

A place where Reiki Masters, Meditators, Breathing Specialist, Frequency Analyst, Kundalini Instructors and all other talented Beings who have a perfected skill related to ascension and the cycling of energy meet.

Here we will post tools that will assist you with ascension such as the Yoga video below which is the best video for beginners and intermediate practitioners alike. 

Mudras just as powerful in assisting you with isolating and balancing energy. You will find a complete post on Mudras that you can use for each chakra by clicking here

Members: 391
Latest Activity: Nov 22, 2024

To avoid bottlenecking Kundalini always get your Yoga in. Here is the best beginners video found so far.

Discussion Forum

Pineal Gland 3 Replies

The Pineal Gland is the Spirtual center of Our Original bodies; often referred to as the "Spritual Eye", "Eye of Heru"; "I have eyes behind my head..."; "Third Eye"; and so on. The Pineal Gland is…Continue

Tags: activation, gland, pineal

Started by KFive. Last reply by Lisa Jul 5, 2016.

Seeking Info on Déjà vu, High Pitch Sound, Oversoul/Higherself Type of Experiences Please. 4 Replies

Hello, could I ask, has anyone ever experienced a déjà u in real time, space of 1 to 2 minutes in particular and also in the space of a few weeks with any other synchronicities/other worldly sort of…Continue

Started by Zem. Last reply by Zem Mar 9, 2015.

Looking for anyone that practices or knows someone that practices Mo Pai Neigong 4 Replies

Looking for anyone that practices or knows someone that practices Mo Pai Neigong.Continue

Tags: Neigong, Pai, Mo

Started by tomtom biggles. Last reply by Eddie Endriss Mar 1, 2015.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of ASCENSION TECHNIQUES to add comments!

Comment by Lawson on December 18, 2012 at 8:29pm

Hello, I am a beginner and do not know how to breathe. however I did not find this instruction video helpful as it was very fast moving and for somebody who is trying to learn Breathing, how can I do so if they have already moved ahead? Please if somebody could lend advice It would be highly appreciated.

Comment by janet myers on November 6, 2012 at 6:43pm

When I am in alignment, as R-More, I am creative. Music and art flow freely. It is a joy. It is like a constant awareness of what energy/frequency I recieve/give, if I am in awareness of it, I can change it.....therefore the outcome is different too, this applys to so much. It is most enhancing to be part of this sharing. The fusion of energies.

Comment by R-MORE on November 6, 2012 at 5:32pm

I know things are in alignment when I am creating new music.  When they are not I can't even play the piano, which is my main communication ability with other beings. When the flow is interrupted I am blocked by something (and I mean thing). I have to cleanse, re-focus, and re-center my chakras. Once that is done correctly, the energy inside can enable me to compose new musical creations. Thank you Seven for all you share, I am playing and composing every day at least once. I am glad I can give my music to the world from such an enlightened platform.

Comment by Karrade on August 22, 2012 at 3:48am

A beneficial teacher for me in educating me on Kundalini experiences, solutions, balance etc.

An example:
How to smooth out flow & prevent adrenal fatigue

Comment by Hi Def on July 31, 2012 at 8:37pm

The Distance of Destiny: Rescension on

Comment by Tanycha on June 28, 2012 at 3:53pm

The yoga video posted from is great.  It's good to take it down a notch sometimes.  Al and Greg do an excellant job at pinponting the basics in this video.

Comment by Mystic Melodi on April 30, 2012 at 11:08am

LOVE the group description!  Feel like I'm in good company!  I'm a Reiki practitioner, attuned to the Master level and believe we are all energy and can definitely raise, project and affect the world around us.  Love Kundalini meditation and the idea of "awakening the sleeping serpent" and am extremely interested in ascension meditation techniques and natural ways to reach altered (or higher)  states of consciousness.  Look forward to getting to know you all and sharing.

Comment by C Thy Catalyst on March 20, 2012 at 6:04pm

Ironic really, Equinox, Earth quakes happening, 13 members in here but you won't catch me stuck in one direction :P.

Comment by Karrade on March 20, 2012 at 4:21pm

Nicely put. Can you imagine if we were each born under a different sign as well :). 

Comment by White Knight on March 20, 2012 at 4:16pm

I like how we have 13 members for ascension :)


Members (391)



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