Etymology and Ciphering is a group that has a direct focus on determining the true meaning of words and symbols. 

Our primary emphasis is to identify ancient and modern programming of the Mind, Body, and Soul. This we feel will allow us to gain a greater innerstanding and bearing in relation to the multiple realities that surround us, seen and unseen. 


The Anagram Engine

This tool will allow you to see all the posible spelling for a group of words. It is great to use on your name or longer words and sentences.

An online site that allows you to track a symbol by description. The site also contains a large database of symbols with loose interpretations. 

Sepher Sapphires

Book - Audio

This work will allow you to gain a great example of just how expansive the meaning and use of languages can be by highlighting the Hebrew Cabalah.

The Esoteric Alphabet


A look in to the English languages and the energy it evokes through shape.  

The Book of Talismans, Amulets, and Zodiacal Gems


A masterpiece that highlights ancient work that is being lost and the true origins of many Sigils used today. 

Load Previous Comments
  • Ayla Jones

    Yeah for Mike and the dream.  We are not giving our power away!

  • Karrade

     Any links here you can see:





    Breaking down Olympic deserves some of our focus, if only to diffuse it. What does anyone have? Obviously My is in there (pic/pick)? 0/1 or Ol, duality of y, anything coming?

  • Karrade

    Disorder - Not in their order. Seemed like a good fit, only a partial but a good one perhaps.

  • Karrade

    So in relation to the study group on the 31st of august. Ancient hebrew being related to your manifesting in the physical reality, and your navigation of the starcharts/constellations (same thing as you move through the world/life). This was a very simple beginners guide, showing early, middle and late hebrew letters, meanings and sounds etc.
    I have yet to find a star map I like, but I will post one when I do.

  • Karrade

    I'll put together a more comprehensive post when I have more to give, for now here is a video playlist by the same people:

    Very useful, for instance B being representative of a separation of genders, in the tent/home/family etc.

  • Karrade

    Erik Bissell, new videos on Paleo Hebrew and how it relates to every single language on the planet.  -

    Apologies about the spam :), but it's worth it today.

  • Karrade

  • Karrade

    To expand the mind a bit, In 3D energetic terms the letter I is a bit like a tornado and m like a circle that dips in the center, I am unsure what a is at present I AM is a bit sharper, and has more pressure at the joints.

    If you have the words -  I am, in 3D then you really know what is going on energetically :D. Food for thought.

  • Samuel Adam Alder

    Dear Word Lovers, remember that it is not the Word or the WorLd which we truly love, but the spirit of it which brings us back into life, and lights our path through it. 

    Thank you, wholeness.

  • Greg L Hopkins

    hello everyone im new here,and hope to extend some great knoeledge as i get it,ths is realy my first time communicating on these levels of etymology,so it will be a gradul prosess for me,but iam very eager to ascend,i never had a intrest in seeking the Most high this way through innerstanding that is,but here iam 38 and cant stop seeking truth its all i think about now and i want to find my balance,so here iam and i like it here, wholeness and wellness and positave vibrations to you all on this site.

  • Zen Alchemist

    Anyone put Nootropic into the anagram engine?  LOL... makes you wonder a bit huh?  Sevan - what's your thoughts?

  • Michael Adcock

    I am looking for a good dictionary - to download any suggestions?
  • James Lyon

    Alone =All one

  • James Lyon

    Love = low Vi

    Hive = hi Vi

    To love is to be seperated from the hive or whole collective being, VI 6 sence so creating a feeling of seperation, where only to be loved by another can fill, where Hive is a group inclusion to the group as a whole, to be one with the collective, and to percieve the whole as one and feel your position in completeness, im not saying Love is bad nor wrong Im saying that there is deception in the cypher.

    as is innerstand and understand.

  • Joeronimo

    With the Saturnalian motif in mind following the christmas season, the bearded man motif as Saturn. It is interesting that a beard in the french language is known as a "barbe" BAR-BE

  • Jedediah

    Entrance: The place where you Enter into, or pronounced a little differently, to put a trance upon.

  • Sevan Bomar

    O PEN - A Circle and a Pentagram

  • KFive

    Christopher Dorner... Drop an R and Dorner becomes an anagram for DRONE

  • Eddie Mejia

    Hello everyone, I'm a fairly new member here and I am looking for some guidance.  For about 2 years now I have been seeing the number 39 time and time again. On clocks, cells phones, billboards, receipts, ads, watches, etc.  The rate at which I see this number and the way that it manifest itself in my life is beyond coincidence.  Through my spiritual journey I have come to understand that there are no coincidences.  I have been searching for the meaning of this number in my life but I guess I'm just not looking in the right places because the info I find doesn't tell me much.  If anyone has any advice for me or any literature you might suggest I would be happy to hear from you. I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something by constantly manifesting the number 39, but I don't really Innerstand what.  Thanks in advance and I wish bliss and happiness upon all. 


    Mandorla >> alMond ra


    Door > rooD >> Doro >>> roDo


    Fish Gate > aGe shiFt

  • Karrade

    Can anyone take a shot at:

    Black Isle
    Take2 Interactive

  • Mr. E

    Black Isle can be Black lies. Take2 Interactive can be a lot of things. Ubisoft - You be soft. Bioware - B ware. Bio could also be called something living or life, so Bioware could be Life ware or basically "We'll sell you life" type of thing. All I can think of off the top.

  • Karrade

    Gratitude Sent Mr E for reflecting on that :) 

  • Karrade

    Eddie late response but 3 9's to me would be 3 - 9's 999 or 3+9= 12 (1+2) = 3. 
    There are only 9 numbers beyond the physical dimensions, anything bigger than this is added together to create the next number. So 9's might indicate to me, the upper half or consciousness at that point interacting with me, it may just be to get your attention, the most important thing is you work it out yourself and just keep asking the questions. 666 Being the reverse of course or man's physical  correspondence the beast. The beast is the body ;), the 6 the intersection of the triangles that make up matter, that you must tame to connect to the 9's.

  • garry david

    application  appli=apply to lay or spread out  cat= contempt for woman to prostitute  Ion=contract 
    Extended to lions, tigers, etc. c.1600. As a term of contempt for a woman, from early 13c. Slang sense of "prostitute" is from at least c.1400. Slang sense of "fellow, guy," is from 1920, originally in U.S. Black English; narrower sense of "jazz enthusiast" is recorded from 1931.  


    There is a 'REASON' for everything.

    Reason > sonaRe

  • Ronald Lee Snook

    Hello Eddie M,

    Am a newbie here on this wonderFilled site.  And, just arrived other day at this group and noticed your inquiry regarding the number "39."  Well, among other things, it has been said that it is the 2nd Harmonic of the Hyperdimensional Physics Number (HPN).  That is, HPN is alleged to be the number 19.47 actually, then rounded up to 19.50.  Two times HPN equates to the number "39."  It seems that certain alleged "secret" groups appear/may use this number as a marker and/or there is a sort of celebration of it.  Not sure, but you may recall Jack Benny's (sp?) show, think it was a TV series long ago.  My recollection was at the close of each weekly TV show, mention was made by Jack Benny himself that he did not have any more "Birthdays" after age "39." Something like that.   I think the website has articles on this number "39" subject matter.  Go to the "Ship's Library" and search on HPN and/or number "39" etc.  BTW,  three times thirteen equal 39.  Also, as I recall the launch pad numbers at the "Cape" are reported to be "39a" and "39b." And lots more at the above included link. 

    Joy, Happiness, and Wholeness...  on your Journey Eddie Mejia.   R


  • Marco Kirchner


    Shell > hellS.

    Shade > hadeS.

  • nicole stigliano

    51f7d8169d29c9c37f00013c.jpeg     Does ant one else see sound in this pic? if u take out the middle piece, n have only the gold remaining draw a 180 degree line, then its like u take the top half n stretch it out so that everything is standing straight up and then make an exact copy of the half n flip it so it will now have a top and bottom piece, if u do that with both pieces ull get 2 different sounds, wonder what the sound is?

  • nicole stigliano

  • Diane/Dedae

    Pair O' Dime Shift ~ Words and Meaning


    ibex (wild goat).

    ibex = bi-ex.

    bi > 2.

    ex > x.

    XX (Azzazel)

  • Jacob Glasnovich

    Win, Sun is "He'Zues Christ" what star is his foreFathers' Stars, Suns. Star of David, "Magic Ka'ball ( Spheare -"it" ). Merkba', megik -(Mathematics) -rcabas abba allah a'bra'll Ka' dabs ya' dig "it" all. Musa Mhose Who us, water? Hydro-gen, two, Ox Y? Gen- entices Ka' metic tell'a Ka' net-ic "Magic", Mose. Who, us? split read-sea' of "He" (you - eyes-is, l am. ) Spit. Zeus, "the" Sun the, "Starship", Zion. HeZues 'n Heaven an you, me "he" Emmanuel. Energy Emotions Energy. 1Ω, Won Om . Mom 's, Mothers- Eternal Earth. Mother Mary, Virgin oil "Jane" (shhh...Hips.) Motherships What eye Om 'n.
  • Jacob Glasnovich

    the "King" he' Man -"you-all" Chrysto', has that bad in hymn. Said, "kick'n back-spins, 'n like sat - till - night dish's, @ TEMPLE." ,1Ω.

  • Bruxby

    'welcome back' i believe comes from 'come back' which comes 'coming from behind' as in a sports reference to winning after you were previously losing or turning things around from your back to moving forward. Another way of saying this is "we have returned'

  • Maria Martin


    I've been searching the web for information on these two words "Aion and Iona." Does anyone have any insight into them?  I haven't found much at all; except for one article that seems to be circulating re a portal activation of some sorts which is to occur on November 23 2013.

    I'm more interested in the meaning of the two words; maybe someone knows of specific literature that relates to their origin?

    Thanking you in advance! 

  • Sucram

    Wholeness! Here is something i would like to get some thoughts from the group. There is this old masonic phrase "et in arcadia ego" related to the subject of arcadia the is also the painting in arcadia from friedrich august von

    I see arcadia as the dmt state from the use of acacia. Also have a look at the picture: the angels are in the tree!

  • Bruxby

    angels in the tree may be a reference to the kabalah tree of life

  • Bruxby


    Here’s a holiday surprise that only the dictionary can provide. Do you find the word “Xmas,” as an abbreviation forChristmas, offensive? Many people do.

    You won’t find Xmas in church songbooks or even on many greeting cards. Xmas is popularly associated with a trend towards materialism, and sometimes the target of people who decry the emergence of general “holiday” observance instead of particular cultural and religious ritual.

    But the history of the word “Xmas” is actually more respectable — and fascinating — than you might suspect.

    First of all, the abbreviation predates by centuries its use in gaudy advertisements. It was first used in the mid 1500s.

    X is the Greek letter “chi,” the initial letter in the word Χριστός. And here’s the kicker: Χριστός means “Christ.” X has been an acceptable representation of the word “Christ” for hundreds of years. This device is known as a Christogram.

    The “mas” in Xmas is the Old English word for “mass.”  The thought-provoking etymology of “mass” can be found here.

    In the same vein, the dignified terms “Xpian” and “Xtian” have been used in place of the word “Christian.”

    As lovers of the alphabet, we are transfixed by the flexibility of “X.” The same letter can represent the sacred, the profane (“rated X”), and the unknown (“X-ray.”) 

  • Bruxby

    medicine (n.) Look up medicine at Dictionary.comc.1200, "medical treatment, cure, remedy," also used figuratively, of spiritual remedies, from Old French medecine (Modern French médicine) "medicine, art of healing, cure, treatment, potion," from Latin medicina "the healing art, medicine; a remedy,"

    meditation (n.) Look up meditation at Dictionary.comc.1200, "contemplation; devout preoccupation; devotions, prayer," from Old French meditacion "thought, reflection, study," and directly from Latin meditationem (nominative meditatio) "a thinking over, meditation," noun of action from past participle stem ofmeditari "to meditate, think over, reflect, consider," frequentative form from PIE root *med- "to measure, limit, consider, advise, take appropriate measures" (cf. Greek medesthai "think about," medon "ruler;" Latin modus "measure, manner," modestus"moderate," modernus "modern," mederi "to heal," medicus "physician;" Sanskrit midiur "I judge, estimate;" Welsh meddwl "mind, thinking;" Gothic miton, Old English metan "to measure;" also see medical). 


  • Silent Grace

    I'm not sure if I'm being redundant here(I'm a newbie) but I ran across this post today and found it fascinating and wanted to share. If I am out of line, please someone tell me.

  • Silent Grace

    Has anyone seen this campaign-titled the "Hour of Code" ?

    Right up in our faces..................

  • kawika nahkiel kealoha io

  • kawika nahkiel kealoha io

    anybody want to cypher this petroglyph?

  • Carlos Cruz

    What it came to mind is that is like a description of how your body & your soul are connected!?! The two black orbs are spirit guides that accompany the soul during the earthly travels.
  • kawika nahkiel kealoha io

    mahalo nui loa carlos! great interpretation!

  • Carlos Cruz

    Namaste Kawika!  _/|\_  (^_^)