Matrix V: Quest For The Spirit-The Ultimate Frontier

Have You Ever Wondered:Who Are You, Really? Why Are You Here? What is Life Really About? Why Is Your Life The Way It Is? What Really Comes Afterward? How Do You Sort Through All The Bullshit? How Do You Find Balance? What's the Larger Context of Reality Within Which We Experience?What is Behind Experience? What Are Polarities About?How can I develop the discernment necessary to sort through all the confusion during this important period in history? Why are most websites useless red herrings for those seeking Self-Knowledge? Why Are We Being Lied To Constantly?What Are Light and Dark Polarities?How Are Peace-Marchers Actually Feeding the Dark Side?How Are Warmongers Actually Feeding the Light Side? Why do you still feel unsatisfied no matter what books you seem to read out there, in your search-for-self and the meaning of life?What is the larger nature of reality and what are the real factions which grapple for control? Why?What's the real deal with 'aliens'? Why has the population of Earth been consistently thwarted from expansion into space? What's the Agenda?What is Incarnation all about? What is the truth behind genderization of bodies? What Does It All Mean? Deduce the answers to these questions and many many hundred more!
About the Matrix V Project,
In 1999, the same year the Matrix V Project began, the public was shown the movie Matrix in theaters, which gave a glimpse into the possibilities inherent in technological manipulation of society and individual reality. It left a lot of people thinking about the reality in which we exist on this planet. But, there is a real Matrix that is even larger than anything even hinted at in the movie - a Matrix in which human experience on Earth is but a small part of a much larger picture - beyond society, beyond the planet, beyond the alien paradigms, beyond religion and beyond all belief systems on the 3rd and 4th densities.
The "big questions" that people have on this planet - why we're here, who we really are and what life is really about - are not questions that cultures have answers for. There are plenty of "new age" paradigms around, but none of them have any real answers either, which is why people are stuck on "the eternal search" for truth. They won't find it within their Earth-bound personality, within all the paradigms that permeate all cultures on the planet that depend on identification with body and gender, and they won't find it in the paradigms of religion. Where is it, and what is really going on here on Earth?
One of the keys to discovery of the Ultimate Matrix is out-of body experience and long-time observation of what is actually out there, who we really are, and what it means to incarnate in a body here on Earth. Matrix V is all about your Higher Self, who you really are, your journey of self-discovery on this planet, and what's really going on, both here on Earth and in the density levels which lie just outside our 3rd density level. It is not based on beliefs or belief systems.
The scope of the material in Matrix V exceeds that of any existing literature, which will become quite evident to the reader. If you identify with your body or your gender, or are comfortable in your "human" existence, do not buy Matrix V. You will not be ready for this advanced material, which is geared toward Advanced, Dominant and Final 3rd density incarnational perspectives. Matrix V is, no doubt, one of the most spiritually enlightening books ever printed, and at the same time to the factions that control this planet - and control anything anywhere - this is the most dangerous information ever released to mankind because it discusses who we really are, what the polarity-based control structures are really about, and the truth about incarnational experience on Earth.
It is also a book that concerns accurate information about what is beyond the 3rd density and higher, based on direct observational explorations that have lasted more than a decade. It is a book that deals with the big questions in life - who we are, and why we are here.
It can be safely said that it accurately describes, based on direct observational experience, the nature of the Higher Self and human incarnations, ancient manipulation of human DNA , the genderization of the human body, the mechanics of incarnation and detailed information on the realms which we perceive when we become independent of the body after physical death. Matrix V, in effect, decodes earth reality, as well as the reality beyond the earth experience, in a way that has never been achieved in human literature.
Are you a "man" or a "woman"? No. You are an androgynous being using a genderized body for experience. Only "men" and "women" buy into the cultural belief, which promotes identification with the body and gender, and they will continue to revel in Earth life and seek gratification and fulfillment of the DNA programming to which they have become slaves.
The actual beginning point of these explorations started experientially with actual exploration of other densities slightly out of phase with ours, using out of body travel, however, the scope of this book far exceeds anything ever completed by Robert Monroe, author of three famous books on the subject,Journeys Out Of the Body, Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey. In fact, Matrix V Gold Edition is so far beyond the material Robert Monroe or any other explorer has ever released that it constitutes a major key for discovery for those Higher Self incarnations that are on the verge of spiraling out of this reality altogether. Think we're kidding? See link below to 32 pages of reader comments.
If you are at a position in life at this time where you seek more than what is around you in the controlled, idiotic culture we live in, more than religions, channeling, alien contactees, belief systems and the pathetic body of knowledge on this planet, Matrix V is for you. For more than two years, we have been leaking some of the information out to the public, who have responded with questions, and a tremendous body of follow-up material has developed which enhances the main series of segments which are collectively calledInformation for Very Advanced, Dominant and Final Incarnations. 

From about this Gold Edition,
The Second Edition of the book came out in August 2001. It featured 146 segments with 300 Q&A on the material. After 2 years elapsed, the600 page third and final edition (the GOLD EDITION) was released in March 2003. Much more advanced, the book has more than 340segments (including 50 never before published),439 Q&A on the material and a large 862 line-item index. Matrix V GOLD EDITION is themost advanced material available on the planet for those predisposed to evolving perspectives.
The collection of material represents over 770potentially unique keys to personal evolution, with thousands of sub-keys throughout the book covering the spectrum of incarnations likely to read the book. The segments cover 9 major areas: Incarnations of the Higher Self, The Third Density Game, Incarnations of Nature Spirit, Body and Gender on the Third Density, Death of the Physical Vehicle,Alien Influence on Third Density, Third Density Programming, The Third Density EndGame, and Beyond The EndGame. 

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These books are somewhat dangerous for the health if the self awareness of the reader is average, because they are full of lies mixed with truths, emotionally charged repetitions of sexual discrimination, too much NLP.

It is my personal opinion, that the author of Matrix V, has certain sexual and psychological challenges ahead of him to solve, and this has distorted his view of the world for the real function of genders.

According to Plato' s story, Dias divided the first humans in two genders in order to control them better. Therefore, each one seeks for his other half, says the myth (there are, of course, multilevel interpretations and decodings of this story) and if one comes from the male side (independent of his physical gender) of the first unaltered being, he seeks a female representative of the physical gender and vice versa.

The author twisted that myth to serve his philosophy, ignoring that the human beings before the appearance of Christ -as an development of the human psyche, were different in their energetic configuration and self-awareness.

I comment all these, because I found his book to be full of racism and disinformation about the parallel worlds, sexes and the different timelines so it deserves a a very careful approach.

Similar attracts similar, he says, but he ommits the fact that we are energetically male and female so no need to be obligated having sexual relationships with the same gender. That is the main flow of his theory of being gay as the only "correct way".
He speaks also for the yin yang balance as a level before the real balance of being gay!!!

A real philosophical and healthier analysis of the case of gender, it is described by Theun Mares.

There is no gay under deep psychoanalysis, traditional or modern ones, like Jung, D. Cooper or R. Laing anti-psychiatric treatments -they all admitted projection or trauma and cried for help. Self remembrance via clear food and honoring the self awareness is the key.
Narcissus syndrome, or any syndrome and projection, always follows certain dietary patterns to support one another, it is more related with the bipolar colloids, than with trauma alone.
Everyone who has exercised food discipline through macrobiotics, knows how the sexual polarity could be changed by nutrition, and what is the reactivation of past mirrors of the self as a lesson for awareness from the shadow self. Our blood carries our consciousness and its fluidity, percent of salt, reflect our condition every moment, and of course our state of memory, the truth of who we really are.

And something to think of: why R. Monroe's books (his teacher) were censored and Matrix 5 trilogy wasn't?

"To understand these materials you need to read 3 books of R.Monroe : "Journeys out of the Body", "Far Journeys", "Ultimate Journey" and 3 books of "Matrix 5" and there you can read about the difference between Simultaneous and Sequential Higher Selves, the author's version. I noticed that that author doesn't like to write much about Parallel Earths/Parallel Universes maybe because he doesn't know much about it? And maybe what I write next he wouldn't like much.
In my opinion, Simultaneous Higher Self has many energy cords joined to people (incarnations) or their scouts (us) and scouts' Alters (our Alters) living different lives in different Parallel Earths/Parallel Universes, apart from the original Earth/Universe, at different times/worlds/densities/dimensions and all that is simultaneously, because time doesn't exist. But each Simultaneous person (incarnation) joined to nimerous Alters by energy cords. These Alters/other personalities, who are not restricted to just the 3rd Density Reality, like M 5 author is preaching, but to many Parallel Timelines and Parallel Universes, different dimensions and densities.
Our Alters/other personalities travel from place to place or living separate lives in different genders, in Past, Present and Future, in different Parallel Worlds without knowing about the existence of each other."

More about Matrix 5 lies and discrepancies and very interesting things that happen NOW here:
R. Monroe's books:
Awesome, I'm definitely more interested in these books after reading some Matrix 5 material.
Thank you very much.
You are welcome.
In case you want to try the hemisync audio techniques, it is useful to know some facts about Monroe's life and research.
Monroe cooperated with military projects, but not all of them were his choice. He was rather obligated to do it.
He warned people to avoid military bases and electrical stations and wires during lucid dreaming, because the nature of our "astral body" is electromagnetic.
American government has the necessary equipment to capture anyone spying their bases, holding his "astral body" in Faraday cages. That is a horrible kind of death.
After Monroe's death, his institution was run by his daughter than died suddenly by cancer. So there are very serious reasons for many people to believe that NSA runs now the whole story and the hemisync material is altered.
From my personal experience, I felt a Tibetan influence in his work and some powerful sensations, I haven't progressed further than some hearings, so I cannot be positive or negative for the hemisync process. I prefer rather his books, the stories of his personal experiences.

In my opinion there is no such thing like the "astral body" in reality. This is a description, a name for a maneuver of advanced awareness under a conscious intent. Therefore, it is an issue of quality and quantity of awareness. A projection of our consciousness is done in a dream, a meditation and a teleporatation of our whole conglomerate luminous being. The description changes according to the intensity of our awareness including feelings.
Everything we know apart from indescribable feelings is made up stories.
All stories came to us through the commercialization of the original incident of which we know nothing at all.
When techniques appear, description is made, commerce is born and the trap is ready.

Love and Awareness to you
your right, I liked most of the book expect for the women bashing and the promotion homosexuality.  Women are as important as men and homosexuality is a symptom of psychological illness.  The author tried to make women seem obsolete; it's like they have no purpose and they're just energy thieves.  I assume he had bad experiences with women this would explain why he bashes them so much.  That may also have something to do with him being gay.

who are u or anyone to judge that homosexuality is a "psychological illness"?  who are u honestly?  LOVE IS LOVE no matter what you are born as or what sexuality we are.  The Creator loves all, no one and nothing is excluded because we are all one, we are love, we are God. Period.

ive been reading more of the matrix series and wondered about the author val valerian (john grace). ive read he didnt write the matrix series, only published it regardless his name is all over it.

Here's a brief snip from

" About Valdamar Valerian

Valdamar Valerian (John Grace) has researched alien phenomena and interaction with human beings since 1969. He spent 18 months in Southeast Asia from 1970-71 as a combat photographer, where he saw much UFO activity. After spending four years in England from 1980 to 1984 he gathered all the top research at his disposal and released what became known as ’The Krll Papers,’ forerunner of the 381-page book, ’The Matrix’, published in 1987. He began networking with researchers worldwide and started an organization known as Nevada Aerial Research Group (NAR)

Between 1988 and 1989 he functioned as Nevada State Section Director for MUFON. In 1990 he was appointed interim Associate Director for UFO Contact Center International and was a member of the Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization. In 1988 NAR began issuing a small newsletter detailing research findings. By 1990, this newsletter became known as ’The Leading Edge’ and has grown to a monthly 100-page publication. The massive 581 page work entitled MATRIX II was released in 1990.

In April of 1991, NAR moved to Washington State and was renamed as ’Leading Edge Research Group’. Valerian has a degree both in Civil Engineering and Psychology and had significant input into Nippon Television investigations on alien activities, the research that stimulated the production of the 1989 KLAS award-winning program entitled ’UFO’S: THE BEST EVIDENCE’.

More information:


He is interesting but I believe his stuff has to be taken piecemeal because of some issues I see with him like his spurious connection to Drunvalo Melchizedek ( and the so-called "Flower of Life" material.

The two documents I've linked to below on Orion Tech also discuss Montauk and are some of the more fun reads:

I do not trust John Grace (Val Valerian) but some of his stuff is worth checking out to get a full and varied scope on some of the info available.

You'll also see a few comments about the blonde Sirians here.

(I am not endorsing the material so let the buyer beware.)
I agree with what perseas has said i couldnt have said it better.I think m5 is a good challenge for the mind but can be detrimental to spirit.I found it interesting that they dis continued m4 printing after m5 came out there must be something to that.I think m4 was alot better it breaking things down in a whole way,looking at many paradigms.M4 relates to what the resistance is about more especially with the magnum organum and all the writing in it are incredible and full of innerstanding.M5 has some advanced material that has some truth i think but is indeed twisted by perception at least.
interesting again is that the torrent i found originally has matrixes 1 to 4 and the code to the matrix,but not m5 i found about that later and have read the entire thing
I think the matrix 4 idea of avatars made more rounded sense of things than the highers self idea of matrix 5 not that it is incorrect,its pretty much the same thing.
M4 talks about the grid of the pyramid wich has the same frequency as human bone so is resonating it .the pyramid has radioactive sand in the chambers that i have read affects people,makes the radiation from all this madness going on,its for keeping our states down.but likes seven has said about awakening monks that there is a reason for them wakening ,that there is something to be done here.It said in m4 and i heard no where in m5 that there basically is a new grid and it is one we make with our awakened selves basically
I think m4 explained density beings in a far more superior way also.overall I would stay in wholeness from the heart and no dna command will determine your life or spiritual growth.I love the resistance,for all the crap i hear talked about it no one else is doing anything.even if i cant see the progress i know my progress has been great since i made the leap of faith as m5 ses and got into the real knowledge and the resistance presents that and if you are immature you wont last long anyway.If its spiritual porn then thats my level i guess but i dont think so.this is happening anyway we are the space between the lines and we can experience,imagine and bring forth great things,there may be new limits but we will be able to transend like yahushua is said to have done.the new example will bring us foreword,you are either it or not.I see IT in great people around me,I hear it in sevens voice,i hear it in the voice of the un tainted truth the none polaric truth.
Thanks for posting this,it brings a charged response from me
heres m4 i posted it a time ago
One thing that i recently found interesting is the orion empire idea m5 puts out there.there is truth in that the feminine polarity is taking over,i have seen many fractals of that.just power from one hand of the beast to another to another.enki enlil?Love you guys thanks for the input/output wholeness.

Hallo Raymond Gene Key, you can undo unwanted charge by releasing this pattern:



Failure / Success dichotomy-pair pattern:

those who are being most wise
are dominated by those who have the goal to be failure

Failure / Success

those who have the goal to be failure
dominate those who have the goal to be successful

those who have the goal to be failure
are dominated by those who are being successful

those who are being failure
dominate those who are being successful

those who are being failure
are dominated by those who like being successful

those who like being failure
dominate those who like being successful

those who like being failure
are dominated by those who agree with being successful

those who agree with being failure
dominate those who agree with being successful

those who agree with being failure
are dominated by those who talk about being successful

those who talk about being failure
dominate those who talk about being successful

those who talk about being failure
are dominated by those who try not to be successful

those who try not to be failure
dominate those who try not to be successful

those who try not to be failure
are dominated by those who talk about being failure

those who talk about being successful
dominate those who talk about being failure

those who talk about being successful
are dominated by those who agree with being failure

those who agree with being successful
dominate those who agree with being failure

those who agree with being successful
are dominated by those who like being failure

those who like being successful
dominate those who like being failure

those who like being successful
are dominated by those who are being failure

those who are being successful
dominate those who are being failure

those who are being successful
are dominated by those who have the goal to be failure
those who have the goal to be successful
dominate those who have a goal to be failure

those who have the goal to be successful
are dominated by those who are being failure

those who are being successful
dominate those who are being failure

those who are being successful
are dominated by those who like being failure

those who like being successful
dominate those who like being failure

those who like being successful
are dominated by those who agree with being failure

those who agree with being successful
dominate those who agree with being failure

those who agree with being successful
are dominated by those who talk about being failure

those who talk about being successful
dominate those who talk about being failure

those who talk about being successful
are dominated by those who try not to be failure

those who try not to be successful
dominate those who try not to be failure

those who try not to be successful
are dominated by those who talk about being successful

those who talk about being failure
dominate those who talk about being successful

those who talk about being failure
are dominated by those who agree with being successful

those who agree with being failure
dominate those who agree with being successful

those who agree with being failure
are dominated by those who like being successful

those who like being failure
dominate those who like being successful

those who like being failure
are dominated by those who are being successful

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dominate those who are being successful

those who are being failure
are dominated by those who have the goal to be more successful
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are dominated by those who are being more successful

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are dominated by those who like being more successful

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dominate those who like being more successful

those who like being more failure
are dominated by those who agree with being more successful

those who agree with being more failure
dominate those who agree with being more successful

those who agree with being more failure
are dominated by those who talk about being more successful

those who talk about being more failure
dominate those who talk about being more successful

those who talk about being more failure
are dominated by those who try not to be more successful

those who try not to be more failure
dominate those who try not to be more successful

those who try not to be more failure
are dominated by those who talk about being more failure

those who talk about being more successful
dominate those who talk about being more failure

those who talk about being more successful
are dominated by those who agree with being more failure

those who agree with being more successful
dominate those who agree with being more failure

those who agree with being more successful
are dominated by those who like being more failure

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those who like being more successful
are dominated by those who are being more failure

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are dominated by those who have the goal to be the more failure
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dominate those who have the goal to be more failure

those who have the goal to be more successful
are dominated by those who are being more failure

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those who are being more successful
are dominated by those who like being more failure

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dominate those who like being more failure

those who like being more successful
are dominated by those who agree with being more failure

those who agree with being more successful
dominate those who agree with being more failure

those who agree with being more successful
are dominated by those who talk about being more failure

those who talk about being more successful
dominate those who talk about being more failure

those who talk about being more successful
are dominated by those who try not to be more failure

those who try not to be more successful
dominate those who try not to be more failure

those who try not to be more successful
are dominated by those who talk about being more successful

those who talk about being more failure
dominate those who talk about being more successful

those who talk about being more failure
are dominated by those who agree with being more successful

those who agree with being more failure
dominate those who agree with being more successful

those who agree with being more failure
are dominated by those who like being more successful

those who like being more failure
dominate those who like being more successful

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are dominated by those who are being more successful

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are dominated by those who have the goal to be most successful
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are dominated by those who are being most successful

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are dominated by those who like being most successful

those who like being most failure
dominate those who like being most successful

those who like being most failure
are dominated by those who agree with being most successful

those who agree with being most failure
dominate those who agree with being most successful

those who agree with being most failure
are dominated by those who talk about being most successful

those who talk about being most failure
dominate those who talk about being most successful

those who talk about being most failure
are dominated by those who try not to be most successful

those who try not to be most failure
dominate those who try not to be most successful

those who try not to be most failure
are dominated by those who talk about being most failure

those who talk about being most successful
dominate those who talk about being most failure

those who talk about being most successful
are dominated by those who agree with being most failure

those who agree with being most successful
dominate those who agree with being most failure

those who agree with being most successful
are dominated by those who like being most failure

those who like being most successful
dominate those who like being most failure

those who like being most successful
are dominated by those who are being most failure

those who are being most successful
dominate those who are being most failure

those who are being most successful
are dominated by those who have the goal to be most failure
those who have the goal to be most successful
dominate those who have the goal to be most failure

those who have the goal to be most successful
are dominated by those who are being most failure

those who are being most successful
dominate those who are being most failure

those who are being most successful
are dominated by those who like being most failure

those who like being most successful
dominate those who like being most failure

those who like being most successful
are dominated by those who agree with being most failure

those who agree with being most successful
dominate those who agree with being most failure

those who agree with being most successful
are dominated by those who talk about being most failure

those who talk about being most successful
dominate those who talk about being most failure

those who talk about being most successful
are dominated by those who try not to be most failure

those who try not to be most successful
dominate those who try not to be most failure

those who try not to be most successful
are dominated by those who talk about being most successful

those who talk about being most failure
dominate those who talk about being most successful

those who talk about being most failure
are dominated by those who agree with being most successful

those who agree with being most failure
dominate those who agree with being most successful

those who agree with being most failure
are dominated by those who like being most successful

those who like being most failure
dominate those who like being most successful

those who like being most failure
are dominated by those who are being most successful

hose who are being most failure
dominate those who are being most successful

those who are being most failure
are dominated by those who have the goal to be admired

Admired / Detested

those who have the goal to be admired
dominate those who have the goal to be detested



That pattern goes for the following circle of dichotomy:


…./flexible – creative/destructive – irresponsible/responsible – good/evil – callous/helpful – sharing/selfish – worthless/valued – upstanding/degraded – weak/strong – active/inactive – unable/powerful – free/enslaved – unconscious/aware – knowing/unknowing – stupid/smart – wise/foolish – Failure/Success – admired/detested – hated/loved – praised/rediculed – irrational/sensible – competant/incompetant – wasteful/productive – enduring/transient – sequenced/timeless – pervasive/located – fixed/….


When you release charge and manifestation of dichotomy, uncomfortable charge usually will be gone

where's the other attachments your missing 188 pages of matrix V 3 volume, and matrix V 4 volume

But thank you so much 4 all u given, I wanted to read this for a long time.  I am so apprecative of this information.  May you be enlightened, Amen.


my bad your just missing volume 4 you have the rest here


my bad your just missing volume 4 you have the rest here



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