The Pineal Gland is the Spirtual center of Our Original bodies; often referred to as the "Spritual Eye", "Eye of Heru"; "I have eyes behind my head..."; "Third Eye"; and so on. The Pineal Gland is responsible for the secretion of Melanin (naturally producing the hormones - Seratonin by Day & Melatonin by Night).

Melanin is known as the Chemical of the Soul, and plays a key role in the Spiritual, Mental & Physical Greatness that Our People (Afrikan, Black, Original, Nubian, etc.) are known for. But, to damage the Pineal Gland (and, thus, disrupt Melanin production) is to retard this Greatness that We speak of - thus, retarding OurSelves.

This gland is understood to be situated between the two hemispheres of the Brain (center). In the biblical story of "Jacob", this "Pinuel" (also, "Peniel") is the place where he is said to have "wrestled with the angel." This Pineal Gland is commonly known as "The Face of God" (and is referred to as such in this story).

According to Dr. Richard King, this Pineal Gland is responsible for "Ancestral Communion" and for "Conversations With The Immortals (To Become "God-Like")." From this center is produced "Prophetic Vision" and is an essential element in the Spiritualization of the Body.

Key Weapons used to damage or destroy the Pineal Gland: Processed Sugar; Junk Food; Man-Made Chemicals; Artificial Smells (Air "Fresheners"; perfumes & Colognes; etc.); Flourescent Light; Cave-Dwelling (Lack of SunShine); Self-Hatred; Perms / Texturizers / Hair Straightening; Superstions; Fear; Smoking; Radiation; Pollution; Depression; Alien Cultures (striving to be like other "races"); and more.

Keys To Activate & Stimulate The Pineal Gland: Ingesting Chlorophyll ("First-Cousin" to Melanin Molecule) / Green-Leafy Vegetables; SunLight; Self Love (and Love of Own Kind); Drinking Pure / Natural Water; Natural Whole Foods; Herbs; Solar Blinking / Sun-Gazing; Transcendental Meditation; Deep Breathing; Harmony; Quiet; Being In Nature (Seeing Vast Natural Colors; Hearing Sounds of Nature; Smelling Natural Odours - feeding the Self through the mundane senses which travel to brain center to stimulate this Pineal Activity).

Herbs & Foods to take: Dandelion, Gotu Kola, Ginkgo, Saw Palmetto, Damiana, Fo-Ti-TIng (Ho Shou Wu), Whole / Natural Tropical Fruits (PineApple, Mango, StarFruit, Kiwi, Plantain, etc.), GREENS / Chlorophyll (Spinach, Romaine, Kale, Collards, Mustards, Turnips, Alfalfa, Celery, Asparagus, Parsley, Cilantro, Sage, Rosemary, etc. - these should be eaten or juiced in their LIVE state / not cooked to death).

A great Herbal combination, that I have found to be nourishing to the Pineal Center is New Body's 'FE-Y.' FE-Y stands for ForEver Young.

New Body FE-Y also has a rejuvenating effect on the nerves and cells of the Body. One of the truly amazing things about this formula is the way it turns back the hands of time by taking away the aging process. Today this combination of herbs may also help to relive or eliminate such problems as Alcoholism, Memory Loss, Blood Disorders, Muscle Deterioration, Bone Deterioration, Speech Defects, Diabetes, Stress, Drug Withdrawal, Stroke, and Heart Disorders.

*** Ingredients: Korean Ginseng, Fo-ti, Gotu Kola, Damiana, Slippery Elm, Comfrey Root, Kelp, Capsicum, Alfalfa *** Each bottle contains 100 Capsules. This product contains no fillers, binders or other additives. Each capsule is a Vegicap®, a 100% vegetarian capsule.


Views: 1862

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Great Info KFive.........Will also look into the "FE-Y"....... looks like a  really good Combination........Thank YOU................WBV

Sounds all good. Thank you



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