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Welcome to my vibration born out of the most beautiful expression ever lived the explosion of this orgasmic world ..and what a divine explosion it has been entertaining my humanness.. I entered the earth plane 1969 . what an amazing journey to have landed here in this time..I have enjoyed my visit here on planet earth so far.. such a grand opportunity to express all the multidimensional parts of me..everything up until now is void.. as i am rewriting.. rewiring ..reinventing my self as I go along..I peeled away some layers and I hit the sweet spot in my life ..I realize that the layers are infinite... this in itself is exciting .lets make a connection that is true to our hearts..I love so deeply and wish for all humanity to feel great light in a human body.. by raising our vibration and living through our hearts we will help our beautiful universe to rise up and shift into higher frequencies of love.. Let's unfold in the mystery that surrounds us the infinite possibility to illuminate and awaken the deepest part of us ..We all long for that peaceful existence..the desire to love and to be loved wholesomely .. Step into the light a new earth is being born..there is beautiful universe within us may consciously allow creative energy to move through so we can begin to feel in deeper ways...and awaken our human potential.. The world is our mirror it reflects whats inside us lets make a connection that is true to our hearts... I share my pulse with you may it resonate deep in your hearts.
Rise in Love
Embrace the depth of your receptivity and ignite the planet the mystery that blooms within you has the power to blow all portals wide open follow your natural organic state your true desire and vision wholeness and love for all humanity
For those who believe,no proof is necessary.
For those who don't believe no proof is possible.
© 2025 Created by Sevan Bomar.
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Thankyou for your sharings <3
Wholeness! Welcome to the Official Resistance Site and may you have joy unfolding in your expansions. When I first joined I found very helpful http://www.resistance2010.com/group/new-members (please click), Sevan guides one through the site and concepts. Janet
Nice page, love magnetic ;)
greetings photo are interesting, who took them.? and did all the great effects.?
Your love is, in deed, magnetic ;) Gratitude for the musical selections you posted.