This is a sad day in American history. Before I go into my thoughts about the attempted assassination today of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D – Arizona), I need to make some points:
- One, my deepest sympathies and condolences where need be to everyone involved, especially to the family of the nine year old child.
- Second, I do not in any way, shape, or form endorse or condone the killing or the harming of any innocent, ever.
I claim no personal knowledge of Rep. Giffords, but from what I understand, she was one of the few good guys in Washington. Anyone who knows me, knows full well I don’t play the political coin. You’re either up or down in my book. In my book she was up.
Now, what I want to do with what limited information I have on today’s events, is to give, for what it’s worth, my assessment. The reason I am doing this is multi-faceted — most of those reasons I am not able to divulge at this time but will become known later. But the fact being that I am being asked to do this, I will do so.
I have a particular expertise in the arena of assassination, and expertise in the area of preventing assassination (for more info on my background go here:
I had not intended to do another blog post any time in the near future. And being that I am traveling at the present time, and dictating this blog post while transversing very dangerous roads, please forgive me if it comes off as being just a little too “hillbilly”.
In my opinion, based upon my experiences and training, this was a hit. This was not some random jerkoff, pissed off at the world, who decides one day to go out with a double stacked Glock and commit this incredibly heinous act.
Let’s start with some questions that I have:
But one thing I do not believe this was, was a false flag incident. This was carried out with a single-minded purpose, with a clear objective, and that objective was not to create a false flag incident. I do believe and I will state (this may put me in deep shit by saying this but it has to be said): Today’s tragic event was the proverbial two birds with one stone — someone that “they” wanted taken out was done so, whether it be the Congresswoman or the judge.
But the way this was done and the symbology indicated through the alleged writings of this alleged shooter was, in my opinion, partly done to wake up sleepers. Anyone with even a tangential knowledge of the government’s mind control programs such as MK ULTRA can readily and immediately see in these videos posted by the alleged shooter that they smack of programming, suspiciously worded phrasing, numbers, and direct mention of mind control and brainwashing.
Please do not write me asking my opinion beyond what I have written here tonight. I will not give it. This is an extremely serious situation above and beyond what most people see. I kept quiet about the hit on Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen, but I cannot keep quiet now.
I fully expect a visit from some alphabet soup agency and with my present situation, I expect to speak with MI-6. And with that visit in mind, so be it. Again, I wish to offer my sincerest condolences and wishes where they are proper for all involved in today’s incident.
And hey — I guess I didn’t sound too hillbilly, did I?
lol big man
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