You will find the recording of the show now attached.

I know this is not much of a heads up but I will be on the radio in 40 minutes. Of course this announcement had to be postponed until as late as possible so Our signal could not be thwarted somehow. Tonight the chain reaction begins. You may listen to the live stream here if you wish to call and ask questions live, the number is 1-347-884-8787

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what an awesome interview keep the good work up sevan
Wow I was just think about the whole dream state every thing you mentioned in you talk.
But I could not explain it like you just did.. But I felt every word when you spoke.

I can only say WOW..
Strange it isnt! but I felt every thing.. Just as the words were coming out.. I also have said we can hear before a person speak and you speak inside the same.. word for word. virbrate as one...

As the words come out there is a delay of a mad split seconds but this is spoken from the heart word for word.

When ever I sit down to a talk or a speach - one that virbrates the truth, wheather live or recorder if it is what I'm feeling I can verbalize in synchronization to myself like two tones one signal.. I hope I can explain as clearly as you.. This only come when you know how to quite the mind... silence... I'm try my hardest to explain.

No doubt FB feeling are much deeper than words, soon the world will see and learn these abilities and take joy in them.
Great message as usual. I am enjoying this site...



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