For those that have been with Us for awhile you of course remember when the Resistance had to shut its doors and keep much of the information internal and able to be viewed only by those that have signed up and gone through the approval process. 

Wonka's doors have open and Golden tickets are passing about. ;-) In a continuing effort to bring more enlightenment in this critical time, We are opening the doors of the Resistance for 1 Week. This means that friends can view our content here without logging on. Many have a phobia of signing up to any network, especially when they are going through a heavy spiritual process in which paranoia is at its height. 

We also encourage members for this week to take advantage of the "share with Facebook button". Generally when the site is locked sharing posts will only result in getting a person to the sign in screen, now they will be able to view the complete post, so pick your favorite posts and share them with those you perceive are ready. 

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Thanks for doing this, its perfect timing because with the recent death in my family, I have been in touch with other family members. I have a cousin (I have alot of cousins =) that has been investigating various forms of esoteric information over the internet etc. This is the perfect opportunity to interject with this information, before she gets "hived" into one of the factions out there.

This ticket has expired. Shields back up Captain and for the tourers they must now leave, tell Slugworth I said wassup.

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