Wholeness and Balance Vibrations to you new Resistance member!

This page has been created in order to get you familiar with The Resistance Website.

You will find information here pertaining to our Mission Statement, how to navigate the website, and where to begin with expanding applications to the Mind, Body, and/or Soul.

You will also find various tools placed here to assist you in navigating the Astral Quest that you have embarked on. If you have any question or concerns feel free to contact me or any of the Crew Members found at the associated link. I personally welcome you to the site.

James Evans Bomar III "Sevan"

Developer of the Planetary Resistance

Sevan Bomaer

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  • Robert Donald Hamilton

    Read the code once plan to again thanks for everything.

  • robert czajkowski jr

    Hi all,I have been busy spreading truth.I live this site, I get so much info I can't process it fast enough.we are close to the grand awakening.
  • Nesheba of ESpiritE-Radio7

    Set the Energy, Frequency, and Vibrations to, Embrace, Claim, and Visualize the Universal Intentions; thereby Changing the Matrix as…


    Be Peace, Love, Global Harmony & Healing to All of God’s Rainbow Tribes, of Our Universe…


    Peace & Love…  Love & Light…


    We Are One…


    Heaven On Earth…


    Thank you, Have a Blessed & Peaceful Happy New Year 2015…

    We're just going to be what God Originally Intended ... So, Let's Embrace the Being, Embracing, and Enjoying Our Journey Home... In the Now, In The Present, In The Moment...

    So, Let's Enjoy, Embrace Our Universal Family, Back Home...

  • Jeremiah Latimore

    $1.88...and i need .62cents to get there. Instant Manifestation!! So Be It....Not to mention lol it's gonna take 2.50 for me's to get back home..Today's Energy feels like, "don't go to sleep, You don't need anything when You're I'm typing my throat is getting a lump in it, judgement n Fear go awayyyyyy PLEASE
  • Jeremiah Latimore

    Feel like crying..sometimes my lessons bring me soo much sorrow..gotta go thru I know...I'm trying
  • Jeremiah Latimore

    Thx feel better
  • Jackie

    Wholeness Jeremiah! You are not alone brother.
  • Jeremiah Latimore

    Be honest, Does Anyone think I'm Crazy cuz ITs not even a option for me to purchase a car unless or until I can afford a Tesla or the like?..meanwhile I have 4 babes n we catch a bus that puts Terrible fumes in the air everyday...
  • Kellie

    Precious Jeremiah, you are exactly where you are supposed to be- sending you so much love love love & acknowdgement for your commitment, for being a stand for what you believe to your community (and four babies!) and intending radiant abundance, blessings and Peace to you, exactly where you are, as you are. I am a few days into a 30 day cleanse and experiencing for the first time (rather than resistance) a deep gratitude for the journey- the breaking of habits and patterns that no longer serve me or my precious temple. Similarly, in your own experience I believe you are causing your own expansion and innerstanding. ❤️ To you brother
  • Will Badie

    Brother Jeremiah, you're not crazy for wanting to be able to drive a vehicle that isn't so damaging to the environment. I drive a car every day and think about the residual effects of my doing so. However, we're attached to this world of illusion and until we find a way to detach completely we will always have to make concessions to the illusion. There is no member of The Resistance who does not deal with these types of dilemmas on a daily basis. Until we completely detach from this way of life we will have to make decisions like these. Whichever way you choose, silence The Judge, remember good and bad are only perceptions of your mind. You have never had any experience that could derail your progression and you never will. Wholeness my brother.

  • Nicole Perez

    You guys are wonderful. It is a joy to read the comments and experience people being supportive of one another. Thanks!
  • Jackie

    Heartwarming and encouraging! Much love brothers and sisters!
  • Robert Donald Hamilton

    Hang in there brother im in the same boat with you,Love and joy

  • robert czajkowski jr

    I also have , a while ago did a cleanse & let go of all that doesn't serve me,simply walked away from.I have had a spiratual awakening after being diagnosed with an end life desease, they lied,I saw it & gotten angry. Since I follow my intuatuon I am also very intuned & an , through learning,I can handle peoples energy much better.
  • SoLaRa

    I have been on this path for a while. Going through transition the past 3 years, with a marriage breakup, losing both parents, leaving my home of 22 years, kids leaving the nest and having a spiritual awakening. I have felt and experienced many things but now learning that completely everything is programming has been mind blowing yet again. Experiencing some depression with bouncing in between the two worlds, knowing I am creating everything, s*** really are you serious, no one to blame but me, ouch. Every night going to bed and dying and starting over again the next day. Mornings can be a little tough for me but have tools to remedy that but I am on this record that I have this pity party going on every morning, going to get up tomorrow and dance. I know others are experiencing these crazy ass ups and downs please share hoping to meet soul family on this site. Look forward to many connections.

  • Randy Crawford

    Sister SoLaRa...time zone or not, I'll be dancing with you, definitely experiencing the potent "All is self", crazy ups and downs, beautiful Alchemy composting the past. Wholeness to you and your loved ones during this great change.... :)

  • robert czajkowski jr

    The syncronicities this week have been crazy , I am getting deep spiratual ,esoteric e mails from all over the planet.its amazing how many others are so knowlagable &wise .these energies are awesomely powerfull.
  • Jackie

    Wholeness family! Yves, I ride the same wave and I find that as I practice discernment and as I continue to activate, it gets less overwhelming in the sense of sometimes kids know more than us and it's not so hard anymore to talk to them because as I deprogram and grow they are doing the same. It can and has felt at times as a overwhelming responsibility. When you really wake up and see you think I can't have my kids go through their lives under the spell of other lies.
  • Brian Macon

    I am happy to find this group of conscience brothers and sisters. I woke up in 1980 during my first visit to the astral plane. I am extremely pleased with this site. Now I am just trying to figure out how to use the site. So wholeness and balance to all.
  • Randy Crawford

    Wholeness Brian! Welcome. You can't help but have fun on this site, all the archived videos and podcast, books and of course family. Huge amount of liveable information. WBV!!

  • robert czajkowski jr

    Stevans radio show was fantastic.I am interested in what is beta? As I am deeply involved in soverignity & our godliness here on earth.
  • Jackie

    "Beta" is commonly used to describe a computer software or game that is near completion.
    I am waiting patiently as well Robert! I feel we all are :-) love the connections that always come through so clearly sevan! Much love :-)
  • Brian Macon

    Just caught the podcast and it was super, outstanding. Seven was so gracious handing out the keys. This was so helpful in overstanding and being taught to more importantly innerstand all this. WBV
  • Landerflyer

    I'm also thinking about doing the cleanse, but it might be better to get the water distiler and and to quit eating meat for good. I wish you the best for you cleanse and please share your experience.

  • B.O.N.D

    Maya and Lander remember to stay in the here and now. Respect and celebrate each day as an accomplishment and milestone to your journeys/quests! WBV

  • Innerhole

    Hello all, recently I have been listening to the speaker Abraham Hicks and I was wondering what anyone else might think about them.

  • David Wilson

    I dabbled with Hicks and also Bashar. Out of the two I felt more balance from Bashar and interesting perspectives from both. It can cause a loop as feelin the high vibration energies and frequencies can be refreshing and almost like a rest and recovery park and bench to stop at while on the quest. For my self I had some success with these ideas then I felt I got some pro's out of it but lost balance in other areas. As long as the channellers themselves don't become a crutch I feel you can observe and entertain the info then absorb what resonates and continue moving on your path. Let your own intuition serve you as always , good luck and wholeness bro :)
  • Morad

    when your activated or getting active your start  the channel with your self not some entity / entities.

  • Randy Crawford

  • B.O.N.D

    Asha Wahid,you can also go into the forum section of the Resistance page,tap downloadable tools and download some amazing frequencies Sevan posted. WBV godess!


  • Kevin Smith

    I have two unrelated questions which I will divide up in this post. They have me stumped, may not have as much of a clear and concise answer as I would like, but I will give it a shot.

    Over the past year I have made massive transitions in my life in terms of spirituality and how I view the world around me. At the same time I feel not much different than I did before, except more aware, akin to what things mean, quicker to spot traps hidden throughout the world. I know I am constantly changing, thinking long and hard on questions, picking them apart until I can reassemble them to find the answer. But I'm not there yet, I'm no more than a novice playing with a kids chemistry set.

    The first question is more of an experience one. I have cleansed my body, and cleaned my food and water, kicked the habits involving tobacco and alcohol. However, I am not a specimen of unbreakable will (yet) and do lapse on the food and such. Eating out, drinking tea from a restaurant even though I know its filled with toxic waste. I have even tried smoking marijuana a few times, something I used to do literally all day every day until my wife told me I was going to be a father. All of this change, individually small, but together massively important, has changed me inside. When I have these lapses, the pleasure that was once accompanied with the consumption of whatever it is (steak, sweet tea, a fat bowl of dro (not necessarily in that order, lol)) no longer exists. Instead, I feel flustered, sometimes agitated and very uncomfortable for hours until my body has been able to process whatever I have introduced to it. So, question 1: Post cleanse, have any of you given into old habits and had similar results?

    My second question may very well not have a direct answer, I am already aware of that but I don't have any one else to pose this question to. In my studies and what I have gained from listening to Sevan and others like him, I have come to the conclusion I'm sure many of you share; that we are not the body that we currently occupy, we are immortal in spirit, and our current understanding of life determines our next. I realize that the body is created through the act prior to the soul entering it, though I do not know the timeline for that to happen. I have read and also heard it said that when we understand all of this and are able to activate our true self we will move on from this world. Question 2: Upon realizing these things and jettisoning ourselves out of this world, where do we go next/what do we become?

  • B.O.N.D

    As far as your first question goes I haven't given in to the old habits, but there were some close calls in the beginning. Each time I asked myself how much did I really love me and love the innerversal terrain modification that I achieved (unconditionally).
    Now,the reason i believe you go through the agitation is that your spirit (conscious) is upset with his adversary the flesh. It's like painting a beautiful portrait with a co-artist and then they punch a hole through it. We were working on a masterpiece and you had to go and mess it up. Just try to remind yourself that, ain't no such thing as halfway activation! You're either in it or out of it! No puns intended my brother. WBV!


  • Jackie

    Yes Kevin, I have. I too have made tremendous growth this last year. My whole being really. The last habit for me has been the hardest and yet strangest habit to kick and it's with tobacco. I say strange because I have raised and cleansed my physical body to the point where I don't have the physical urge to enjoy it at all so I sit in the feeling and wonder why am I making this choice. I now believe I am really wrestling with that last level of doubt of my self love which I have only just discovered as what's been holding me back, and it's me. So I continue to face the fear I have of loving myself. I will overcome this as I have all other obstacles and I'm sure what comes next is vast and total freedom, to just be and just love.
  • Michael Post

    Wholeness, Balance, and the very Highest of Vibrations to all. Love this Gnowledge. My name is no name i am you and you are I. All Is One. My limited human label I am called Michael Post and I reside in Yuma Arizona in America. I am a true Seeker and a spiritual teacher/guide and my mission is to Awaken my true Self and assist the collective consciousness of the World which is also my Self. In doing so I want to be true to my Self and others and teach the truest of Gnowledge not just regurgitated "programmings". I thank All that Is for finding you all...especially Sevan. That is what I strive for...True Gnosis. Looking to grow, expand, & evolve with higher & greater Self's of Self. Glad to be a part of this family. I am in Yuma, Az. I welcome all in my consciousness that serves the Self and only for the glory of the true Self. If I can help in any way I will.
    Blessings of Wholeness, Balance, & the very Highest of Vibrations to you all.
  • fiona

    What a profound and lyrically balanced post Michael. .. Very glad to have come across The Resistance & the extensive knowledge. .. Appreciating the opportunity to expand & become balanced & familiar with higher states of consciousness. ... Blessings to all
  • Michael Post

    Thank you my amazing sis-star @Fiona. Honored and blessed to be part of a family searching and seeking for the goal of Self dis-cover-y. To uncover and free the Self. Thank you again and many bright blessings of Wholeness, Balance, and the very Highest of Vibrations to you all.
  • fiona

    The desire I hold is real wanting to further experience true connection with self, soul. To know to feel to be and shed the false persona & what is not. Not only intellectually realise it rather take that realisation into every part of me & light it up as brightly & colurful as can be letting it penetrate , ignite,excite,fulfill, show me how it is. I accept that clinging onto bad habits will simply hinder & not fully letting go of negative thought patterns etc shall act as doormen at a nightclub door. I frustrate over remaining in a cycle not helpful whilst admiring the panoramic views over yonder causing my breath to be momentarily caught by the sheer beauty. The horizon is truth and light one I've sought out longer than I haven't. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but it's then I tell myself to do it moment by moment and not try entertain the whole magnitude of it at once... I suppose Just letting go of some weight here with these words. Peace & Light to all
  • Jholland

    I'm so thankful for this site and all of the things I've been innerstanding. I feel like I'm a new born babe having to be taught from the beginning how to live.


  • ♥•*¨*•.¸¸ Jan ¸¸.•*¨*•♥

    So much to learn grateful to be here and thank you sevan & team members for all you do much love and Wholeness :) 

  • Gina

    I am ready to come... 

    we never really left

    ...Back Home

  • Pattie

    could someone help me with the cleanse I am new, do I continue to eat

    raw foods for three days, or is it just liquid, I am confused, and I want to

    start the  cleanse today, I purchased the whole body kit.

    Could someone help.  Thanks

  • Morad

    pattie email sent ;0)

  • Marcia Young

    I'm also starting the whole body cleanse....tomorrow. I'm only having apple juice and water during the pre-cleanse. heading to the farmer's market to get some apples today. here's a link to the Virtual Cleanse video on youtube:


  • Marcia Young

    I should clarify...I'm leaning more to raw juice/ less solids away so that's why i'm juicing during pre cleanse. I watched the Virtual Cleanse Day 1 again today, I noticed Sevan filled the glass all the way with apple juice which is 16oz for the glass in the kit i just got instead of 8oz. It may not matter but if you're counting apples, that might run up the budget especially with organic.

    Happy Cleansing!

  • Morad

  • Kevin William Parker

    Being a New Member of this fine, connection of consciousness I felt it only right that I introduce myself.

    I am Kevin, A soul who came back here with a purpose, I am trying to create a pocket of light within the darkness. Fishing is hard, when there are sharks trying to pull you in.

    Here is my Channel

    if anyone would like to connect & work together, im open to all and an ideas, including micro-off-grid set ups. If anyone wants to break the matrix in a safe way together, by all means send me a message

  • Grace-naomi Enriquez

    Hello to ourselves! I am happy to be a part of this group and to connect to the knowledge being shared here. I've been a seeker my whole life and am now finding that may of the people who had a message to share and that I held in such high esteem are collecting followers and taking the guru role. I don't explain why, but that makes me back away. It feels like a hidden agenda. Finding Sevan has been so refreshing and having a community where people bring heir knowledge and don't just admire one person and take what they say as "law" is f****** beautiful. I am grateful to learn and to share and shatter this false matrix with all of you. Wholeness and vibrations, family. May I call you family?

  • JoaKing

    Hello I’m happy to finally be with people on my level. I’ve read and have been told so much information. I guess I’m still learning. Code to the Matrix was my beginning. I like how this site is set up. Blessings on everyone here. Does anyone know how to help anybody with alzheimers disease. I have tried so many things I just can’t think of anything else to try.
  • Jonette

    So I typed a whole intro... but after unknowingly refreshing my browser, I lost the message. Guess it wasn't meant to be said. I'm looking forward to whatever I experience and share.

    I will say, I'm a tech enthusiast, traveler, and curious by nature; innerstanding that this perpetual game of balance is wild yet entertaining. Let's get it!
  • Aaron

    Just wanted to say hi. Glad I found this wonderful group. I have tried to find like minded people in the past but didn't know where to look and what I knew was only enough to get me in trouble. I know things will be better this time