Always keeping in mind many are waking up every day it is good to have a list of preferred movies. Although I do no wholly agree with all the ideas presented the part of the concept is freedom by information. If you have trouble finding the whole copies of any of these movies let Us know as they should be available except for the ones that have not been released. If you have a suggestion please embed at least the trailer. 

Occupation 101

The Cove – Animal Rights";},"playlist":[{"url":";}]}">

Zeitgiest Addendum

Collapse – Big Business

America – Freedom or Fascism

How things Work

The Corporation

Food Inc.

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I just had to put this back up Sevan,

what is it?
Inception (2010)

In a world where technology exists to enter the human mind through dream invasion, a single idea within one's mind can be the most dangerous weapon or the most valuable asset.

"Your mind is the scene of the crime"

The dream is real . . .


"Renegade" By: Jan Kounen Film "BlueBerry Trip"/"Ayuhuasca"
There's also another film by Jan Kounen "Other Worlds", it's similar to Blueberry / Renegade but it's a documentary about Ayuhuasca, the best one I've seen about Ayuhuasca.
A Journey into The Heart of Shipibo Shamanism
The secrets about unlocking the mysteries of consciousness by plant-drugs. The related chances and risks involved in this shamanism.

It makes one think why these plants are not legal in countries like the US, yet in countries like Peru and Brazil it is, there are even churches that use it. I wonder also why Sevan says in his book that psychedelic plants/hallucinogens is not good. I think it's not something to do for "fun" but have read about many people that had spiritual awakenings after using it.
Watching this sent me to a realm of disturbance . . . from past experiences.

DMT is a very powerful hallucinogen that kicks in very quickly and can produce a very strong trip that usually lasts between 10-30 minutes.

Heart rate and blood pressure increase dramatically and there is a feeling of exhilaration and confusion. Some people are overcome by the strength of the drug, and it is important to feel safe and relaxed in your environment, preferably with a friend to look out for you.

Side effects: Some people have become very scared and paranoid after taking DMT. Its effects can be very disorientating resulting in panic and confusion.

Health risks: If you've high blood pressure or heart problems taking DMT could be risky. Try not to mix it up with drugs like poppers, coke or E as this could send your poor old heart into a frenzy.

Cube Trailer

Michael Moore's next film explores the root causes of the global economic meltdown and takes a comical look at the corporate and political shenanigans that culminated in what Moore has described as the biggest robbery in the history of this country the massive transfer of U.S. taxpayer money to private financial institutions.Michael Moore, Capitalism, Love Story, New Movie, Corporation, Government Bail Out, AIG, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, Documentary, Political, Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11, Roger and Me, George W Bush, Barack Obama, Congress, General Motors, Flint, Politics

This film draws similar conclusions to "The Collapse" and Zeitgeist. The capitalism system is flawed and need to collapse in order for humanity to evolve. The greed of bankers & Wall street put us in this mess...

I know this post is titled "Movies" but they all play a part in programming . . . "The concept is Freedom by Information"

In this clip from the pilot episode, young Kwai Chang Caine (Grasshopper) and Shaolin Master Po meet for the first time. Master Po is quick to demonstrate to Grasshopper that great virtue is often hidden behind assumed misfortune.

This video was taken from the 1970's TV series 'Kung Fu' (Created by Ed Spielman, Herman Miller and Jerry Thorpe). It is essentially an American Western set in the latter half of the 1800's, with an Eastern hero who has neither a gun or a horse. The story follows the adventures of Kwai Chang Caine (David Carradine); a nature loving Shaolin priest, who recently fled China. He speaks softly but is no pushover. He lives humbly yet knows great contentment.

Each episode also takes the viewer back to Caine's childhood in the Shaolin temple. It is here under the instruction of the wonderfully charismatic Master Po (Keye Luke) and the stern yet loving Master Kan (Philip Ahn), young Caine (Radames Pera) learns the harmoniously balanced ways of Tao.

The teachings of the Shaolin was meticulously researched for the Kung Fu series. This makes Kung Fu one of the most authentic interpretations of Philosophical Taoism available in popular culture. I was therefore surprised to see no one else had presented selected scenes from Kung Fu as an introduction to the Taoist philosophy.

"Fear Is the Only Darkness"

The Island (2005)

In 2019, Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta are best friends in a repressive and intriguing society, where everybody expects to win the lottery. The prize is to move to a paradisaical island outside the domes that protect the dwellers against the contaminated environment. Jordan wins the lottery, and Lincoln accidentally finds the scary truth behind the Utopian award: they are clones, generated to provide replacement organs and parts to the owners of insurance policy.

theres several parts to the arrivals on youtube. watch every one. i know it has a muslim/islam slant but theres some vital info in there if you ask me.

oh yeah......



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