Superfood Lifestyle Sources For Maintaining Optimal Wholeness & Balance

I wanted to include a list of some Wholesale online Super Food sources for maintaining our Wholeness & Balance throughout life on the Metaquest. Once we are clean, clear, awake, aware in wholeness & balance we need to maintain that with our daily diets. These are the companies I buy from either online or at my local Health Food Store to maintain my Whole-Lifestyle.

The body is 70% water so we should be consuming more liquids than solids. Also find what foods work best for you & your tastes not all diets are equal... I have one "Solid" meal a day the rest are nutrient dense liquids and a few Super Snacks.

The Raw Food World:

Earth Shift Products:

Healtforce Nutritionals:



Vegan Recipes:

Jason Wrobel:


Matt Monarch / The RawFood World TV:

Buy a BlendTec ( High Speed Blender )you can make payments for it.

Enjoy... Eat Well, Be Well... We Are What We Eat ! WBV :)

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Nice Phi! Thanks for the source list! Definitely at this point. Been using the Health Force products regularly. Growing lots of food here, Farmers Markets and local health food Co-op's. WBV!!

Yw Randy, yes I love HealthForce products too, I use a few of their items in my daily diet too, Great company too. 

The answers you seek for Nutrex -Hawaii is found in the FAQ section :

In my experience with Spirulina & other Super Nutrients / Super Foods you want only the best, purest & highest quality. Nutrex makes/ farms the Purest Quality Spirulina on the Planet !! There is plenty of information at the Nutrex site if you look thoroughly at the links provided at site ( usually at bottom of page btw ).

Yes, you get what you pay for... I'm not familiar with the Sunburst Superfoods company but after reading their Spirulina product page this what I found at bottom of page: Country of Origin : China ! ( Bad News ) Never buy any food stuff from China EVER !! So leads me to think Sunburst Superfoods is JUNK, Bunk & Just in it for the money, plus their site looks totally generic too, another sign that site / store is Crap. 

From Nutrex Site FAQ: 

Q: What makes Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica different from other Spirulina brands?  

A:  The key factors that make Spirulina Pacifica unique are:  

•Continuous cultivation - Since 1985, Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica® has been in constant production 12 months out of the year – creating a superior strain of Spirulina with the highest levels of key nutrients of any Spirulina in the world.  

•Location - the only Spirulina grown on the pristine coast of Kona, Hawaii, a site with more coastal sunlight than any other area of the United States.   Constant exposure to sunlight ensures high levels of carotenoids are present in the Spirulina. 

•Water - Nutrex Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica® is cultivated in open ponds using a combination of 100% fresh potable water from Hawaiian aquifers and ultra-pure, deep ocean water.  The ocean water enriches Spirulina Pacifica with 94 minerals and trace elements. (All other Spirulina farms use river water or irrigation water for cultivation.) 

•Patented Drying system - Nutrex Hawaii developed Ocean Chill Drying™ especially to eliminate the oxidation of carotenes, enzymes and fatty acids that occurs in standard dryers. The closed system process takes 3-7 seconds and uses less than one percent oxygen to preserve the phytonutrients.  This patented system relies on very cold deep ocean water to provide dehumidification and is unique to Hawaiian Spirulina®.  

Videos from Nutrex about company & farm :


No worries Phil, Only you can delete " your " posts / replies.  Id leave it for others who may have similar questions on Spirulina. The reason not to buy from China is their Land & Rivers are completely destroyed from massive pollution. China is a toxic waste dump & they have no qualms about poisoning people for money. 

You mentioned online Wholesale food sources. In general these companies will only sell at wholesale cost if a person has some sort of relevant business in the health field and or some kind of license, degree, certification, etc. My opinion of most of these companies is that they aren't worth what they are charging full retail and wholesale makes them reasonable and appropriate for most people who are living paycheck to paycheck as 90% of people are.

One more thing, at the Health Ranger Mike Adams started an independent lab that tests health products doing full chemical assays to determine quality. I would advise people when thinking about incorporating a particular product long term into one's diet to check his lab to see if the particular brand has been tested yet. I recently found that my friend was taking Jarrow Rice Protein and it was loaded with some of the highest Lead levels of any brand. I found this under the major rice protein brand study.



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