First off i would like to say WBV

   Lately ive been having an Ongoing Dream/School Session Every night for about a week straight now, Where im being taught many Differnt things  like teleporting for example. I was actually being taught how to teleport and still have My original body in one realm functioning as if i was still there while traveling to another Realm or Dimension. I did it over and over again until i got it down good. My learning Curve was extremely fast. I seem to just innerstand things Very quickly on the astral plane. There was also this formula that was created to somehow Quicken our Whole Activation Process but it had to be taken from the blood of A Specific woman who posses the Specific Code that unlocks all of our Once Hidden abilities! I was also been given these Visions of  whats to Come and Who the real  Controllers are...Ourselves!...which i knew already but for some reason i needed to hear it again so that it really resonates with me this time. The Key to  Learning is Repetition so it was told that i'm going to hear that message again and again until i no longer need to hear it [wow what a teacher never giving up on his Students :)]

 I was in this sort of Virtual Class room where you actually see the Lesson in full 3d or sometimes 4d reality. I was being Shown How this life we're all living Right now is Repeating itself Over and over again until we finally get the picture and start realizing and how Much things are being repeated right in front of our eye's without us even seeing them. i mean literly i was shown when you die we really do wake up to the same life over and over again until we start to notice whats going on and start really tuning in(ie chakra tune ups-ayahuasca trips, DMT,Diet). Its the only way to ascend above Consciousness.In this dream there was a Big Emphasis on Over and Over Again for some reason lol.

Now this is where it started to get a lil Juicy. I was show how we were and still are being slowly transformed into Actual Living and Breathing Android Units with a False vision of Freedom through Extreme Order and Discipline. our movements were shown as robotic and Military like, No crime, no violence, which was godd but also there was no privacy or any sort of "coloring outside of the lines" Everything Was Uniform and Standard. They started By installing Cameras everywhere so at all times their 3rd eye remains open so they can gather intel, watch,caculate,predict and control our movements/energy to further keep there order and stadards also to continue to feed/Energy Drain. The main Idea i was told was Control. 

 Sub-Consciously We want to get our Act toghether and rise up as a whole functiong unit, but the majority of the Souls here on this plane arent Mentally prepared So they Create these Organization Like Illuminati and Other Hidden Factions Which Are Really Just hidden Aspects of your Subconcious that has yet to reveal itself but is there and very real because you created them for a specific purpose to handle the controling our very Reality. We need to Bring the Power Back to Ourselves and Accept that WE ARE EVERYTHING and Connected to ALL whether Good or Bad. We must take the Power/Energy back from our illusions, Start to make real Progress And Create A new world..

Ps: I Had This dream 03/22/2012 (2 Gotu cola pills before bed-Deep Meditation Before Sleep-Intention To Be In Class to Learn Everything i can In order to Help My Friends[stole that one from Sevan but it works :))=Divine Information


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Thank you for sharing very valuable info, as you are tapping a higher and higher quality of knowledge, please keep sharing :). Checking my dream diary, I've had a school dream recently myself on the 22 of March!, showing the conditioning in schools to be the same as the water they feed most beings bodies. 


Maybe we should start listing the dates of dreams to see if they coincide more often on this forum?


In my case water and school equaled the same thing: Something to make you forget who you are, fluoride/chemicals/medals in the water, rules/conditioning in the schools. Schools start off fun, as they seem to be new experiences, and new things to learn, then the rules clamp down on people socialising, listening to music, being who they are, programming rules into them that were never there before you came here. This was the basis of the dream, and I was being led back into school from the perspective of knowing what I know now, to relive how constricting that environment was in my youth and why many rebel against it.


It is in essence part of what the navigation of the matrix is. Recognising fear(negative emotions)/rules as being artificial blocks placed here. If you can navigate these you have your radar. If you have your energy from diet, you have your fuel. If you are expanding and using the techniques you have your motion. - I am still learning this but the pieces are falling into place in what makes the ascension vehicle run. Cosmic energy from meditation to expand awareness, as well as higher and higher knowledge make excellent fuel as well.


Knowing the quality of knowledge will only expand from this point, this is where my awareness places things currently:

Other than that I've had dreams of criminal landscapes for instance and astral realms as I pass through them, and I navigate almost on autopilot many things I used to be stuck in. I used to have conflict related dreams in that realm before i moved out of it, I navigated a money related dream by simply offering every character money, as I didn't need it. Sometimes however something there wants to assert dominion over you as you are passing through these dreams/realms, they are always more positive energies than the previous realm/gate/dreamscape but never somewhere I want to be limited to (possibly the chakras). This all ties into people wanting to limit you to this world as well, they want you in their rules and mindset so you are under their domain. The trouble is this place cannot support everyone here anymore, so they are letting go a bit and we are getting help too to see where we want and can go, now is the easiest time to move forward!


If you haven't seen this link, Denz gave me (thank you!) and are interested in the above topics please watch it. It is a good quality of knowledge for the average being on this world to absorb.

kev305 u bout kilt me with this one. lol.  i've seen alot of the same stuff as u, or been shown, wutever. wen i realized i had a million lil deaths and had jus slipped seamlessly in2 the same dream, wow, that wuz a rough day 4 me...i ask them/me 2 take me 2 skool and woaaaaaa  they i have taken me on some TRIPS.  lol.  this thing is just like, wow

@Fv_three_five do you know if the gotu kola pills more effective than the herb form? Because my have little to no effect on my lucidity I believe

@ white knight well it should actually work both ways..The Pills i take are just the grounded down version of the plant all natural. It makes things alot easier as far as how you can take it, just Pop 2 before bed and 2 in the am..You have the option of using it fresh but you're more than likely gonna want it in pill form unless you make it as a tea. For Me The Pills Have been Working Fine. I definitley feel the pressure on my third eye region and Also My Crown As If its Pealing orr unfolding Open all the time. its definitley been easier to Pull Info down from the Higher Vibrations also with Crown Open. But One Major Factor When It comes to taking any supplement is to remember they're just here to help the process along easier.You Dont Need Them in order to do what comes natural(lucid dreaming).But what you do need is a decalcified pineal gland open crown and a balanced Chakra System would hurt either lol. You really need  Focus and Determination..With focus alone even before the gotu cola or the Etherium gold or cell salts. I was already having Lucid dreams..It was my determination and sheer WILL Everynight until it happened.The Gotu Cola Will Work If you Yourself Work..Diet must Be up to Par.(but i find the content of the dreams are affected by diet and the ability to have Lucid Dreams Often) The Times You go to sleep has alot to do with it also..Are you getting at least 5 to 6 hrs before you awake in the Middle of the Night? I find that when i stay up too long my lucid dreaming Capabilities are extremely reduced. Also ive been taking Gotu Kola now for about two months, and i can Honestly say i am waaaay more aware of the crown and Third eye connection its like its works for both chakras..Dont Give up Let it Settle in your sytem because Decalcifying your pineal gland is one of its main functions and for some it can take a while! Just Know that you can Lucid Dreams or have o.b.e's on Demand, then it'll start happening..But you must have patience. Sometimes i sit there just staring into my third eye region in order to induce my O.B.E and it can take up to an hour or more. And then If that doesnt work and i havnt left my body yet. I switch positions and go right back at it.Thats where the Magic begins to happen alot for Me after ive made that second Sleeping position Switch. Then about 5 to 10 mins of looking into the Third region..Im Out of My Body! I no longer Hear any Long Beeps or Rough Noises as i exit my body its Instant now..But it took alot of practice and Still require tons of Patience...Kepp up the Supplements Its all a process and they do help Speed it up!...WBV hope this Helps

Hey KV :). Can you help with a perspective on the head explosion reactions when trying to astral travel.

I was closer to an OBE than I've been before. I've done zoning out before several times, portals, had angelic contact last night with pulsating white lights out of the corner of my eyes, which also continued up my wrists :).

The time I am referring to I was laying down on the bed for about an hour and a half of concentrated attempt. My head exploded eventually, so that my consciousness was bigger than my head, not just a bit as you get sometimes pushing on the sides but much more so enlarged. This was during a self-enquiry period, of looking for the observer of myself occasionally also

I should say I never use anything other than natural herbs to help, so it wasn't a negative substance, just concentrated effort on the task, perhaps boosted by Gotu Kola, Etherium Gold etc.

Any thoughts at all? Or thoughts as to what this head explosion state could be used for practically?

Wholeness to you Karrade..I feel I can give you some insight as to what happened with explosion.

Basically what I beleive happened was that your crown chakra was basically blasted open thus Naturally Expanding your Consciousness. You see we already know that we are not of this body, and that Its a very sopiticated vessel to say the least. Our Spirit's are contained within(kundalini). What's supposed to happen is the gradual rising of the kundalini from the root up and then out of the Crown. Some people may experience this differently than you just did..

I have theses hemi sync mp3s that I've been using now for over a year off and on. And through the whole process I was taught how to consciously and purposely do what you did by gradually expanding my conciousness from up and out of my head/crown but without the "explosion factor" lol and I was able to take it well beyond my physical body and home, and you van keep expading. Its like your everywhere. When you're In this mode you can pretty much get any question answered, Go on deep level Meditative Visualization journeys that can possibly lead to Conscious Lucid Dreaming, Gain the deepest level of Insight!'re about to embark on a even greater journey than the one you're currently on...Always remember...We had to power down to enter these vessels because our true power is way to strong for these Physical with that being said we're truly already there..I just believe that in order to truly maximize our spiritual potential its gonna come down to one day leaving the body behind for good If you choose.

Keep up the explorations Karrade. You'll soon find what youre looking for..also remember its harder to leave the body before a couple hours of sleep first. But I do beleive and have heard of people being able to have O.B.E/Lucid Dreams as soon as they close there eyes for sleep. It takes much practice but ot can be done..happen to me only 3times though where as soon as I layed down about 15min later I was out of my Body.

Hope all this Helps WBV

Ahh this makes sense as when I had my Kundalini awakening after Kundalini yoga a few weeks prior it got stuck at the crown chakra, and I felt an extreme pressure around that region contained inside the head. This must have been the layer after that when the pressure burst!

It does help! Many thanks my friend for helping explain the so far unexplainable :).

On Leaving it. Yes if I am still able to assist life enhancement from that position, then that is where I will go eagerly. I am more than ready for that to happen :). The etheric is just one plane of many to explore after all. If it is required I stay here in this form to do the same work/service, then I will stay here in this form till it is time. When we have eternity to work with, there is no rush but what we perceive. 

What did you eat pior to going to bed?  I find that if i consume fish or any kind i can really travel to different worlds and retain information when i awake. I keep a dream journal next to my bed and jot down what i can upon awakening before i become fully conscious.  Last night i was able to return back to a dream three times since i was having fun there.  I also spoke with Michael Jackson and my brother who had died many yrs ago.  MJ is doing well and is being well liked where he is.  All hes concerned about is that his family in this plane is okay.   My brother is doing fine, he was wondering why i was there talking with him but i told him that i was here just visiting him and he was okay with that.   We have to become more non fearing when you astral travel.  The best way to do this is being a a dark room with no night lights or any music of any kind on.  Just use your third eye to turn on the channel and you will soon start to travel anywhere you wish.  

I would like to know how it was during the 1700's watching slaves go through their daily lives and look at the lives of the slave master behind closed doors as if im a fly on the wall listening to all of their dirty business.  That would be something to see.   

Thank you for all of your information. I have had a handful of those teaching sessions as well, although I am shaky on my lucidity, and attribute that to weaknesses in my lifestyle. I was shown a number of common herbs that I should add to my diet, things like thyme and rosemary, but also what I believe was ayahuasca is a main component in how I was to develop. Maybe it is just a representation of how opening the third eye and reaching these places in the dream realm are a huge part of our freedom. I am going to try and incorporate MMS since I watched the show about alkalization and learned that it actually removes fluoride from the water! The pineal, which has the largest blood supply second to the kidneys easily calcifies. The pineal converts serotonin to melatonin, enabling us to get deep sleep and assimilate memories in the hippocampus. To counteract it, the herbals and ample clean water are so important to maintaining our own inner power, and using the natural resources such as I was shown in my dream and you in yours will aid us. 



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