.REES documents, of the Russian Academics Vasin and Scherbakov, of the Hindu prehistory about Space Wars between Solar and Lunar Gods, of the American Astronauts from the “Apollo” Program, and of other researchers such as Raymond Drake, is forced lately, and timely delayed and “after the feast”, to “Re-Disclosure” as a fixed Hebrew crook, the already for many years public Disclosures of G.H.REES, about the Moon as a Hybrid – ExNatural and Now Semi-artificial Heavenly Body – Ship originated from the Draco Constellation, and as a Transmitting Center of Massive Brain Washing Radiations against the Earth’s populations with false Religions – with false Political Ideologies – with false Economical Theories – etc., and as an originating place of Evil Apostate Draconian Spirits (See Spirits of Metatron – Asmodai etc.) for demonic trance – catalepsy of special Earthlings marionettes, such as Political leaders, Religious leaders, Mediums, Magicians, Astrologers, Prophets, Actors, Musicians, Economical leaders, Scientists, and rest.
After the above mentioned compulsory anymore and unpleasant for the Hebrew-Saxons admissions and true direct copies from the G.H.REES documents, the Rabbi-kid David Icke – Isaac deviously derail the Western Readers of his book with lies that have as a main purpose to berceuse them like a Hebrew rattle, in order to accept the above mentioned Massive Lunar brainwashing, as allegedly continuous, endless, and without a finishing timeline, in order for them to not realize that the Hebrew-Saxonic “NATO” is preparing to mobilize them against the axis “R.I.C.” Russia – Islam – and Lunar Draconian China, in order for them to be annihilated from the counter-attacking Chinese Army in the Chinese “Armageddon”, in order for them to not rebel against their Politics – Economics – Military – and Religious Hebrews and Mason leaders (See Sufism, namely Christian-Dodecatheism as a Religion of “Epsilon”, and the Lunar Demonic possessed prophets Liakopoulos, Fourakis, General Kalogerakis, and rest, with instigation by Lunar Demonic possessed Monks and rest), in order to not foil the 1st phase genocide of the Greeks by the axis “B.A.S.T.R.” (Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania) and of the terminal phase genocide of the Planetary Hellenes and of the rest White Nations of the West by the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China), in order to not foil the genocide of White Pelasgian Russians and of the White Pelasgian Muslims and of the Black Sirian Race from the Chinese-Mongolian axis “C.J.T.H.S.M.” (China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols of Mongolia) and in order to not foil the genocide of the Mongolian axis “J.T.H.S.M.” (Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongols of Mongolia) by the Lunar Draconian axis “C.K.” (China – Korea).
And of course, after the above mentioned multiple devious concealments of David Icke – Isaac, he didn’t write even one word in his book about the revelations of the G.H.REES documents concerning: “Moon as a Souls collecting center from the Lunar Orbital platforms “LUNA PARKS” (Their name as “Luna Parks” or “Moon Parks” today in our planet, is devious and with purpose to lure and stimulate the Earthlings’ Souls to seek out “Parks of Lunar Amusement” or “LUNA PARKS” now that they live in Earth AND also to seek them in Space in the afterlife, after they leave their body-cocoon in Earth) constructed by (invisible to Earthlings) matter from 2nd Dimension of matter ratification and by lights and sounds from also 2nd Dimension of matter ratification, stationed in Earth’s geostationary orbits, in order for the Souls to be captured in them and to not reveal to the Outer Space the here happening Genocidal and Ecological crimes of Sin – Sion – Zion – Jedi – Sedi inside the living body of Pana or the Universal Organism”.
Finally, the disgraceful Rabbi-kid David Icke – Isaac in the above mentioned books and his previous books, is doing 5 more conscious frauds:
Fraud 1:
He characterizes as Draconians from the Moon, the Semi-Draconian White-Yellow Mongols Japanese, which are an intermarriage of White Andromedean and Yellow Draconian Race and not a purely Draconian Race, in order for his readers to not be suspicious of the fact that the true and 100% Lunar Draconian Criminals are only the Purely Yellow Chinese and Koreans, which day after day and in a status of genocide hysteria against other-races and against semi-other-races namely against WhiteYellow and Black-Yellow Mongols, are dressed like Dragons and are dancing the dance of the Dragons in honor of the Constellation of Draco which is their origin.
Fraud 2: He characterizes as saurian Draconians of the Moon the Semi-Draconians White-Yellow Mongols Hebrew-Saxons of the English Royal Family and of the Hebrew-Saxon Royal Families of other European States as descendants of the “Evil” ten-race Kingdom of Samaria, with the same above mentioned purpose, namely to conceal and hide the Chinese and Koreans as 100% Lunar Draconians Criminals Genociders, and with the additional devious purpose to identify the European States and the State of Japan of the Axis “US.E.J.” (Trilateral USA – Europe – Japan) with the non-existing “Theological Dragon” or “Satan Devil” of the Lunar – Draconian “Revelation” of the “Holy Scriptures”, in to which, deviously falsely and skillfully, the title of the Lunar Dragon and of the Snake is ascribed to the departed in 9.600 B.C. and no more present Jupiter – Zeus, leader of the White Andromedans.
(Do association between the condemning of the Minor Asia Hellenes of Pergamon, in which was founded the Maximal Holy Temple of Zeus, with the curses against Zeus as allegedly “Dragon” in “John’s Revelation” and “Genesis” of the “Holy Scripture”)
Fraud 3: He characterize as saurian Draconians of the Moon the Semi-Draconians White-Yellow Mongols Hebrew-Saxons Bankers (Rockefeller, Morgan etc.) and politicians of “USA”, with the same 2 above mentioned devious tendentiousness, in order for all the countries of the axis “US.E.J.” to be characterized falsely as Draconian and Evil and thus: “Together with the “Evil India” to be genocided by the grace of God Sin – Sion – Sina – Zion – Jedi – Sedi – PseudoJehovah in the Armageddon, from the Good Chinese who (allegedly) …are not Draconians” but are Yellow … Angels of Sin – Sion – Jedi or PseudoJehovah and of Jesus Christ over the Earth.
Fraud 4: He characterize as Divine and “Good” the Judeans of the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem namely the Judeans Rabbis, “who together with the Devine Forces (read: with the Chinese Army) will genocide “Evil India”, Evil “US.E.J. 666”, the White-Yellow and BlackYellow Mongols (HebrewSaxons – Tatars – Indonesians – etc.), the “Rus” and “Mesheh” namely the Russians and the people of Moscow (Read prophet Ezekiel Ch.38 and 39 in the “Old Testament” of the “Holy Scripture”) and the Black Pagan Race”.
The books of David Icke must be a manual of study by especially the Mongols White-Yellow Judeans and by the Hebrew-Saxons, because in exactly those books is contained and is displayed the treason of the Levites, of the Beniamites and of the Judeans Rabbis of the two-race Kingdom of Jerusalem against the ten-race Samaritans Hebrew-Saxons with purpose the genocide of the HebrewSaxons of the axis “J.T.H.S.M.” and of the Judeans by the Chinese and Koreans of the axis “C.K.” China and Korea.
Fraud 5: He falsely writes about transitions of the Lunar Draconians from invisible thinner Dimensions into denser visible Dimensions and vice versa, in order:
1st) To falsely justify the so called “materialization and dematerialization of the Draconian Spirits of the Moon” which have been planned to realize massively in the Earth’s atmosphere and to the close proximity space trough triads of Laser Holograms, in order to convince the Earthly stupid population that allegedly “The heavenly Antichrist Demons 666 and the heavenly Antichrist or STELLAR = 666 and their ships, are materializing in order to reinforce the Hellene Antichrist 666” Palaiologos Dragazis Emperor of the “Neo-Byzantine Empire 666” of “LA.O.S.” having as its capital Constantinople, and political-religious leader of the assault of the Axles “US.E.J” and “T.I.M.” and of their armies against the axis “R.I.C.”. These “Antichrist” Holograms - Phantoms of Spirits - have been designed to later “Dematerialize”- disappear, abandoning the armies of “US.E.J.” and of “T.I.M.” in order for them to be butchered by “R.I.C.” in the Asiatic deserts.
2nd) In order to falsely justify the so called “Materialization of Christian Good Spirits as Soldiers of Jesus Christ” as allies of “R.I.C.”, which have been designed to realize with the same technology of Laser Holograms, in order to convince the Earthly stupid populations of the axles “US.E.J.” and “T.I.M.” that they must not further resist and fight for their survival and that they must be annihilated by the “Christian” Axis “R.I.C.”.
Of course G.H.REES has warned and has proved scientifically that are impossible the materialization and dematerialization of Spirits generally, as beings of the above dimension, because such an attempt is accordingly equal to a nuclear implosion and instant shrinkage of their body 1 million times of their original body, and with their organic molecules remaining organized in the same analogical original position (!!!) – A thing which is physically and technically and mathematically completely impossible.
We are being informed by independent researchers and by friendly webpages about the existence of the book “LUNAR MATRIX” of David Icke – Isaac and the coalition with the later fixed like-minded HebrewSaxon Alex Jones, but and also about the stupid and treasonous ape-behavior of the Greek Webpages who as “Foreign-ideas-worshippers” are publishing as “New Hebrew Gospels” the above mentioned frauds of David Icke – Isaac and of Alex Jones, in order for them to be spiritual guides of the Neo-Greeks in order to fall again like blind rats to the Genocidal traps of the Scheme by the Chinese Hyperlodge “HONG” for the 3rd World War, in order to verify again the proverb: “If one blind man guides another blind man, both will fall in the hole”.
The beyond parallel judgment, publicizing and apotheosis of the books of David Icke – Isaac and of Alex Jones by the besotted Greek Webpages, is more a product of conscious treasonous selection, than a product of intellectual deficiency and stupidity, such as the intellectual deficiency and stupidity of the farcical and miserable treasonous Neo-Greek webpages which try to fight against G.H.REES.
Concisely: the causes of the G.H.REES documents subversion
As G.H.REES has informed the Hellenic webpages, the attempt of the G.H.REES documents subversion, from the evil nazi gang “Web E”, as part of the political party LA.O.S. (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos – People’s Orthodox Alarm), with member of the gang “Web E”, Eumolpos, Electryon, Spyropoulos of PA.SY.A., Antimetatron and others, and with leader of the gang the “Web E” of George Dimitrakopoulos, as so called “Incarnation of Orion, general of the God Apollo”, and in reality incarnation of a Jehovah demon of “Metatron”, as an evil God of Hebrews and Masons, has deeper causes:
Those causes are:
1st) G.H.REES proved historically that after the sinking of Atlantis and Aegis in 9.600 B.M.C (Before Mongol Christ), namely after the World War between Pelasgian Hellenes and Pelasgian Atlanteans who were corrupted from Lunar Draconian Chinese, all the Andromedan Gods, Demigods, and Heroes of the Hellenic Dodecatheon, defeated in the parallel Space War between Draconians and Andromedans in the local space, due to the Draconian superior fire-power with war planets (Moon+Lilith), tactically retreated from the external surface of Earth into the internal surface of inner Earth, and to the four external planets of our solar system, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
G.H.REES proved that from those two tactical retreat positions, the Andromedans of 1st Dimension of Matter Rarification with flesh just like our own, and those of 2nd Dimension of Matter Rarification namely the Spirits of Gods – Demigods – and Heroes, doesn’t have anymore access to the external surface of Earth, because AND in the two only holes – entries of the Earth’s North and South poles, AND also in the imaginable sphere that includes the seven internal planets and the eighth destroyed Phaethon between Mars and Jupiter, are installed Draconian defensive barriers that forbid the entry and exit of Andromedan forces or Spirits, without a general Space War between Andromedans and Draconians, between the orbits of planets Saturn and Jupiter which is the entrenchment outer limit of the Draconian Lunar Star fleet, with flagship the Moon, satellite of our planet Earth.
2nd) G.H.REES proved historically that from 9.600 B.M.C., namely continuously for 11.600 years till today, the Spirits of the Draconian Demons of Sin – Sion – Sedi and of the Lunar Metatron are doing pseudonym incarnations, namely:
A: From 9.600 B.M.C. up to 300 A.M.C. (After Mongol Christ), by counterfeiting the Gods – Demigods – Heroes Spirits of the Dodecatheon of Zeus, they incarnated into priesthoods, namely into mentally distorted scientists of the Andromedans (Prelunar Unified Sciencies Academies converted and distorted to Religious Temples), and systematically they humiliated the Real Andromedans of the absent Zeus, by ordering to the Hellenic Pelasgian people Civil Wars and Civil Genocides (See Hellenes Achaeans against Hellenes Trojans, and See Hellenic Cities against Hellenic Cities between Athens – Thebes – Sparta etc), or “Holy Prostitutions” of prostitutes that delivered their profits to the Temple’s Priesthoods, black magic, human sacrifices in ritual murders ordered by the Priesthoods, sexual orgies of Satyrs and Maenads, and a general degeneration of the Pelasgian White Race Hellenes.
B: From 300 A.M.C. until today the Lunar Draconian Spirits divided in 2 collusion groups, namely into “Angels of the Good little God Savaoth Sedi” and into “Demons of the Bad Satan – Metatron”.
The first group of the “Good Angels”, is incarnated into Christians prophets – priests – monks – writers and civilians, with general teaching the stupid defeatist “Unilateral Love” and the “Unilateral Disarmament” in order for the Eastern Mongolian and the Islamic Hordes to easily genocide the Western Christian populations, namely the White Race Pelasgian Hellenes and the rest Pelasgians.
The second group of the “Bad Demons”, by counterfeiting the Dodecatheon and the Spirits of the Scandinavian god “Thor” as allegedly Dodecatheon and Spirits of the “Hellenic God Zeus” are incarnated into Satanic Priesthoods of the “Religions of Satan” or the “Religons of Metatron” into the “SS” of the Nazi Third Reich, into the members of the Nazi Organizations of all Countries and in regard to Greece, into the members of the Neo-nazi Organizations: “New Acropolis”, “Golden Dawn”, “Web E”, of George Dimitrakopoulos or “Orion”, “Epsilon” of the Greek-Hebrew writer Fourakis or Fourie, “Epsilon Olympians” of the Mason General Kalogerakis, of the cryptonazi political party “LA.O.S.”, and other Neo-nazi organizations with general teachings:
B1: The triptyque “War – Hierarchy – Discipline” as motto of the “Reborn Greek-Byzantine Empire” which will force globally the Christian-Dodecatheon Religion “Sufism 666”.
B2: The leadership of the “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” over the “NATO” armies for the general attack of “NATO” against the “Shanghai Pact” or “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China) in order for the “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” with its new base Constantinople, to become World Leader.
B3: The cooperation of the “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” leadership and of the allegedly returned Dodecatheon incarnations into Nazi members of the Para-State “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” organizations, namely of the satanic Nazi organizations: “Web E”, “New Acropolis”, “Golden Dawn”, “Epsilon”, “Olympians Epsilon”, and rest, with the allegedly “Returned Star fleet of Zeus” namely in reality with the Star fleet of the Mutineers Andromedans of Savit-Savaoth-Cronus-Saturn that counterfeit the Dodecatheon of Zeus, as a cooperation for the attack of the “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” army in typical command of the “NATO” and “SEATO” armies and of the “India” army against the “R.I.C.” axis (Russia – Islam – China) with purpose the sudden withdrawal of the above mentioned space pseudo-allies of Greece and of “NATO” from the Battle Fields in the Chinese – Siberian – Mongolian deserts in order for the armies of “R.I.C.” to massively counter-attack and slaughter the “NATO” armies and the “Greek-Byzantine Empire 666” army, and finally to genocide all the White Race Pelasgians of the West with genocide priority the White Race Pelasgian Hellenes.
3rd) The above already Historically proved and apocalyptic for the prehistory of our planet, caused a colossal hatred of the Christian-Dodecatheon crypto-Jehovah Sufism 666 of “Epsilon” of “LA.O.S.” and of the parallel Satanic Neo-nazi Organizations (“Golden Dawn”, “New Acropolis”, “Olympians Epsilon”, “Web E” of the “God Apollo General” namely the lunatic George Dimitrakopoulos or else “Chief General of the Inter-Galactic Empire of 13 Galaxies” as he is self-called in his webpage or “Orion the Illustrious”, and the rest parallel Neo-nazi Satanic organizations) against G.H.REES, because the disclosures of G.H.REES proved that the above mentioned crooks and the crooks members of their organizations, are not incarnations of Spirits of the completely absent until today “ of Zeus”, as they falsely claimed the “SS” members of the 3rd Reich, and as they falsely claim the Parliament members and the rest chief members of “LA.O.S.”, but the disclosures of G.H.REES, proved that all these are schizophrenic and greed for power incarnations Nazis under Demons possession – catalepsy of Metatron, namely of the Jehovah Satan of the Moon as the Second Face of the “Good little God” Sin-Sion-Sina-Sedi (See also the God that worship the lunar-possessed “Epsilon” of LA.O.S. Dimosthenis Liakopoulos), which those Jehovah Demons are counterfeiting the “Dodecatheon of Zeus”, with purpose to drive the Andromedan White Race and the Sirian Friendly Black Race, but AND also the Mongolian not purely yellow Races of the Hebrews – Saxons – Albanians – Bulgarians – Turks – Tatars, Tsetsenians – Azerians – Hungarians – Uighurs – Laplanders – Bavarians and rest, into the Chinese “Armageddon” of the Asiatic Deserts, for their Complete Genocide from the Pure Yellow Race of China and Korea (North and South Korea).
The Demons that have possessed the members of the above mentioned Satanic – Nazi Organizations, have promised to those members: Prime minister positions – Ministers – Nomarchs – Mayors – Generals – Judges – and rest high power officials positions into the courts of the “Planetary Greek-Byzantine Empire of Christian-Dodecatheism 666”.
And at the moment that all the above lunatic perverts Satanists Nazis had their suitcases packed in order to go each one of them to the place of his appointment as “High Official” of the “Empire 666”, and they also had tickets with no return in their pockets, at that exact moment appears from nowhere the Andromedan Hellenic Pelasgian G.H.REES, and reveals that the Spirits which promised those positions of “High Officials” of the “Empire 666”, are not Spirits of the Hellenic Dodecatheon of Zeus, but are Spirits of the Apostate-Mutineer Andromedan Savit-Savaoth-Cronus-Saturn, and of his Draconian Partner in crime Pseudo-God Sin-Sion-Zion-Sina of the Moon, or “Sedi” (paraphrase of “Sin” and God of the other Hebrew’s agent Dimosthenis Liakopoulos), that counterfeit the Spirits of Zeus, and that this “Empire 666” (Tiger) will be just a big Provocateur Balloon against China, in order to give the alibi for the massive counter-attack of the Draconian China 888 (See China’s doctrine of Tiger versus the Dragon) and to completely genocide AND the above mentioned stupid Nazis – Satanists of the above mentioned Nazi organizations AND the White Nations-States of the West AND their “Empire 666” with feet made of paper, in order when the time comes that will arrive in our planet the True Andromedans of Zeus with the Andromedan reinforcements of multiple dimensions War Planets Star fleet , today parked in the orbit of planet Saturn in anticipation of the Ultimatum termination towards the Cronians Apostates and towards the Draconians, to not find alive not any human of White and Black Races and to withdraw empty-handed with the following report:
“Nobody to Rescue. All the descendants of White Race Andromedans and Black Sirians Dead. According to orders we move on to a massive genocide against the Draconians Yellow Race of the Planet, and against all the crews of the Draconian Star fleet ”.
In conclusion, G.H.REES will never let happen the above planetary scale mass genocide crime that you are trying to achieve, you the pervert Jehovah Demon possessed and greedy for power Nazis Satanists of “LA.O.S.”, of “Web E”, of “Golden Dawn”, of “New Acropolis”, of “Epsilon”, of “Olympians Epsilon” and of the rest Nazi Satanists Theosophical Masons of the “Hellenic Theosophical Society” of the Hebrew Blavatsky and of the Hebrew Anna Bezant.
We write that because in the G.H.REES documents that are published for a long time in the Internet, have already predicted and armored the brain of Hellenes against similar lethal lies with the lethal lies of David Icke – Isaac, of Alex Jones, and of the same to them Rabbis agents and agents of the Chinese “HONG”.
A similar treasonous “Foreign-ideas-worship” trend has occupied the Greek WebPages also for the same fixed agent of the Judean Rabbis, John Lear Junior, son of the aircraft engineer and owner of Liar Jet “USA”, who after Rabbinical Lectures is posing as a Specialist Para-Psychologer – Lunarologer – Lunar-trapologer, and “Re-discovers the wheel” of G.H.REES, namely the Lunar Soul-traps of Human Souls, but by distorting the G.H.REES documents, namely by disappearing the Lunar Orbital Platforms – LunarTraps from Matter of 2nd Dimension of Mater Rarification, or “LUNA PARKS” which are being stationed in Geostationary Orbits around planet Earth, and by “Replacing” these Platforms with one “Cube”, namely with the Cube of “Upper Zion” (Read description of the Cube in “John’s Revelation” of the Lunar inspired “Holy Scripture”)
And of course, the intellectual asleep and farcical Greek Webpages, even those that are fixed by the Secret Service and by the “Archrabbinia of Athens”, are not capable to understand the tendentiousness of the above mentioned late disclosures which are truths revealed from a long time before by G.H.REES, mixed with lies of Judean Rabbis about allegedly only one existing “Lunar Cube” as a Soul Capture Device. The tendentiousness is the following:
1st) Generally the robbery of evidence by the G.H.REES Documents, and the replacing of the G.H.REES Documents, by HebrewSaxon Documents, mix of Truths and Lies, for the entrapment of Hellenes and of the rest Nations in the against them Genocidal scheme of the Chinese Hyper-lodge “HONG” for the conduct of 3rd World War.
2nd) Especially, the concealment and denial of the existence of Orbital Lunar Soul-traps “LUNA PARKS” in Geostationary Orbits around Earth, for which G.H.REES wrote about, and the deceit against the Terran Souls the outgoing towards outer space, with the previous indirect assurance and denial that: “There are no Lunar Orbital Soul-traps in Geostationary Orbits around Earth as G.H.REES has written, but there is only one Cube – Soul-trap in the Moon, and therefore you can enter without fear and freely to the “LUNA PARKS” that you will see in the sky after death.”
3rd) Especially, additions of lies overlapping the G.H.REES documents as the lie about:
“Moon under the occupation of Draconians and Hellenes of the Dodecatheon of Zeus who capture the souls of earthlings in Orbital Platforms, and who as a “Stellar Antichrist 666” will support the “Hellenic Empire 666” of the party “LA.O.S.” and of Palaiologos Dragazis and of the Axles “US.E.J.” (USA – Europe – Japan) and “T.I.M.” (Tibet – India – Mongolia) in their military assault against the axis “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China)”
In the above lethal lie against Greece is also cooperating the theoretician of “LA.O.S.” Mason General Gerasimos Kalogerakis who in his book “The Return of the Gods” stupidly and behaving like ape he copies the Hebrew-Masonic teachings about “Moon under (allegedly) Hellenic dominance”.
Independent researcher and independent Webpage outside G.H.REES (Read interview of David Icke in the Greek webpage: [link to] ) are informing us that in the written confessions of David Icke – Isaac, he confessed that “he is guided para-psychologically by voices who hears inside his head”.
Because G.H.REES has already proven in its documents that from 9.600 B.M.H.C. (Before Mongol Hebrew Christ) until today there is no any other para-psychological activity in our Planet except the activity of the Draconian Demons who are counterfeiting the Dodecatheon of Zeus, and except the activity of the Draconian technology of “Maser” radiations emitted from the Moon, therefore indirectly the Judean David Icke – Isaac is confessing that all that he has written in his books are dictations of Lunar Demons that he supposedly fights.
Therefore the Hebrew-Saxon Alex Jones who agrees with David Icke – Isaac without capability of Scientific Evidence, is also a Medium namely a Spiritualist – Medium in alertness, namely a projectile guided under demonic and technological possession by the Moon that he supposedly fights.
The implication is that also AND the third of the company, John Lear Junior is under the same Demonic and Technological catalepsy by the Moon, the he supposedly disclosures the from a long time ago already existing disclosures (“John’s Revelation” Chapter 21, 10-27) about the existence of a Gigantic Crystal Cube in the Moon’s side facing the Earth, as a processor of Earth’s Souls, but under the Lunar Demonic and Rabbis commands, he conceals and indirectly denies … the existence of Lunar Orbital Platforms of Matter from 2nd Dimension of Matter Rarification in Geostationary orbits around our planet, functioning as soul captors of Earth’s Souls and as transports of those Souls towards the Moon, and as centers of tele-control of Humans through “Maser” (LINK-LAP) beams, or ...“Silver Cords” according to emetic occult Masonic terminology.
Greece is having their own Lunar Demonic projectiles, such as the “Epsilon”, the parliament members of the party “LA.O.S.”, and others, who claim that are the incarnations of Gods – Demigods – Heroes – Archpriests – Priests – Kings – and Generals of the Dodecatheon of Zeus, according to the lies of the Archpriest of the Dodecatheon Plutarch, about the “30.000 Spirits of Zeus, which remained on Earth after the Zeus departure”, while there are actually Mediums under Demonic possession of Lunar Demons and Passive Receivers of Technological “Maser” Radiations of the Lunar Platforms, with purpose the foundation of the Hellenic “Empire 666” in Constantinople as a leader of “NATO” against the “Shanghai Pact” or “R.I.C.”, and with purpose the counterattack of “R.I.C.” (Russia – Islam – China) for the genocide of White Western Nations, and finally for the genocide of the White, of the Black, and of the Mongolian Races (Judeans – Hebrew Saxons – Tatars – Indonesians and rest) by the Lunar Draconian Yellow Race of China and Korea.
To understand how these HebrewSaxons tele-controlled writers essentially copied and distorted the G.H.REES documents, see the dated 1988 typewrite outstanding G.H.REES document (“IA”) with vast information, evidence and details about the Draconian Hybrid Spaceship Moon, and its psychotronic 13.500 years lethal influence against the White and Black Race.
This document must not be read by under-age persons and persons who are sensitive in various mental disorders, because their instant contact with forbidden unconventional knowledge might cause severe damage.)
David Icke Manipulates his Readers with his "disclosures" that G.H.REES has already published the last 30 years
(Moreover they copy and steal adding later various distortions and small differences for disorientation)
And while for the first time in history, G.H.REES has blown open all the schemes of the sinists-zionists Chinese and Mongol Hebrews, and at the moment that the secret services are nailed behind it in order to locate and annihilate the G.H.REES Prytaneum in Athens, and while all the men of G.H.REES are bleeding to death in all levels (economically – socially etc) due to their work in favor of Hellas and in favor of the Planetary Security, the Hellenic Webpages and the rest Webpages write articles and reports and glorify the Hebrew-Saxons of the type David Icke etc., who act with plenty of money, comfort, cover and with safety and haven’t made a single reference to the only existing revolutionary documents, namely the G.H.REES documents, that not only reveal the plain truth and the archaic Pre-lunar Hellenic knowledge, but they also give ingenious solutions to all those problems that intentionally have been produced by the traitors politicians of the Greek treasonous Parliament and the rest globalists politicians against national and Planetary security .
After the Draconians (more properly referred as Draconians from the Dragon Asterism) and the multiple dimensions, Icke speaks now clearly about a “MOON MATRIX” as a base of the Draconians and as a base for the manipulation of humanity and as a hybrid ship Moon-Levan-Selene a planet of psychotronic and space war. Just like our previous post with John Lear and his 2007 so called “disclosures” (copy-pasted from the G.H.REES disclosures the past 30 years) we now have Icke acting likewise. The Rabbis defeated in multiple fronts, are now forced to gradually reveal those truths to the broad public and they use their Hebrew agent-writer-“prophet” of theirs to continue the game of distortion and disorientation and disinformation towards the thousands faithful followers of him over the globe. Just like he spread disinformation for the alleged change-transition of entities between dimensions (a thing that is physically impossible as has been proved scientifically by G.H.REES) just like now although he correctly writes about a “MOON MATRIX” together with various useless cracked-barrel philosophies he continues with furriness to avoid to disclose the following:
About the nation of the Dragon, the civilization of the Dragon, namely to refer about the earthly Draconian Sinese – Chinese (see Etymology: Sin-ic Wall, e.g. nation of the Lunar Sin), this nation connection with the Moon and the space Draconians from the Dragon-Draco Asterism.
About the true Masonic Cronian-Draconian Hierarchy with Commands transmission center Tibet and China.
About the supreme Chinese hyper-lodge HONG and its supreme scheme of planetary genocide code named: “Armageddon” in the Draconian Bible.
About the diachronic criminal actions of the Sinists against the White Race Pelasgians and against the Black Sirian Race, in the beginning directly (See: China’s province Yunnan=Ionas=Hellenism of the East Minor Asia and Asia. Territories of Pelasgians that were completely annihilated by the Chinese in prehistory. Today Turkey and Turks Turanian Mongols call Greece with this exact name: Yunnanistan) and afterwards through their …secondary clerks, the White-Yellow intermarriage of Hebrews and Saxons, products of the historical continuing genocide of White Race Pelasgians.
Continue you -of every nature and kind-, Saxon, Hebrew, and Greek traitors and distorters of every truth to play this game of disinformation and half truth - half information hiding - mixed with lies, played under total safety, until the complete truth will come soon and hit you directly to your hollow head so intensely that will send you there that you belong, namely to the existing Hellenic Tartars, a place of “special care” for the disgraceful liars and crooks.
Follows text from the Icke webpage:
David Icke marks his 20th year of uncovering astounding secrets and suppressed information with the publication of his most amazing book yet.He takes the manipulation of the human race and the nature of reality to still new levels of understanding and he calls for humanity to rise from its knees and take back the world from the sinister network of families and non-human entities that covertly control us from cradle to grave.David has moved the global cutting edge so many times since his incredible ‘awakening’ in 1990 and here he does it again - and then some.His most staggering revelation is that the Earth and the collective human mind is manipulated from the Moon, which, he says, is not a ‘heavenly body’, but an artificial construct – a gigantic ‘spacecraft’ (probably a hollowed-out 'planetoid') – which is home to the extraterrestrial group that has been manipulating humanity for aeons.He describes what he calls the ‘Moon Matrix’, a fake reality broadcast from the Moon which is decoded by the human body/mind in much the same way as portrayed in the Matrix movie trilogy. The Moon Matrix has ‘hacked’ into the human ‘body-computer’ system, he says, and it is feeding us a manipulated sense of self and the world 24/7.We live in extraordinary times. On one side we are seeing the imposition of a global Orwellian State of total surveillance and control by those who serve the Moon Matrix, and on the other a fantastic energetic transformation is taking place – what David calls the ‘Truth Vibrations’, a phenomenon he first predicted in 1990 and used as the title of his first book after his ‘eyes opened’.The Truth Vibrations are awakening vast numbers of people to remember who they really are – infinite, eternal Consciousness.Humanity is at a fork in the road and it is time to make a choice. Are we going to awaken to our true genius and potential as Infinite Consciousness? Or are we going to remain entrapped in body/mind and the manufactured illusions of the Moon Matrix?One choice will give us freedom and potential on a scale we could not have thought possible, while the other will condemn us and our children to a global fascist/communist dictatorship on a scale that would make George Orwell wince.You cannot read Human Race Get Off Your Knees and be the same person you were when you picked it up. It is life-changing, reality-changing and its information, if acted upon, will set us free.
John Lear 2007 "Disclosures" already known to G.H.REES from the 80's
John Lear first in 2004 and afterwards in 2007 has made in USA publicly an impressive “disclosure” about the Moon, a cubical "Soul Capture Machine" there, and several other interesting information concerning the Alien presence in our close proximity space and their agenda.
First study the following:
Here in this site there is also a letter from an unknown source allegedly destined to John Lear, which writes about a space conflict between U.S. Govt./alien "Blond" groups(READ: WHITE RACE PELASGIAN ANDROMEDAN CIVILIZERS) who are at war with the saurian grays-reptilians (READ: Draconians).
Already from 1985, namely about 22 years before the disclosures of John Lear in 2007, G.H.REES wrote in their documents that Moon is a hybrid heavenly body, namely an ex-natural body of a planetary system in the constellation of Draco, transformed to a natural-artificial body, namely a hybrid body, which means transformed to a gigantic spaceship.
G.H.REES wrote that the entry of Moon to our solar system happened around 20.000 B.C. with a first attempt to enter our planet Earth’s orbit, that failed.
The second attempt happened in 11.500 B.C. and succeeded. Moreover there is evidence that the Moon during its approach to enter Earth’s orbit followed a collision course with our planet, and some pre-existed in our solar system forces, namely Andromedans, prevented this collision with ways that are still unknown to us today.
After those G.H.REES documents and 22 years later, appears the American Pilot John Lear, obviously instructed by Rabbis, because he as a technician is impossible to have such knowledge that pertain to fields such as comparative hierography and examination of “John’s Apocalypse” in which this “CUBE” is referred, this gigantic ship that is referred in it, has also gates with valuable stones and valuable materials etc. So it’s impossible for Lear to have this knowledge and therefore this knowledge was given to him by Hebrews Rabbis.
The question is why in 2007 Lear made this so called “disclosure” instructed by Hebrews Rabbis. The possible explanation is that after the debunking of the teachings about Moon (Selene) as allegedly “a chariot of Zeus”, a teaching that was attempted to pass in Greece by the “Epsilon Group” through the book of General Kalogerakis with title: “The Return of the Gods”, in which is written that allegedly “the moon is commanded by Zeus” of the Hellenic Dodecatheon, after the debunking and cancellation of the above teachings (by G.H.REES and by others), obviously the Hebrews Rabbis made a decision that they cannot pass this teaching – fraud – bluff and are forced now to a retreat by admitting the reality through Lear: namely that the Moon is a Draconian (reptilian) hyper-ship.
But they add the conscious lie that it is all about an “experiment”. It is not an experiment, and there is no experiment, because this fraud and bluff about an experiment has numerous times been attempted by Hebrew circles and moreover by Draconian demons of Metatron who communicate with Earthlings mediums, to which those demons say that: “the Moon is here from another place in the Universe, in order to commit a galactic experiment”. There is no experiment. It is a clear military – war mongering – piratical invasion with purpose the stealing of the raw materials of Earth, and afterwards the departure – transition of the Moon, according to the secret teaching of “Holy Mount Athos of Halkidiki” about «Ανταναίρεσις» (=Departure for vengeance) of the Moon, in order for the Draconian fleet with flagship the Moon to transit to another Solar System in order to repeat the robbery of raw materials that is already committing here in our Solar System. (See also the destruction of the lost planet “Phaethon” or “Maldek” for same main reasons, namely for the rapid mining of the titanium and rest valuable stones and raw materials – in today’s asteroid belt).
Therefore, Mr. Lear is transferring conscious lies of the Rabbis, that however have extensions. G.H.REES is “speculating” (which means that is sure) that Mr.Lear will begin in the close future to make announcements of also things that he does not know but will be revealed to him by Hebrew Rabbis, namely that: “those who are about to save us from the Moon will be the forthcoming allegedly Governmental Andromedans of Zeus”, but they will really are mutineers Andromedans of Saturn – Cronus – Savit - Savaoth (Examine: Hesiod’s Theogony) that will appear INSTEAD of the true Govermental Andomedans of Zeus who are today stationed with more than 300 war planets in attack-battle-ready position in the orbit of planet Saturn (See all the observed accumulation of new irregular Satellites of Saturn after year 2000 and several unexplained astronomers deaths and “accidents” following), in order for the Cronians and their ships to appear in the surface of planet Earth with false impersonation of the alleged Andromedans of Zeus, and to drive the axles US.E.J. (Trilateral USA – EUROPE – JAPAN) and T.I.M. (Tibet – India – Mongolia) against the axis R.I.C. (RUSSIA – ISLAM – CHINA) into a World War.
Already G.H.REES in their documents has given the criteria of separation of the genuine and bogus Govermental Andromedans of Zeus with the following general determination, amongst others:
The main mark – proof that the first wave of the forthcoming will be the Andromedans mutineers of Pseudo-Zeus namely of Savit – Savaoth – Saturn, is that they will ask for the axles US.E.J. and T.I.M. to commit a World War 3 provocative attack against the axis R.I.C.
If they act like this then this will mean that they are not the true Governmental Andromedans of Zeus but this will be a proof that they are in reality mutineers Andromedans of Savit – Savaoth – Cronus – Saturn who are allies of the Lunar Draconians.
We call the forum of Mr. Lear and the readers of the present signal to take very seriously this highlight of G.H.REES, in order not be entrapped in the following announcements of the Rabbis through Mr. Lear, namely that:
“Take courage Earthlings: Because is coming the fleet of Zeus (read: the fleet of Cronians allies of the Draconians) in order to save us from the Draconians of the Moon”.
The fact that the Rabbis announced to Lear and he in turn announced to the American people, that it is about a “CUBE”, has extensions.
The extension is that because the Christian Apocalypse speaks about a “CUBE” (the cubical ship with the valuable stones gates) the association that is expected to be created by the Christians is that “consequently Christianity is a Draconian fruit – product” and therefore Earth’s population must withdraw from Christianity because it is Draconian.
Consequently the expected association is that the forthcoming must be “Antichrist of 666” and therefore we the Earthlings (mainly the western nations of US.E.J. and the allied axis of T.I.M.) must now follow the forthcoming “Dodecatheon of Zeus 666” that in reality will be -as we already have written above- ships of Saturn – Savit – Savaoth and belike and ships of their allies (namely ships of the Draconians), in order to strike the Draconians!!!
(This will also gradually form a severe polarized holy war status between the 2 main Western-Eastern World War III axles, 666 vs 888 scheme)
This is a situation of madness anymore – namely of schizophrenia, into which if the Earthlings choose to be entrapped will be finished. Because any army that will dare to attack – invade China, namely the nation of the Dragon (Sin-Sina-Sion-Zion), will never return back. Because those ships that will appear as allegedly “Ships of Zeus”, will finally abandon the western armies inside the Asiatic deserts, in order to be slaughtered by the counterattacking armies of Russia, of the Islamic Nations and of China, of the R.I.C. axis or else “Shanghai Pact”.
Indeed G.H.REES has written very early about a semi-artificial moon. From 1985 and maybe before that, according to our archive. They’ve also managed in those years to “X-Ray” the Moon with Neutrino-Technology and found its internal metallic (titanium mainly) mechanical structure and rest elements of its advanced technology and invisible-semi-invisible ships.
There are also G.H.REES typewritten documents in our possession dated 1988 that write about Soul -Orbital and Lunar- Traps – Highly Advanced Invisible (higher dimension of matter rarification) Machines of the Lunar (reptilians – Draco) Aliens that are capable to capture the souls of the dead (decarnated) Beings and to carry them to the Moon where they are being processed with various ways, one of them is through an “electro-shock” procedure that erase the memory, and afterwards recycle the soul from Moon back to Earth into another “container” or body. Just as Mr.Lear "disclosure"!
Indeed there is a surprise to us that Mr. Lear after 20 years have appeared with his so called “disclosures” and confirm in a way the writings – findings of the Advanced Scientific Group of G.H.REES back then in the early 80’s.
We finally call Mr.Lear to reveal to us the name of the Rabbi(s) that instructs him with this information.
We will make first the goodwill move and reveal to him one of our sources concerning the Lunar Soul Traps in the ancient writings of Hellas:
Plutarch: a Delphi Oracle Archpriest of the Dodecatheon of Zeus.
Additional info on David Icke:
David Icke, Arizona Wilder and the Biggest Secret By Ivan Fraser
P.S. Message to David Icke forum, fixed (pseudo-)skeptics:
Search the Sauromates or Savromates or Sauromats or Sarmats tribes dammit!
These were ancient invading hordes first in Scythia later on in mainland Europe. Ofcourse they were Asian Mongols invading hordes.
The ancient Hellenic Pelasgians white indigenus tribes and the ancient Historian Herodotus called them that way: "Sauromates", which in ancient Hellenic means: "People with eyes of the lizard" (learn Ancient Greek and you will find everything), Saura=lizard, mates=mati=eye!
Except for their reptilian appearance they also had massive reptilian-snake-draco symbols and drawings in their shields, armor, customs. These were the real draconians (reptilian dna)
Icke is misleading you in the wrong direction by emphasizing in Europe-USA(Western Axis) and by hiding the true draconians on earth, a.k.a. the "nation of the Dragon" the Chinese genitors of the sauromates, with massive rituals symbols and worship in honour of the reptile Dragons (Dragonturtles, etc) and of the Dragonian Spaceship Moon (Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese Lunar Mid-Autumn Festivals, etc)
.. Even their flag has the crescent moon (formed by 4 small stars) and essentially is the same with the flag of Turanian Mongolian Turkey.
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