Like alot of us making ends meet is sometimes a challenge and as we know getting out of debt and freeing ourselves from the unnecessary burdens of everyday life will allow time to awake and help others do the same. I think living free is the greatest gift one can have. I also think that is we are going to play monopoly we should know the rules. No small group should control the people withall of the power. That is why it is so important for all of us to wake up. Everyone isn't mismanaging funds or living beyond there means. Know that the system was designed for you to fail from the very begining. Education has failed, religion has failed, Believing in leaders have failed. Education begins when you forget all of that crap they programed you in school. If you are going to learn anything it will have to come from you will to learn and not be programmed. COME OUT OF HER! You are the treasure, the gold, the wealth of this nation without you there would be nothing. Nothing is more important than waking up an evolving. I just think that if someof the burden was removed it would be easier.





Wholeness family

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What's up Rocco! count it all joy my brother even when it seems so hard to. There is growth in trials perfecting comes outof trials. Stay focused on the things that are important. Trials are only temporary ignorance can last a lifetime for some. The system we can change over night, but our thoughts we have control of and we can change and control our thoughts at will. This world system is not for us come out of her. Thoughts become things my brother Im glad you are staying focused. When things get hard it is important to have vision and see things as they should be and not as they are. Wholeness to you



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