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When i'm just me to be in my personal life you see only child
yet only an adult when you feel i’m the devil yet to these contradictions you’d be in
I communicate as loud as my esophagus can vocalize,
None the less i feel only deaf ears here better than the mind only used to socialize.
My pain is deep for my salt lake of tears will tell.
Everytime past memory of fault is thrown in my face i’d rather vanish to hell.
I may have survived my initial overdose once
but feel so guilty to have lived it that i feel to live a dunce
My experience this lifetime is filled with a hole
The love i try to initialize first whenever home.
I feel to be cast aside and am soon the frog in a well
Unable to see the sky filled with life that isn't your veil
I am the frog trapped in a well surrounded by the cold embrace
That is your wall, for i cannot climb such demands just to see your face.
My nights are cold and rid of the warmth i yearn for.
Silently crying myself to sleep as the world above provides so much more
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.22.15”
"Photographers traveling widely it seems,
Could I possibly financially support myself following this dream?
Artists can draw unique perspectives and reams,
Could I possibly financially support myself following this dream?
Writers through imagination can ink a scene,
Could I possibly financially support myself following this dream?
Now seventy years its been and to much regret
Still am wondering the life i might have met."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.21.15
"We are not humans that possess a soul,
for that I ensure that’d life be dull.
As we are spiritual beings that inhabit a body,
For as I’m sure have come and gone too many to tally.
Let us learn our lessons in true,
So we may evolve and move on through."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.21.15
“Should I take the advice
to not interact as nice?
yet should that backfire
I become the Mrs.Doubtfire.
If I were to ask me through and true
I wouldn't reply compassion is not for you.”
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.21.15
"ring, wake, skip breakfast at eight
work is calling to not be late.
ending up poor is my only incentive
to not anger work for it is quite retentive
stuck in a forest with many things to bite
I'd sooner pay a cashier to acquire from, its my right!"
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.21.15
"Externalized beauty can only go so far to compliment.
for on the outside we all flourish in aspects of our own detriment.
I say the flesh of all women who exist are beautiful as well as yours
But now when worded to question their soul then, i only know yours.
You may not take likings of those of your choosing
but to demand me the same will not do, i’d be losing
Tame me though you may try
I’ll not indulge with circus tricks, only cry.
For i feel that through the setting sun of your would be rule-ers
There can be no respect for me the free spirited being in maneuvers."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.21.15
(Phi)ting Pi
"They go by unnoticed in our plain sight,
Mother’s army growing with might.
Like an apocalypse of unyielding dead,
Our friend turned foe will certainly spread.
Under our feet below shallow cement,
They plot a victory by increment.
Our ally of things based off Pi,
Stands no chance from wrath of Phi.
As roots make their move to hold territory,
Man would sooner step into his cemetery.
The massacre begins."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.18.15
"like the hidden number nine
I no longer yearn the grasping concept of time
And perceiving no more disillusions
Of a false sense of these horrible solutions.
living free and through passion of experience
We soon thrive with self permitted clearance
Wholeness and balanced vibrations
One day i hope with mind you make migrations"
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.17.15
"How do we break free from physics
And set limits
As i wake i begin to contemplate
Like a buddha in the highest state
Escaping gravity breaks that link.
Why must that be all i think?
Can’t we see the possibility
Of all that shall be?
The depths of our dimension
Is no comparative expression.
The vast infiniverse of Phi forever churns
While pi struggles to keep saturn’s concern"
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"Afraid to see my self through your eyes from seeing all the things i do wrong,
Too distracted and scared to even want to stay strong.
As i lay in the stillness of the winter night
Escaping my brain allowing true sight.
Again and again my attempts at surrender
Are so futile I need a mind mender.
Kill judgmental vibes i get from your eyes,
You wouldn't even try to hide your sighs.
I’ll do as i see fit,
I'm getting ready to emit
My own road
Beyond the morrow."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"Born into sin
Just might have meant time of sine to our elder kin
Whereas cosine weaves through space
And has pretty good taste
I feel we wake and dream to tunes of our inner being
I’ll achieve super duper level loving all i'm seeing
like the teacher says no shortcuts or cheating
Oops too late
Should've reached me before that tab got ate.
Oh well no regrets or stimulation of fear
As i fear no darkened expression
Of society’s outer ambition."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"We are vibrational beings
Of the 3rd dimensional things
Assessing all that only we could gain
From anything insane
Our life is full of karma in how you act
And that’s fact
The matter is living, breathing, and screaming
Looking for a away to stop the unconscious bleeding
Of people’s thinking.
Just gotta innerstand the mind of your own without blinking
Don’t stay stagnant in thoughts just let it come and pass
All shall fall into place like sand in an hourglass."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"In the darkness of life psychedelic justice Is the light for eyes
It even exposes
Unseen things that we talk about like Moses
There exist frequencies controlling us
But you will never know this
Im sure you’ll need consolidation
Upon this realization."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"In a time of flight or fight
For the moment security is night.
Storms have begun to brew
Tis only signals spirit to renew
As liquid is dragged by gravity
Earthly beings praise natural ingenuity
For I must with the storm of my mind
Replenish the bodily planes that are mine."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
“No matter how much you require.
I pray you see past selfish desire.
My needs and wants are tailored to me.
As is yours, so learn to let it be.
With our differences in wants and needs
I can still set aside much to fill at ease.
So to should you for all i see is you deprived of peace.”
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
“My path is my own
For i have self decisions known.
Our experience can be communicated
But never fully shared no matter how affiliated
Trust intuition for it guides best
How can anyone else assume this oracle of inner request.”
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"Power that speaks softly,
May cancel a threat calmly.
Power that speaks softly,
Resonates self quality profoundly.
Power that speaks softly,
Will ensure a strong presence promptly.
Power that speaks softly,
Induces the self to be haughty."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"We live in a border line asylum.
A world fit for those not in want of a xylem
We are ignorant to the matron’s phylum
Instead we’d sooner commit matricide
To much of a degree there shan't be much outside
I wholly believe the survival of earthly beings rest on the dying of our pride."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"From my car on the road i have a view.
An animal dead signaling an inner que.
That for as long as we live in separation
It would be a hurrying to turn an apparition.
Come to conscious perception
That maybe outer causes of macro
Mimic inner events of micro."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.16.15
"As words penetrate
Your canals seem only to repudiate
Negation of transmutative frequencies
Is the surest way to accumulate disease
Yet of course a lesson must be learned
For your actions are my mirror in return
A tendency in myself submerged
Must now surface that I may converge."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.15.15
"I carry through this dimension
With no less comprehension
My heart willing more than marriage
Aches to erase the tons of baggage
as fee'Lings of 'Sa'D or happy
I embrace to express through telepathy
The sword nay word may be whispers
yet the 'Damage is 'Much more 'Than that of embers
Speechless to those that know true power
Speechless to ones trapped within the hour
Speechless beyond the sight of thy tower."
- Lebby s'Alume 'Cascov'I - 'Date:4.14.15
"And so i shall put forth
My children of infinite worth.
As i fill the minds of blackholes
I too will need a new goal.
To surpass the barrier of word
I find to Shepard my mind as a herd."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.13.15
“Within my internal plane there
Exist entities of vibrations of pain.
They journey through my inner system
Causing havoc on the
Planetary endocrine rhythm.”
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date:4.11.15
"Stocking successful personalities to
Copy and paste the traits
Of an inner psychology.
Not many beings understand
It's a pretty sad reality for man.
I miss the no nonsense
Mentality of a six year old's
Inner tenacity
Braving the world to express
Her own humanity."
- Lebby Salume Cascovi - Date: 4.7.15
I'm not quite the MAN of today's social norms. I'm creative and tend to do things the way I like them done, regardless of what others might think. Pretty private, quiet, and socially cautious, I tend to be very expressive of my playful side only after iv'e analyzed another beings' behaviors and boundaries. I might be described as somewhat reserved but on the inner side of myself i'm one of great feeling, who cares deeply for the people and causes that are dear to me. P.S. This cause being one of them. Personal values are very important to me so i'll always try to make choices i'll feel good about. I'am quick to innerstand the deeper meaning of things and often have a fresh or original take on events or people. At heart i feel to be a nonconformist and must find the path that is really right for me even if it means venturing forth alone. :)
Added by Lebby Cascovi
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Comment Wall (7 comments)
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loving seeing you grow with your amazing poems - keep keeping on.
Thank you, Lebby! I appreciate your help in the chatroom yesterday. <3
Thanks for the cleansing tips Lebby..! Journey strong, always..!
you are most welcome Devin A sync event just saw this vid about the time you posted in the main room.Save some side trips on your journey
Higher Self, is always with you, and yes, you will be connecting closer to Inner You! Have fun with it Devin, it is a beautiful world for you to create in
Wholeness! Welcome to the Official Resistance Site and may you have joy unfolding in your expansions. When I first joined I found very helpful http://www.resistance2010.com/group/new-members (please click), Sevan guides one through the site and concepts. Janet
Welcome to the Resistance family. Happy to see you and send well wishes your way on this never ending journey") ShareINAll