I was looking at pictures of crop circles and I noticed that I would feel this unfamiliar energy when I looked at them. I would also hear this extremely high pitched ringing in my ears, which I always hear but it would be intensified when looking at pictures. Some would seem to send me into a trance like state and I would feel really fast vibrations in the area of my 6th chakra. The one pictured below is the one that causes the strongest reaction. I get this intense burst of energy vibrating throughout my entire body starting from the area of my 1st chakra and it would move up my body and spread. I guess the best way to describe it would be to say that it is something like an extremely strong orgasm. Usually the next day after looking at the circle my period starts, no matter what phase of my menstrual cycle I'm in. Is there anyone who has any insights on this? Am I the only person this happens to from looking at crop circle pictures? I've read about things happening to people who were inside of crop circles, but not about people looking at pictures of them. Any insight on this will be greatly appreciated because I'm starting to wonder if there is something strange going on with me.

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If you are experiencing strange sensation from this visualization you are receptive to 6D energies. This particular crop circle is indicating that energy will be pulsating from one of the 6D neighbors. This brings about that cue of individuals transition, which pay have already occurred or in on running. Crop circles are created using scalar technolology. Crop circles are projected and placed a light over major ley-lines, this light bends but does not break, there are many ley lines especially in the country, then the fractal permeates the globe with its energy pinging off the grid. I do believe I wrote about that in The Code.
To add more proof to what is going on with the crop circle scalar programming.

This gateway is well mapped and that otherside is well, different to say the least.
Wow! I get the same reaction from the first picture you post that I get from the one above, but even stronger. I'm gonna start doing research on scalar technology. This is my first time "hearing" about this. Thanks Sevan!! I was really starting to think something was wrong with me. In The Code you say "Reason 150: It becomes obvious that Crop Circles are not created by benevolent Alien forces from space trying to communicate to us. They are created by the same Hyperdimensional Tricksters that plague are Planet and continue to fool us with their lies and God-like Technology". Does this mean that it would be best for me to avoid looking at pictures of crop circles?
Not at all, gather the information and store it to connect the rest of the dots. Just be aware of what you are looking at and its intentions. Just like the language, We know the language has issues but knowing that puts us in a much different position then those that do not know.
I noticed this one today.
Savernake Forest, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. Reported 23rd June

Looks like a triangle on-top of another 3 point symbol, more diamond shape ...or perhaps six separate units joined in the middle. Behind it there is a circle, could possibly be a moon. I find crop circles fascinating and also look for the hidden meanings in it. Sometimes they have riddles like the "pi" symbol. Perhaps they are warnings of what's to come... do they have any positive messages or would it be better if they are perhaps "destroyed"?

source: cropcircleconnector



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