A place where Reiki Masters, Meditators, Breathing Specialist, Frequency Analyst, Kundalini Instructors and all other talented Beings who have a perfected skill related to ascension and the cycling of energy meet.
Here we will post tools that will assist you with ascension such as the Yoga video below which is the best video for beginners and intermediate practitioners alike.
Mudras just as powerful in assisting you with isolating and balancing energy. You will find a complete post on Mudras that you can use for each chakra by clicking here
Members: 391
Latest Activity: Nov 22, 2024
To avoid bottlenecking Kundalini always get your Yoga in. Here is the best beginners video found so far.
Started by Niecey Sawyer Mar 6, 2017.
The Pineal Gland is the Spirtual center of Our Original bodies; often referred to as the "Spritual Eye", "Eye of Heru"; "I have eyes behind my head..."; "Third Eye"; and so on. The Pineal Gland is…Continue
Tags: activation, gland, pineal
Started by KFive. Last reply by Lisa Jul 5, 2016.
Hello, could I ask, has anyone ever experienced a déjà u in real time, space of 1 to 2 minutes in particular and also in the space of a few weeks with any other synchronicities/other worldly sort of…Continue
Started by Zem. Last reply by Zem Mar 9, 2015.
Looking for anyone that practices or knows someone that practices Mo Pai Neigong.Continue
Started by tomtom biggles. Last reply by Eddie Endriss Mar 1, 2015.
Thank you Andrew for your comment. I have ascended beyond this earthly realm but have been tethered to this world by my earthly body. It is almost like my physical body is the ghost that won't move on and my spirit is the body that wants to exist in the realm in which it is most comfortable. Increased patience and allowance, I believe, my being needs to incorporate. A good analogy would be; like the body needs it's skin, and the skin, needs maintenance and care to keep the best cohesion, condition, and protection.
Ascending beyond earthly existence isn't so simple. especially for one whom does not already exist beyond this realm. Reaching the higher planes of existence is different for everyone. You literally have to cure yourself of all negativity and that can only happen through experience. The only way to ascend beyond earthly existence would be to either die or awaken.
I'm not a salesman but I do know a little something about awakening and it might sound crazy but there are devices that can bring you to a higher state. They are called Chi Generators. They really work! I own one invented by Carl Welz and it is definitely a sight to behold. I decided to look for something that seemed entirely alien and out of this world. That is what led me to the Chi Generators. I was reading a book called "The Pleiadian Mission", written by Randolph Winters. I read into Billy Meier's contacts and found that the Pleiadians gave Billy Meier a device to help him with his ascension. Very little detail was given about the device I just knew that upon its description it was a pyramid shaped object that had to generate some kind of universal force. That's when I found what I had been looking for. I don't believe the generators we have here on Earth are quite as advanced as the one's Billy Meier may have used if his story is true but they definitely do work.
I hope this helps!
I am interested in what technique would allow me to ascend beyond this earthly existence.
funny that a c note is green
Just found this at http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm, if you have not been to this site before, check it out, lots of research on eeg brain waves and earth and planet frequencies.
126.22 - Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year [HC]; The Frequency Of The Sun (Note=C) (Color=Green) (Tempo=118.3 BPM) (Chakra=Manipura, also called Hara {associated with Navel & 3rd lumbar vertebrae}) (Effects=advances the feeling of centering of magic & of the transcendental) [HC/Planetware website]
"Meditation carried out to this tone will lead to state beyond good and bad, shame and guilt, beyond space and time, knowledge and wisdom, action and rest an being and not-being. It leads to a state where being has no name, to a state where the all-one and the all encompassing are no longer separate entities but are reunited at their one common origin, the origin that is also you."
Is there any way to identify locations on the planet that are higher vibration than others before visiting there. So can we identify countries or communities in a higher frequency before we arrive. Same question for - more fractal than others. I suppose a map would help in this regard, but there probably is a higher level i am missing to do with magnetics etc, I realise being near the equator helps with contact with soul or the sun and more energy generally.
A beautiful story. It makes you consider what else was left running ;), if you go by the premise that things have been left running, and instead hijacked to autopilot, it explains quite a bit.
I was given a dream sequence download awhile ago where it showed me creating an entity to defend the earth after I was to die, and for that entity to be continually reborn till whatever was infesting the more primordial aspects of the earth was removed from it. I don't doubt that on some level that entity still exists.
Things left running, nobody at the controls is in essence the sleeper state.
There was a story that told us as a child about how the sea became salty. Even tho its a myth in how its being told its interesting that Sevan told a similar story about the water. Makes me wonder who the elders were telling us stuff with out us knowing. Now that I have reread it I am wowed out.. please see story below.....they are telling us in the story that the sea was not salty....
From that night, just as the little man had said, riches unlimited came to the house of Korg. No treasure too great for the mill to produce; and, though the woodchopper strove hard at secrecy, its fame spread far and wide from the mountains back to the sea, and folks flocked by thousands to view the magic engine that Korg had fished up from the the ocean's depths. And though, always good humoredly, he tested its powers and loaded his guests with princely gifts, yet he rested night after night more uneasily upon his pillow, remembering the solemn words of the geist.
"The day you part with it your portion shall be ashes, and _mine_ annihilation."
One day, after the space of a year, there came to the woodchopper's door a captain from far-off lands.
"I am here," he said, "to see the famous wonder-mill that blesses the house of Korg."
There was a simplicity about the old tar that completely dismantled Korg. With less than ordinary caution he brought forth the mill, and displayed it, in all its phases, before his astonished guest.
"It is a clever trickster," finally he quoth. "I wonder if it could grind so common a thing as salt."
Korg chuckled contemptuously, and speedily spurted right and left such a briny shower as made the old tar blink spasmodically and walk hurriedly away.
But, alas! that night Korg missed the mill from his side; and when, pale and shivering, he sought the golden treasures hid 'neath the floor, he found only an ashy heap, heard only the mournful words:
"The mermen and mermaids are dead. The geists have ceased to reign."
Far out on the blue bosom of the sea the jolly captain rode, shouting uproariously over the treasure he had secured.
"Precious wonder-mill," he sang, "I will try thee in all thy ways. First salt for savor, then ducks for food, and gold to the end of my days." And he started the tiny wheels, and clapped his hands frantically at its ready compliance to his will.
Forth poured the sparkling, crusty grain in one buzzing maze of whiteness. Thick gathered the milky drifts from bow to stern. Still shouted the captain his savage joy till--a-sudden he paused, gazed as if spell-bound on the mill's mad work, with a cry of terror sprang forward and grasped the check. But, in vain. There was no surcease to its labor. Higher and higher up lifted the mighty salt banks, and, in a twinkling, both destroyed and destroyer sank helpless into the depths of the sea.
And, down amid the green sea-weeds, the wonder-mill still stands, pouring forth salt the whole day long--no hand to check its raging; for the mermen and mermaids are all dead, and the geists have ceased to reign.
And this is why the sea-water is salt.
Sorry for the E-mail post to the group- This is of course my first post !
Please do not hesitate to give me a call to discuss urine therapy 978-985-9708 I have followed Andrew Norton Webber who has ben championing this technique which he garnered from John Armstrong's studies 50 years ago.
Hi. I recommend you begin with the "Master Breath". Simply Empty tour lungs as much as you can but do not strain. Breathe in for the count of 7, hold for 1 exhale for 7 hold for 1 Repeat as many times as you like. If you would like exact timing for breath then get a metronome or a clock with a semi loud tock.
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