Hello to ourselves! I am new and still trying to figure out the site, but I would love to connect with anyone. Especially bodies near Baltimore, MD so that I might chance to see you in person and not just digitally. But I am happy just to be here and be a part of all of this. Open minds and hearts. Prevailing frequencies of wholeness and wisdom. xo

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Wholeness my sister! WEME would like to welcome you home and give thanks for one of the most essential and important decisions one can make in life and that is truly being on the path to wholeness while maintaining it in balance (SELF MASTERY)! Along with myself, there are plenty of our brothers and sisters on the Resistance and Secret Energy sites who will help assist you on the path. I do live in the DMV area and would have no problem connecting with you when time permits. I look forward to hearing from you and wish you wholeness and balanced vibrations!

How wonderful to get a response and to find out that you are near. I thank you for letting me feel that I am not alone on my journey and you are open to helping. I do have questions and musings, but at the moment I find that there is still so much material to be versed in that I am waiting to see if my questions will find answers in provided works before I waste anyone's time. Thank you very much for your welcome. It is received and appreciated. xo



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