Personal ascension...only way to get the News...

Listening to a video clip by two people I really like and admire,nevertheless 3 quarters of the way through I snatched off the headphones,threw them on the desk and shouted "Dammit B...,when the hell are you gonna stop waffelling and TELL us something??? Even the good guys who are in the super high tech know seem to have been hanging around the secretive stooges so long they have become used to wishy washy waffell.As the lady said,we want some nuts and bolts info.Looks like we are going to have to ascend to it.Forgotten how humanity have been betrayed,....huh?? Best advice,do the cleansing and frequency up-grades and go check it out ourselves...get the full story..Namaste

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Comment by Braden on April 28, 2010 at 9:15pm
Recognizing the deception took me to the same realization.
The most important moment in my life was that very moment.... this very moment.. the present moment.



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