Wholeness family, so I acquired a frequency generator the (Spooky2) and I thought that it would be somewhat easy to dive in, but i don't know if I'm using it correctly. Mostly I get shocked as it changes frequencies in the program or just using the solfeggio frequencies in contact mode. Is there any advice I could get from the group to help out my innerstanding of these technologies? Maybe general thoughts and experiences with using these technologies especially the contact portion of the generators? Thank you all. WBV!!!

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The shock might be related to several things from wether if the device is being connected into a proper grounded power outlet preventing environmental overvoltage, to the use of the proper power cord that usually is specific to the instrument and that may have to be properly authorized, to the way the person holds the handles. Don't know if you're using handles with that device or some other form but if you are, try not to hold the handles directly on to the metal but wrap them in a paper towel instead wich can also have a little bit of tap water so it can conduct enough electricity. Hope that helps.



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