Azu Kosmos's Blog (2)

Conscious, Enlightened, Awake…Oh My

As we travel down the yellow brick road toward the Emerald City of knowledge we may be asking ourselves “what does this all mean?” There are many terms bantered about regarding those seeking and obtaining knowledge and just as many thoughts about the definitions of these terms.  I am going to present what my definitions are; these may or may not be the same as yours. All is perception.

Conscious is a label many have given themselves. This represents an awareness. In my opinion it is…


Added by Azu Kosmos on December 23, 2011 at 3:14pm — 3 Comments

My Journey

As I have been up all night perhaps this is not the best time to write this post. As I am working to gain knowledge and to bring myself to a higher level I find I met with resistance. From others and from myself. I am not sure if this is a normal reaction to the changes. I am obtaining the knowledge but at times I have difficulty with the application. I also have noticed that sometimes those that appear or claim to have reached a certain level have a certain arrogance about them. This…


Added by Azu Kosmos on November 27, 2011 at 6:05am — 4 Comments

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